Friends Short Story – Half Bloods
Photo credit: jlite from morguefile.com
‘You are now anointed Half Bloods of the realm.’
‘I give my solemnest promise, O Fairy Queen, that I shall never let the Fairy Kingdom or World of the Humans down.’ swore the Half Blood girls as Miss Susan looked at them with pride in her eyes.
‘The ceremony is over. You permitted to leave to your human school.’
‘Thank you, O Fairy Queen, we shall bow to thee forever.’
The girls got to their feet and walked out of the Tree in a single file, followed by a very pleased Miss Susan who said, ‘Well done girls. You didn’t forget a single thing, though Sancha, you looked like you were about to sneeze once.’
Sancha nodded with a grin, ‘Yes, I nearly did. I must have inhaled some Fairy Snuff. It’s a nice feeling to be a Half Blood, isn’t it?’
‘It is,’ agreed Tiziana. ‘To think the Tree is right in the middle of the sports field and only we, being Half Bloods, can see it!’
‘Don’t forget the Principal. She’s a Half Blood too. Isn’t she Nick?’ asked Deanne.
‘She is. Oh, and talking of sports fields; we need to hurry to get changed cause today is Sports day!’ exclaimed Nicole.
Every year, the school hosted a Sports day, where everyone got into teams of four or five. At least two from the team had to be in Sports, one had to be in the band or choir and the last had to set up a stall and sell anything they wished. The team that made the most money and won the most prizes would get a gargantuan silver trophy at the end. The girls had named their group ‘Soul Sisters’ to signify their close friendship.
‘It’s going to be fun.’ cried Sancha, a Runners talent Half Blood.
‘I’ll be baking cakes to sell at the stall.’ grinned Deanne, a Fairy Cake talent Half Blood.
‘I’m not really sure if I’m happy to run.’ said Tiziana, a Giggle talent Half Blood. ‘I would have enjoyed making people laugh during the breaks.’
‘It’s a good thing that I get to sing,’ sighed Nicole, a Humming talent fairy. ‘This team works out perfectly.’
‘Speak for yourself.’ said Tiziana, jabbing Nicole playfully in the back.
Nicole stuck her tongue out at Tiziana and Sancha seeing the playful mood, cried, ‘Last one to the Lobby of the school is a stale Fairy Cake.’
‘That is an insult to my kind.’ said Deanne, breaking into a run.
‘Um…girls, I think you’re forgetting something.’ called Miss Susan, who was a Textiles and a Teaching talent Half Blood. ‘You’re still wearing Fairy Gowns. You’ll get suspended if you’re seen at school in those.’
‘Oh dear,’ sighed Tiziana. ‘So we will.’
‘Miss Susan, can you tell me something?’ began Sancha. ‘How is it that you have two talents when we have only one?’
‘Weren’t you listening to what the Fairy Queen was saying during the ceremony?’ scolded Miss Susan.
‘No,’ giggled Deanne, nudging Sancha. ‘She was busy trying not to sneeze.’
‘Why you…’ cried Sancha, trying to shove Deanne and listen to what Miss Susan was saying at the same time.
‘Sancha, the Fairy Queen said that every Half Blood finds their second talent and maybe even a third on the day of the ceremony. So today, you four girls shall find your second abilities and if you are stronger, as I wasn’t, a third as well.’ explained Miss Susan.
‘It’s a pity we don’t have wings though.’ sighed Tiziana.
‘Hush,’ said Nicole. ‘We’ve reached the Lobby. We need to get to the changing room without anyone seeing us.’
‘I’ll go first.’ whispered Miss Susan. ‘If I say “Hi!” to anyone, you’ll know to hide. But if it’s “Hello!” you’ll know it’s safe. Alright?’
Sancha, Tiziana and Deanne nodded but Nicole stood there and said, ‘Who will we be safe with other than you?’
‘The Principle, you nut case.’ said Sancha while Tiziana and Deanne giggled. ‘Come on!’
