School Short Story – If i would go back in time
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
It is a very hard decision to choose that precise moment, day or event because frankly speaking i have a lot of them. As far as i am concerned i am a kind of personality who doesent like to live in the past but still every one has skeletons in their cupboard. Going back in time is a hypothical situation but if such things happen then i would certainly opt to go back in past.
The moment i would chose to go back will be when i was a little kid around 4 to 5 years. I was admitted in the school. By that time i was not aware what a school is, I was informed by my parents that its a very nice place and i will enjoy my stay there. i was very excited. Finally moment of truth arrived .I was suppose to go to school on a cool day if i remembered correctly. My parents woke me up early in the morning, they also seem to be very excited. My mother got me ready, had my breakfast and left for school along with my parents. I was emotionless and my mind was blank through out the journey.
When i reach the school , my parents sent me inside the gate. I was confused because i thought they would accompany me. They handed me over a very kind hearted lady. Although she was very kind but still she was a perfect stranger for me. I was nervous, the lady took me in the classroom where i found 15 or 20 more students of my age sitting there in class. The atmosphere of class was very bright and colourful . There were toys all around us. Another lady who was present in class introduced herself to us. She was our class teacher.
For an initial half an hour I was very comfortable looking here and there, but i don’t know why for some reasons i started missing my mother. I looked around but couldn’t find her so i started crying. The teacher came to me and said few polite words which i cant remember right now . I kept on crying, after a few minutes that almost half of the class was crying with me . To me now its a very pleasant memory as its a day which i will never forgot.