Short Story Friends – One Fine Day Out….

One Fine Day Out..
Photo credit: ecerroni from
Am Priya!! After I graduated from college I got to work in the good IT company, but the environment is so different and difficult to get used to it at first but as days passed by its been like a routine work as to get up morning and go to office by 10am, work for 9 hours daily for company and so we will get our income and thank god at least weekends we are set free to enjoy. Weekends that two days we do have some prior plans to spend it like getting necessary things for daily life, spending time in beauty parlours, watching favorite TV shows, having good meal at fine restaurants, going to theatre and then obviously all type of shopping will be on weekends only. Also hangout to some places on weekends is the best time we can have with colleagues or our college friends. am not sure of the future or my passion but I just go ahead where life heads me. Good!! But am missing all those college memories, my college friends and school friends much since they were also in same situation, very busy routine life !!. but nice to think about the social networking sites which is the only passage through which am still in contact with my close friends, at least I am getting sometime to chat through messenger once in a month or a week time. Not only in contact with our friends also getting to know some new friends through our friends. Always it’s nice to have so many friends. As all know without any reason our friends are the one to support us at right time when we need them. I have got so many good friends through social networking site.
One such a friend is George!! , who is my friend’s friend and from same hometown from where I am. Also we are working in an IT company. I do remember I didn’t have much work on the month when i get to know about him. I remember its month of June end . Actually it took a year to say hi to him from when i accepted him as friend, I came to know this lately and after that It took a week to know each other chatting daily in messenger. Whenever I chat with him, a quote that comes to my mind ‘No matter how busy the day may be, true caring person will get sometime beyond their busy time to show their true care’.
I was really happy when I come to know that he is behaving in a same way i do to others. Within 2 to 3 weeks I felt like am really very lucky to get him as a friend. And also thought like everyone who knows about him will have him as a close friend, he is such a nice character. After few weeks and with so much of hesitation we exchanged our mobile numbers and started chatting in mobile. Then beyond sharing our daily activities, we just took one step ahead and shared our personal things, got to know about his family, he has three cute elder sisters and he is the youngest boy in his family, i just felt great the way he gave a intro about his family, Such a beautiful family too!! And next I asked about his friends , he told like he don’t have any close friends since college ,I do have but just a relationship like what is what , that’s it not beyond that. And i have been alone most of the days not spent much time with friends even.
Really i was stunned to hear this , how could it be? Since he is really a cool person, easy-going, humorous guy who can make everyone smile in his talk. Curious to know the reason behind it I asked why?? Since his financial background is not good to pursue his studies, he just joined college and went for evening classes and as classes get over he works for a company at night time just to take care of his studies so he didn’t get a chance to be close with his classmates and as i said he is humorous spontaneous guy participated in college functions just to entertain others and for his passion towards dance.
Really he is nice dancer!! Also he is very techy guy too as he can take up even 8 yrs experience person’s work. He has done a guest lecture in a college, He used to say, he is blessed and happy on his professional life. You know he is just 23 years old. So see how cool his character, his attitude, his techy stuffs and also a caring guy too. And I can say even more about him. I was just impressed in all his professional and personal stuffs. But we know everyone can’t be just perfect, he too had few bad habits, he do smoke and drink often which I hated much.
One day while chatting in messenger he pinged me like he will die very soon, I don’t know what rubbish he was talking, but without my conscious I just shredded few drops of tears while hearing this. I just requested him and asked to promise me not to smoke or drink from then, He refused and said it’s tough to leave it soon :( but sure he will be fine one day. And All above i just wanted to meet him once and he too accepted for that. I have a habit like presenting a greeting card with my writings for all my close friends on their birthdays but my bad luck George’s birthday is just over a month back before we became close friends, but then i didn’t left it as it is i just made a cute card stating ‘My Sweet Friend’ over the card in my own big stylish font!! :)
One fine Weekend!! Its Sunday evening 4pm on July 8th, he just picked me near my hostel. i didn’t even know where we are heading, all of the trust I had on him I didn’t ask anything. All of a sudden he just entered the Santhome Church, was speechless and happy that he brought me to church, the first place we were been together :). Really I won’t forget that moment never and ever. Am a Hindu but had so much belief in Christianity since from my school days, read bible, go regularly to church on every Sundays. I was bit scared since i have gave a word to my roommate that i will be back in 2 hours to go to Besant nager church, usually i go with her only every Sundays. I thought it may get late and can’t make it. But was happy because that time i was in church only.
