Friends Suspense Short Story – The Three Friends : A New life
Photo credit: caldosh from morguefile.com
I just opened my eyes. The vision was blur and tilting. I refreshed my mind. Then I understood that my surroundings was covered with trees and bushes. I was having a slight pain in my head and when I touched my head, I found a scar along with some stitches. My hair was long and beard was thick making me to understand that it has been several months from my hair cut that means I was there from long time. I don’t know what happened to my head. And it surprised me when I tried to imagine my face.
I forgot how my face look like, I forgot everything including my name. I forgot my entire past, I don’t even recognise my parents. The only thing I could recognize was— my finger pointing out at two persons and me laying down on the ground. This was my last scene I could recognize. This image was persisting in my brain simultaneously .The image was not so clear and also there was something missing in it. It was impossible for me to remember the missing figure in it. And also I could not figure out the persons in it. The real thing which puzzled my brain was why I couldn’t recognise my face but instead of those two people. So this gave a clean description for me that these two people took major place in my past. My next doubt was, how did I live these many days without food. But I don’t have any answer for it.
Keeping these things in my mind, I started to walk. I struggled to walk like a young baby who walked for the first time. Soon I realized that I was at a forest. Trees were colourful and rocks were lifeless. Bushes were everywhere making sense that this area was restricted from long time. When I started to walk, surroundings seemed to be abnormal. I felt as if something was following me. But this didn’t make a sense in me because of my mind diverting to the past. I walked for several days to get out of forest. All the days I spent in the forest was by thinking about incomplete image and two guys . And I decided that I should know my past and the only way was to meet those two people. I walked for hours together, adjusting with the food which I could get in the forest. Finally the annoying sound of the vehicles were heard and dense forest started retreating. I stepped for some extent and my next step was in a city.
The city was filled with skyscrapers but people seemed to be heartless except few. People started to stare and wander at me. When I asked them to help me they treated me as a beast. They were moving away from me. They were feeling uncomfortable when I tried to speak with them. It made me to think that the world has lost humanity. As the height of the buildings increased the love towards humans decreased. Tears rose from my eyes. I just fell on my knees. I felt as its better to die than leading this hopeless life.
Then a person -a real human ,rose me up and took me to his house. He allowed me express my feelings, he provided food and allowed for shower and share his clothes. I asked him why he had saved me and the reply was “I saw the real depth in your tears” said he. He introduced himself as Smith and said that he learnt to love humans and humanity from his daughter named Lisa. It was my real fortune to meet someone like such people. I explained everything I remember and said about losing of my past and requested him to help me. He whole heartedly granted it. He said about his friends Smaran Nair and Nikhil Saju who lost a friend and this made them to fall in depression. He also said that the both were extreme at knowledge but the depression made them to lose everything. All he said was in a sad expression.
He was having a baby, it was actually his daughter’s daughter. The day completed talking about ourselves and next day began when Smith said ” Bye, I am leaving. I have to go for work”. I woke up. I refreshed in no time. Then uselessly again I started to think about my past. Then a call from Smith has come. Soon I picked up, he said “Hey man , its amazing. I got your past . I am coming back to home”. That situation was speechless. I was more exited. I was waiting for him and his explanation. It has been several hours since his call. I just went to the corridor. I saw him coming. I moved several steps front with pleasant expression in my face. His face was also seemed to be happy.
Suddenly I heard a smashing sound and when I saw, Smith was laying on the ground and bleeding completely. His head was broken and he almost lost his life. His last moment was turning his face towards me and then he gave a guilty expression. Everything happened in fraction of seconds. His eyes were open, didn’t close forever. Still I couldn’t believe that sad miracle happened within seconds.
It was 11 p.m. I went to bed and still I was not knowing whether I should feel sorrow or helpless. Smith said that he got to know about me but I lost him. This time I felt the pain of hell in my heart. There was an another call for me. The number was written as unknown. When I picked up the call, caller said ” hey , I am at Div forest .Please save me”.
Immediately I searched for Div forest and I understood that it was the forest from where I had come. I rushed to reach as soon as possible. There most surprisingly I found a girl running into bushes. I made my mind and heart strong ,though it was night and also at a forest. Her locomotion was something different. The sounds from the forest horrified me. But keeping all these points aside, I followed her. At one moment she disappeared . But it made me to feel that something was back of me. I turned my face and found a beautiful girl. She resembled like goddess of my past. By seeing her face I remembered the moments I was with her during my past .