Sancha pulled the three girls behind a cupboard.
‘Wait, what if no one’s there at all?’ asked Tiziana. ‘How do we know that we’re safe to go?’
‘Wait here.’ said Deanne after a moment’s thought. ‘I’ll go ask Miss.’
She slid silently around the cupboard when Nicole yanked her back. ‘Careful D.’ she whispered and almost immediately the girls heard Miss Susan say, ‘Hi Sir! How are you?’
‘I saw Mr. Miastowski’s tall, bony shadow.’ murmured Nicole. ‘It’s unmistakable.’
‘He’s coming into the Lobby. He’ll see us.’ muttered Tiziana who was busy listening to the conversation.
‘Follow me into the Library.’ called Deanne.
The girls slipped into the Library, the door to which was close by. ‘If we can get out of the other door,’ said Nicole pointing to the other end of the Library. ‘We’ll be in the changing rooms in no time.’
‘There’s no one in the Library as far as I can see.’ said Tiziana looking around. But she couldn’t be certain because the Library had many floors, all looking down to where the girls huddled.
‘Let’s give it a go.’ said Deanne.
Sancha, being the most athletic Half Blood sprinted ahead, followed by Deanne, then Tiziana and finally Nicole, whose music could put most to sleep within seconds.
As they soundlessly moved through the Library, Mr. Miastowski appeared. ‘Howdy girls. I didn’t know you were Half Bloods.’
The girls gasped. ‘You’re one too?’ asked Nicole cautiously.
‘No.’ Suddenly Mr. Miastowski seemed to loom up higher than ever before, his whiskers seemed to grow longer and smoother and his clothes ripped to reveal scaly skin that nearly made Tiziana’s hair turn white. ‘I’m a creature from the Fairy Queen’s worst nightmares!’ it thundered.
Nicole whipped her flute out from her Fairy Robe and began to play some music in hope of calming the monster. But it didn’t work. The creature only seemed to impend higher.
Tiziana nudged Sancha and nodded at a knight’s armour that stood between two bookshelves. It had a sword in its metal hand!
Sancha silently ran over to it while Nicole and Deanne distracted the monster by throwing unending cakes at it and running in between its legs while playing the most uncanny music.
Tiziana stood helpless for a while before running to a bookshelf and hurling some hardcover books at the serpent-like demon.
Sancha yanked the sword out of the armour and realised it was much too heavy for her to carry on her own. So she analyzed the situation and finding Deanne and Nicole busier she yelled, ‘Hey, Tiziana. Come and help me with the…Uh oh.’
The monster turned around and seeing Sancha with a sword, let out a deafening roar and some fire that burnt around a billion books to a crisp and scorched Tiziana’s robe. Sancha managed to duck and avoid being roasted but Nicole and Deanne got their hair singed.
And to top it all, the monster began to laugh. It was the most creepy, disgusting laugh that gave Sancha a new energy. She ran to it and stabbed its foot really hard. It roared again, directly at Sancha who put up her hands to shield herself thinking that her time had come.
When she didn’t feel the heat, she looked down and saw that only her skirt had been burnt at the edges. In her free hand was a ball of fire! She could control it! She flung it at the monster who roared again, charring Sancha’s skirt further.
Now it was Sancha’s turn to roar. She stabbed the monster on the leg again, ‘That’s for the books.’ Then on the thigh saying, ‘That’s for Tiziana’s dress and Nicole’s and Deanne’s hair.’
And then with a really athletic leap, stabbed his chest with a terrific cry, ‘I really liked that skirt!’
The monster fell down dead and Sancha landed neatly on the ground, ashes flying around from under her. The other girls stood mouth opened.
The only thing to make the scene end perfectly would be: Sancha walking out of the ashes with a flapping skirt in the wind and the other girls rushing to her and embracing her with tear filled eyes.
But unfortunately, Sancha (who didn’t have much of a skirt left) began sneezing with the ash and the others coughed too. So they hurried out of the Library through the other door to the changing room not caring if anyone saw them.
