Short Story with Moral – The Thirst of Friendship

The Thirst of Friendship – Short Story with Moral
Photo credit: nazka2002 from
Note: All the characters here are imaginary; this story is not intended to hurt anyone.
Nancy was walking lonely as usual in the morning in New Jersey, USA. She was in the midst of misty snow and melting drops of fogs. She was keen watching the beauty of nature and proceeding her morning walk. The beauty of nature made her feel very happy that she proceeded with a delightful contentment in her heart.
Suddenly, she saw a car which was damaged due to the vibrant ice bergs resulting from the cold weather. She was starring at that car for some time. Her feeling of contentment then took a different feel in her heart. As Nancy reached USA a week back for her higher studies and was new to USA, she missed her home town a lot; she was not accustomed to the routine life in USA by then.
Thoughts on her past memorable experiences with her family and friends made her more dejected. She compared “her life in US” with “the damaged car” as she was away from all her well-wishers especially her close friends and parents. Feeling emotionally very weak, she felt the importance of her friends and friendship in everyday’s and everyone’s life.
As the car was damaged, it was lonely and it did not have anyone to take care/ attend. Similarly, she had no one to take care of her and to share her thoughts, feelings, affection, love, etc. The thought of loneliness provoked her so much that she could not tolerate; She was feeling very distressed.
Despite all her feelings, Nancy heard a snoring noise. All of a sudden, Nancy woke up from her deep sleep and finally recognized that all that happened was a nightmare. However, Nancy concluded that she had these feelings in her inner conscious which caused this dream. Ultimately, Nancy convinced herself as her stay in US is going to be only temporary and friends can be parted but friendship cannot be. She went into a deep sleep once again.
Moral: Change and separation are inevitable; however, think practically and work accordingly; nobody or nothing can part a real relationship through hearts.