She said that she is Lisa. And she was the figure which was missing in my last scene. Her next words were “Are you alright now?” . She said those words so confidently as if she knew everything about my past. When I asked her -does she know anything about me , She did not reply for that instead she said she was the one who severed for me those many days when I was unconscious. When I asked her why did she serve?, she said that she learnt humanity from me when I saved her during my past . So immediately I asked what did I do in the past. There was no sound from her. She was mute. The next sentence was “take care of you and of other two”.
I really don’t know who were the other two. She started to run and at last she said again ” take care of the other two friends” and disappeared .I don’t know where she had gone. She included the word Friend in the last line which touched my heart personally. From then Whenever I remembered the word Friendship my heart started to melt. That word penetrated deep into my heart. My past was extremely filled with these two friends. The love and affection they showed towards me in the past was still in my heart but not their faces. They were true friends. That friendship made me to remember those two people instead of my face. Although I got hurt on my head I forgot my past. Still I don’t remember the past . Now my remaining chore was to find those two men and obviously my past.
I searched the entire city for them. I don’t even know anyone to take help from them. I didn’t find them. Although I was not knowing there faces it was pretty hard for me. I just spread the news about myself and I bit of my past which I knew among the city with the help of a telecaster to gather information. I had included about the two friends in the information but also there was no result that satisfied me. I started to retreat from there. I stopped near a river. As Soon as I saw my face in the water, the next thing which was persisting in my brain was the name ‘ Munna ‘. So I understood that its my name but it was of no use.
Then most surprisingly I got a call, it was a male voice — “Hello, I am very sorry to say this but I have to say. Two friends are no more, they are dead.”
This time I felt guilty and helpless. The story of friendship was broken. I lost complete hopes on my life. So I took a major decision that was to die.
I climbed a crowded bridge. I took my step on the fence of the bridge. I just leaned forward and made a free fall into water. Usually, I started to sink.
But during my last breathe in the water I saw someone on the bridge. There were my friends!! . I felt as if I need a second chance to change my faith. But I don’t deserve it. Their faces made me to remember my complete past. —[past] We three were forever friends and extremely good at studies. We three were going in ‘ Fly board Jetpack’ made by one of my friend, as a joyful trip. But due to the break in one of my wing I tend to fall. Luckily there was a forest below me where I did not get any hurt. So I got up. I found a mountain there and I stared to climb it and I reached the top to locate the other two friends. But I didn’t find them. Instead of them I found a lady photographer who was taking photos from the top. Unknowingly she stepped out of the mountain where she slipped and was hanging to the mountain. I immediately rushed to the spot. I grabbed her hand , she was not single, she was also carrying a baby in the baby carrier belt attached to her back. I tried to pull her, but I couldn’t because she was not completely cooperating because of the presence of the baby. The only way I found to save two lives was to grab her upwards by leaning my body downwards. And I did it. This made me to fall from the top of the mountain by saving their lives but this time I got hurt on my head. My eyes started to retire. There I saw my friends searching for me in the forest but I couldn’t call them. She rushed down for me. My last words were “call them” and pointed my fingers at them but by the time she turned, they disappeared. And me ,I closed my eyes. [The girl was Lisa].—– This was my past which I remembered.
The call which had come saying that two friends were dead ,was a rumour and was a false call.
When I opened my eyes, I was at a hospital in that city where my friends were waiting outside. A fisherman saw me sinking and saved me. When my friends saw me sinking they also rushed to the spot. Soon, I was discharged . The love showed by them were still in their faces and the faces were filled with no sad or sorrow from then. By the way, their names were Smaran Nair and Nikhil Saju- friends of Mr Smith.
And the most important and surprising thing was that While returning back I read news from a newspaper .The newspaper was several months older one. The news was ‘Lisa -the photographer died due to cancer ‘ this news surprised me . So immediately ran to Div forest. I found her laying down. Soon she saw me ,she said ” I am sorry, because I am not real. When I felt that you were still having breathe, from then I started to serve you to save your breathe. But unfortunately I died after few days of your unconsciousness without completely serving for you. You saved me but I couldn’t live long. But the humanity in you, made me to save and serve even after my death. I am the soul of Lisa“.Unknowingly Lisa became good friend of mine .
And she permanently disappeared because her job was done. I felt sorrow to lose such a friend but its too late and useless.
I remembered my past and my life before ,my friends were out of depressions. They were now having a tearful smile filled with happiness on their faces which they missed for several months.
And now, We three started our new lives.
The true friendship never breaks.