What If You Change Your Mind – Short Story Love
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
‘What if you change your mind?’
The three friends Lucy, Jane and Nimisha were all at the café talking about school and gossiping about guys.
‘Guess what?? My cousin is coming from Europe tomorrow.’ said Lucy.
‘Wait a minute that guy?? The guy who you continuously talk about and the hot guy who was rowing the boat? Oh my god, oh my god?’ cried out Jane.
‘Aren’t you excited Nimisha?’ said Lucy
‘excited about what?’ replied Nimisha
‘O about your cousin Jackob, well I haven’t even seen him in Facebook so yeah, not really interested. And I don’t even like these loves and crushes. You guys know that. Then why do you keep on asking me to go on a date. I’ll go on a date and fall in love when I want to, so no pressure guys.’ said Nemo, name called by everyone, while she with her friends were leaving the café.
The next day came and Lucy went to receive Jackob from the airport and they had a short sweet sibling conversation.
‘You know? I need you help’ said Lucy.
‘About what?’ replied Jack.
‘you know my friend Nimisha right? so she needs someone , actually I want her to go on a date, fall in love and get her first kiss. soo….’
‘sorry Lucy I have no friend who is single, I don’t think I can help you and your friend.’
‘Actually I was thinking if you would meet her and you know impress her.’ replied Lucy.
‘I don’t know. what if she falls in love with me but I don’t have the same feeling for her? what then?’
‘Please, please, please, not for me but for Nemo. You don’t want to see me happy do you?’ said Lucy with her eyes all big trying hard to convince Jack.
‘Fine. but only for Nimisha or whoever your friend is. But everything must happen the way I say. I’ll come to your places like the café and your other hang out areas and do things but promise you won’t tell Nimisha that I am your cousin. Tell whoever you want but not Nimisha. Get it?’ replied Jack
‘Ok ok, thanks Jack. But I am going to tell Jane she’s my best friend and I promise we are the only two who are going to know about you. thank you thank you Thank you.’ said Lucy while hugging and almost squashing Jack.
The next week Lucy and her friends were hanging out at the café as usual. And Lucy was expecting someone to come. The creaking sound of the door made Lucy turn around and she saw Jack enter the café with an elegant jacket and a white t-shirt. They both acted as if they did not know each other.
‘Can you get three coffees for those lovely ladies at that table?’ said Jack to the lady at the counter pointing at Nimisha specifically and the others.
‘Yes, sure’ said the waitress giving a sweet smile.
The coffees were brought to the girls and Nimisha was the first one to take a sip with her red deep lips making a mark on the cup.
‘How much for these’ said Nimisha while taking a sip.
‘Don’t worry you don’t have to pay the young gentleman over there already paid for them.
‘What, who, let me talk to him. Who does he think he is. Why the hell will flirt with us.’ said Nemo while rushing towards him.
‘Why you Mr.’ said Nemo.
‘Jackob, you can call me Jackob’
‘ well why exactly are you trying to flirt with us, and who do you think you are? eh’
‘You love me don’t you?’ said Jack
‘What, wha what. Why would you even think anything like that?’ said Nemo anxiously.
‘Well you know what they say, love gives you a lot of strength. And you courageously came up to me, an unknown person, and started yelling at me. So you do love me. Don’t you.’
‘Oh boy you have no idea about my strength and courage. And take your coffee back I don’t need it.’ Nemo said while giving back the coffee.
‘You know ? your dark red lipsticks mark is quite visible on the cup. So if I put my lips on it then it will be like a ‘cup-kiss’. Sounds funny but you don’t want that do you?’ said Jack while posing on the seat.
Nimisha stopped and turned around and grabbed the coffee cup and left hesitantly.
‘I kind of like you, you are not like all the other girls.’ said Jack.
That night the three of them hanging out at Nimisha’s house. ‘What did he mean by saying he kind of likes me?’ said Nimisha.
‘You idiot that means he freaking likes.’ replied Lucy. And they broke into a great laugh. It was a sleep over so every of them went to sleep except Nemo.
The next day Nemo woke up quickly and started the conversation by saying-
‘I couldn’t sleep all night. I was thinking about what that Jack guy told to me. Is that a bad thing?’