After then we were there in church for half an hour and also went to the st Thomas basilica museum which is just located at back of church. That moment I felt a peace in my mind, great to be there in Santhome church!! After that we headed towards the santhome beach which is nearby, so went there and spend some time exploring one others mobile and seeing pictures and explaining everything. We had nice time there. I just look at the watch its already 5.30pm getting late to church. so I just asked him can we make a move?. Till that he was smiling, laughing and sharing all the things but he felt bad when that smile lasts just for one and half hours when I asked shall we leave? With a cute smile he asked is it possible to spend some more time with him.
Really it feels good when someone smiles because of you. That day I was happy that I have been a supportive friend who doesn’t have close friend to share the griefs and happiness. So I just accepted because i have been to church few mins back with him, so we just moved on. He asked few places which is near my hostel so that we can return before dinner safely. Okay the Guindy snake park! As I like snakes much and I haven’t been there before so I suggested. He is also interested to visit the park. So we reached there in another twenty mins, took snaps of all the snakes there.
Also we went to National Park which is near to Snake Park and had chit chat for some time and we came out around 6.45pm. By then we both were hungry so just thought of having dinner together but 6.45 is bit early to have dinner. So we just thought of doing some shopping for half an hour, we just parked the vehicle near the restaurant and went for a walk. We entered a mall and was roaming inside here and there seeing all the things kept for display, we went to all sections like Books, mobile Accessories,CD sections and finally he stopped at a place and was starring at neck chain(for Men) displayed there. I asked him you want it?, he said yes and requested me to choose one for him, Okay fine then we had a look at all the sets and took one set we both liked it, it’s something like two black thread tied with a pendant looks like a heart cracked at center (like a broken heart) and it seems like a two way use, we can separate it into two threads and we can use it. Moreover he liked it much so he bought it and when we came out of the mall he just separated that the threads and gave me one thread with half heart to me. I asked why should i need this and above all only s boy can only wear this thing :( but he requested a lot and asked me to keep that with me as his remembrance.
At first I hesitated to get it but then I kept it with me just not to insult him or not to make him feel bad and then time was close to 7.30 and we entered the hotel and took the seats in the AC hall. he prompted me for the choice and we ordered some dishes, then he said like we can share all the dishes which we both ordered. I didn’t thought of sharing my dish with him but he had a timely thought and we just shared the dishes and ended that day together having dinner and we left there in another 45 mins and suddenly one thing stricked my mind which I forgot , it’s the greeting card which I made for him.
I just gave him the card; he was stunned to get it. When he opened and read it, he was happy to get a greeting card for no reason, not his Birthday even!! He just said thanks with cute smile on his face. Then we left the place headed towards my hostel. He dropped me near my hostel , he asked for me to direct my pinky finger forward, I don’t get what he is asking me to do, but then he holded my pinky finger with his and said bye to me. I loved the way he said bye :) One fine day ends there with so much happiness in my heart that can’t just be explained; I just felt it first time :) I can say it’s a Lovely day!! It might be nothing when reading all these but am the one who felt something different in each and every move of him ,I really enjoyed each and every small cute things he did and that made me happy , In short i can say few things , those are his care for me, Unexpected visit to church that too first time with the guy you just known few weeks back, really it feels good to be there, I made that day a memorable one for him since he spent time with a friend for long hours the very first time that too with me :)the likings we had in common made us more comfortable sharing the food ,giving something on the first day as a remembrance and bidding bye with cute pinky holding, rather it’s a very cute feeling. It all just seems to be new for me that day, so I can just say I was happy at the peak!! :) Really it’s a very fine day out with my sweet friend George!! :) I will never and ever forget the day, Of course I can’t! Thanks George!! For such a sweet memorable day…!! :)