Short Story from College – LET ME TAKE A SELFIE
Photo credit: wintersixfour from morguefile.com
Looking back at the freshman year, my life was like a cityscape, busy and vibrant .At that time I used to live in a hostel with my friends. It was quite fun as it was a boys hostel, and the best part was that there were no parents around. Still there were a lot of rules which we were supposed to follow like after 11 pm. no one was allowed outside the rooms.
One fine day around 1 am in the morning me and my friends were talking about our past lives (before college) when suddenly we heard wild noises. So just out of sheer curiosity we just looked out of the window in order to confirm what was happening. And what we saw scared the hell out of us as two gangs were fighting on the main road . At that movement only few members of both the gangs were there but they were threatening each other that other members were coming too. Mean while all 6 of us (me and my friends) ran out of our rooms to get a better view but unfortunately our warden was awake at that movement so we were forced to go back to our rooms. He was little cranky .
But since we were a little mischievous too so after few minutes we gathered around the veranda . The entrance of that veranda was blocked by a door which was locked by our warden. But one our my friends was kinda good with locks so with the help of a pin he opened that door. It was quite surprising because even we didn’t know about his talent . Well, so we quietly went into our veranda but what we saw made our eyes pop out of our sockets . There were more than 20 people with bats and hockey sticks and I was pretty sure they weren’t standing there to play ice hockey.
While such stupid thoughts were running across my mind suddenly I saw a car coming towards them , it probably belonged to one of those gangs. So as the car stopped near them a few more people came out and went towards their respective gangs. As the car started moving one of the members from the other gang ran toward the car and started hitting the door which was wide open. Before anyone could understand what was happening the door literally came out of the car and it’s driver just pressed the pedal as hard as he could have and drove far away just like that road runner used to run from that kids cartoon . Within the next ten seconds everyone was covered in blood and were still hitting each other .
In order to get a better view me and my friends jumped and stood over the bar that was made to protect us from falling . The whole road was covered with blood , for a second I could even hear the cracking of bones but then I realised it was just one of my friends playing with his knuckles. The fight kept going on for hours and eventually stopped around 4 am when they heard the siren of the police vehicle which was patrolling on the very next road. By hearing that noise everyone panicked and started running here and there, even my friends were running because I guess we were the solo witness of the whole incident and none of us wanted to get into any type of trouble .
Meanwhile everyone was running I was trying to click selfies with people covered in blood. Unfortunately my friends pulled me inside and I failed to click even a single picture for my wall on facebook. The very next day we were called by the manager of our hostel and got a good scolding as due to the excitement we had forgotten that there were surveillance cameras inside our hostel.
An year later someone died in one of those fights and everyone started posting stuff about such gangs on facebook , people who might have never even heard of those gangs and that time I realised something that changed my life. During that fight I should have done something, something like clicking a selfie.