‘You kidding me, you are starting to have feelings for him don’t you?’ said Jane.
They all giggled and laughed about what just happened. Then they got ready and were on their way to school.
And Nemo saw Jack with a sweaty t-shirt jogging and working out. He eventually came up to Nimisha. And said taking long breath.
‘You’re that feisty girl from the café yesterday. You the one I like.’
Lucy and Jane walked away quietly so that they two can be alone for a moment.
‘You haven’t told me your name yet.’ Jack.
‘Nimisha , but you can call me nemo. I need to go.’ replied Nimisha blushing and turning away and grabbing her friends by their shoulders.
Then jack replied in a loud voice ‘You know I like the name, and by the way you are looking beautiful today.’
Nemo turned back and gave a small smile.
‘You are starting to like her don’t you’ said Jane and started to poking Nemo.
‘Will you just keep walking. Its really an awkward moment.’ replied Nemo
The whole day in the school went away and the three girls were talking about Jack.
That night Lucy and Jack were talking about their plan.
‘so did it work? Did Nimisha tell anything about me?’ said Jack
‘tell? she didn’t stop talking about you. I think she is starting to like you.’ replied Lucy.
Days went by and Jack kept one impressing Nemo and they were all successful and Nimisha also started to have a feeling she never felt, love. Then one day Jack informed Jane and Lucy that he is going to do one last thing to impress her.
Jake did not notice but he also started to have feelings for Nimisha.
The next day Jake went early to girls’ school and talked to the headmaster about what he was going to and even to the class teacher.
The bell rang and everyone went to their classes. Not knowing what Jack was about to do Lucy and Jane waited anxiously with Nimisha who doesn’t know about anything but begins to grow a crush for Jack.
The door opened as expected by the class teacher, Julia. And eventually Julia acted out as directed by Jake.
‘Who are you’ said Julia.
‘I am the chief reporter; I came to see about the student’s condition and the attitude of them. Because it is really important for the school’s reputation.’
‘No you’re not, you are just a normal guy.’ replied Nimisha exhaustly.
‘And you must be Nimisha. Heard a lot about you. You should learn how to behave young lady.’
Then he roamed around the class as if he knew nothing. Then he gave a note to Nimisha secretly that said-
‘Sorry for the acting, I just wanted to see you. You look beautiful as usual.’
Nimisha immediately looked at Jake. He was leaving and on the way out he looked at Nimisha and winked at her and smiled away. Nimisha crunched her lips and blushed and finally at the lunch break she finally admitted that she is falling for him.
After a few minutes Lucy went out and brought Jackob into the hall and said
‘You know Jackob is actually my cousin. I just told him to do the followings so that you fall in love for the first time.’
‘Hi Nimisha I am Jackob’ said Jack
‘I know who you are. And as for you Lucy, I finally felt how love was and guess what it wasn’t in the normal way, it was planned by you. Why didn’t you just tell me.’ said Nemo.
Then looking at Jack she said ‘I actually loved you, huh’
Then with a broken heart she left the hall shedding tears.
Jack rushed behind her and followed her to the café.
He stood beside her in front of the counter and said ‘You know there was a flaw in my plan.’
‘I was supposed to do this so that you get the taste of love, but something else happened.’
‘And was exactly is that’ replied Nemo.
‘I started to love you.’ said Jack
Nimisha turned to Jack and gave a smile.
‘Lucy did it to help you, don’t be mad at her. By the way I am scared I will be sad.’ said Jack
‘Why will you be sad’.
‘What if you change your mind and don’t love me back?’ said Jack.
Nimisha turned around and grabbed Jack’s collar and brought him closer and said ‘Don’t you dare say it again, I still love you.’
The their two lips touched each other and the shared a small kiss. And Jack grabbed her and brought her closer and Nimisha’s left foot was lifted from the ground.
Then Nimisha said ‘I love to Love.’
‘Really? can’t believe you are saying it.’ replied Jack, his new boyfriend.
‘Shut up’ said Nemo patting him on the chest and eventually shared another sweet long kiss.
And both of their eyes closed with love….