Short Story from College – Candy
Photo credit: xenia from morguefile.com
That evening, like always, all the guys went out for their break. Our college had weirdest rules. Girls and guys weren’t allowed to talk to avoid any blooming of love. I was always dumbfounded at the measures my college took to prevent any contact between us and the boys. We weren’t allowed to go to the canteen when guys were around, we couldn’t walk in places where there were too many of them, waving hi was a crime and trying to talk in the class was a sin. Their reactions if they were to ever catch someone were obnoxiously overrated.
So for all the breaks all the guys left the classroom for us and went out to god-knows-where. Like always we were peeping into their notebooks, making fun of their doodles and scribbles when suddenly, the guys came back in a bunch. We quietly got up and walked to our desks on the right when I noticed him walk in. I watched him, not averting my gaze as he walked past me. He was tall, one of the tallest in my class, walked with his head tilted lightly up. I started my ‘dude-rating-observing’. Good body with the face of a baby, as if a real baby’s face was attached to a man’s body.His looks were neutral. I tried to say something but I never had words to describe his looks.
I still remember saying “I don’t know why but I can never think of something for this boy’ to my friends.I laughed at it. To be honest, I pitied him too. That was still the time when I had absolutely zero interest in him. I had an experimental subject already; another boy from my class. Girls bought back bad memories so I never considered ‘observing’ girls.He was calm, quiet, never too showy and kept within himself. That boy dozed off a lot during any lectures, and I always had a weird soft spot for sleeping people. They were cute, and so was my ‘experimental subject’. No romantic feelings or whatsoever.
He was just a boy I observed to pass my boring time in class. However this boy didn’t keep my interest up for too long. People usually don’t interest me for more than a week, I wonder if that’s an abnormality. Then I thought “sure, he can be my next target.” I could have sworn that I was very confident about “losing interest” with this guy too. Weeks passed, I sat on the front rows and he on the back. I couldn’t turn back to watch him without getting caught by nosy girls. I didn’t mind too much, I wasn’t that interested. I’d watch him when he walked out or walked in, that was it.
He always walked like that; his head was slightly tilted up and he sighed as if he was pushing himself, straightly looked at the blackboard on the back. It really was scary, walking midst all those groups of opposite gender when you’re not supposed to know them. I was a huge deal for me(for I was scared of guys), so I guessed he was similar. At that time I rarely attended my college. It was another dull place in my dull life. My mom’s nagging was the only reason I still went. My friends here were really nice, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t. My home was equally dull, a bit better because I got to sleep conveniently. That was how my daily routine was; dullness;and that was how it was originally supposed to be. But things changed.
(to be continued)