Suspense Short Story – Joy Ride
Photo credit: lynette from morguefile.com
It was just like any other ordinary night. The sky was out, as well as the dreary stars. You could hear the owls hooting in the background of the night. There was nothing but silence. Seems like a pretty regular night, right? Guess again.
5 best friends were all snuggled together in the attic. Damian’s jet black hair was slicked back and as greasy as ever. Carlos lay beside Juan surfing through the Playboy magazine that he’d stolen from his older brother, Chris. Angel sat in his sleeping bag reading an old Goosebumps book. And once again, Kendall and Sean were fighting… again.
“Don’t you walk away from me! How did you get this?!” demanded Sean.
Kendall’s face turned a light shade of pink.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. It was already there when I found it.” said Kendall.
The boys stopped what they were doing and looked up at the scene. Sean was dangling what looked like a silver bracelet. It was actually a necklace. Sean’s necklace that his father had given him before he left for Iraq. It had went missing about a week about and Sean had looked everywhere for it. He had found it in Kendall’s belongings.
“My dad gave this to me! You knew I was looking for it! Why’d you steal it?” asked Sean.
Kendall smirked.
“Do you have proof?” he chuckled.
Sean was getting furious.
“I KNOW YOU STOLE IT!! You kept asking to borrow it for weeks, and I said no!” shouted Sean.
Angel departed his sleeping bag and stepped between Sean and Kendall.
“Guys. Calm down. We’re best friends.” he said calmly.
Angel turned and faced Kendall.
“Now Kendall, did you take Sean’s necklace?” he asked.
Kendall left eye began to twitch. He looked around the attic until finally looking back to Angel.
Sean lunged at Kendall, but Angel hit him in the ribs.
“Stop it! I’m sick of you guys fighting! You’ve been at it for weeks, let’s give it a rest. This is our last weekend together before our junior year starts so let’s make the best of it.” said Angel.
Finally, Sean walked away and sat on the couch.
Kendall laughed and turned away, heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” asked Juan.
“Out.” said Kendall, in a very chilling tone.
Kendall opened the door and existed the attic.
“Was that really necessary?” asked Carlos, looking at Sean.
Sean gave him a stare that said “Don’t push it”.
3 hours later, the boys had finally went to sleep.
That was until a cold hand has touched Carlo’s shoulder.
“Mmm” Carlos mumbled.
“Wake up” said a voice.
Carlos wiped his eyes and looked up, it was Kendall.
“What?” Carlos demanded.
Kendall woke everyone else as well, including Sean.
“Get up. Come on, guys. Come with me.”
Juan checked the clock.
“It’s 3 flipping o’ clock in the mornin'” he mumbled.
“Let’s go!” Kendall demanded.
Everyone got up and followed Kendall out of the Attic’s back door.
Outside, you could hear nothing but the sound of grass hoppers and crickets.
“Where are we going?” asked Angel.
Kendall snapped.
“Don’t ask questions, just come on”.
The boys followed Kendall. Kendall was leading them down the road into someone else’s yard. They stopped in the driveway behind a black SUV. Kendall walked over to the driver’s window.
“What are you doing?!” asked Sean.
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!” demanded Kendall. “They might hear us.”
Kendall brushed his fingers against the car.
“I’ve been wanting to drive this baby since I saw her. My mom has the same car and she won’t let me drive it. So I took her keys. It sure work fine on this one.”
Juan let out a scream.
“Juan, shut up!!” said Carlos.
Juan’s finger pointed to the side of the neighbor’s house.
The boys all looked. There was a dark figure standing on the side of the house. He had something in his hand. It looked like an axe. It was a man. He looked as though he’d been waiting on us to arrive.
“Run!” said Sean.
“No! Get in!” said Kendall. “NOW!”
The boys obeyed and got in the car. Kendall started the car, and it began to move. It backed out the driveway and sped down the road. The SUV began going off the road.
“THIS IS CRAZY!!” yelled Juan
The lights on their street began to come on. Carlos looked out the back window of the car. There was what looked like water pouring from the bottom of the car. There was a gas leakage. The car was going to explode.
“Kendall, stop the car!!” shouted Carlos.
Kendall’s face looked maniac. His eyes were glued to the road, the car left the road, and went over on people’s lawns. The car was out of control. Until finally, the car ran into a tree at a stop light. Behind the tree was an area of green grass. The park.
Sean began sniffing.
“The car’s going to explode!!!” he screamed. “Let’s go!”
The boys all jumped from the car. The minute they did so, the car went up in flames. The flames were a misty blue color, and then it shortly turned a fiery burning yellow. And then the car finally exploded. The boys were face down in grass. Carlos was the first one to look up. The boys all got up and began to run away from the scene. They ran and ran as fast as they could. After about 2 minutes of running, they finally stopped. Then a horrifed look came across Carlo’s face. There was Juan. There was Angel. There was Sean. But… NO KENDALL. Carlo’s throat dropped immediately.
Kendall was still in the car.