Nicole went to the tap and began washing the ashes off her when she groaned, ‘If it hadn’t been for Sancha, we would have been roasted. I wonder what happened to Miss Susan who didn’t have Sancha for protection.’
‘Oh no.’ said Tiziana, getting up from a chair. ‘Let’s go find her.’
The girls were about to walk out of the door when Sofia and Sharon, two of their friends, walked in. ‘Hi, Half Bloods.’
‘Oh no.’ said Sancha. ‘I’m not going to kill you two.’
The two girls suddenly hissed in unison. ‘This can’t be good.’ moaned Deanne. Abruptly, the two girls merged into one huge, spitting serpent. It spat at Tiziana and burnt her hand.
Deanne, who knew a lot, began to nurse Tiziana’s hand and yelled to Sancha, ‘You need to dilute the poison.’
‘How?’ thought Sancha desperately. Then her astonishment, a jet of water broke out from the taps and hit the serpent. It hissed in pain. Other taps broke and the water was all directed at the serpent’s head.
‘What’s happening?’ Sancha spun round to see Nicole concentrating really hard. Then, with a remarkable hiss, the serpent dropped dead. Then the water stopped and Nicole fell to her knees, really exhausted. ‘Was that you Nick?’ asked Tiziana.
Nicole sighed and some more water came out from the taps, heading for Tiziana’s hurt hand. Instantly the wound closed. ‘Let’s change and get on the field guys.’
So the girls changed in record time, though Nicole was slower than normal, and went to the field. ‘I think I’ll just wait with Deanne. I’m too tired.’ said Nicole. ‘We’ve still got an hour.’
So as Sancha and Tiziana went to the track, Nicole sat and watched Deanne baking. As she did, a voice came from behind the stall. ‘Hallo, Half Bloods.’
‘This is the limit.’ muttered Nicole.
Deanne turned around and saw that a giant tree. It waved a branch and everything went still. Except the four girls. The tree pulled its roots out of the ground and roared, ‘Let the battle begin.’
It began shooting thorns at the girls who ducked behind everything they could. Then Tiziana remarked with a lot of common sense. ‘This isn’t going to work.’
Then Deanne went still. ‘What can defeat a tree? Not fire, not water. But darkness can!’
‘Where do we get darkness from?’ asked Nicole, running behind a frozen human.
But Deanne didn’t answer. Instead, she clapped her hands and the ground started to crack beneath her. The cracks slowly spread, getting wider and more threatening, to where the tree stood firing thorns.
As soon as the cracks reached the tree, Deanne brought her hands apart. A gaping fissure yawned underneath it and there was a howl as it fell into the depths of the hole.
Deanne brought her hands together again and the hole closed. Immediately the crowd began to move again, not knowing what had just taken place.
‘Wow D. That was great. See you soon.’ called Tiziana as she pulled a cheering Sancha onto the tracks. Nicole went back with Deanne to the stall, praising her all the way.
Deanne’s cakes were almost done and Nicole began to mix some icing. She left the some butter out in the sun and a fly settled on it. Nicole tried to shoo it away but it said, ‘Greetings Half Bloods.’
‘What? How many of these things are there?’ Deanne was exasperated now.
The fly buzzed and the crowd froze again. Sancha realized something was up and called Tiziana, ‘There’s a massive fly at Deanne’s stall.’
For the fly had grown into a demon.
‘What can defeat a fly? Not fire or water or earth. I usually kill a fly by trapping it in a jar with no oxygen supply.’ thought Tiziana.
‘That’s it.’ She said out loud. ‘A vacuum!’
Sancha had run to help the other two when Tiziana yelled, ‘Hey, you fly. Over here.’
As it turned around, Tiziana brought her hands together, and then abruptly pulled them apart. Her hair was blown back by a gust of air and the fly began to splutter. Tiziana had done it!
It collapsed to the ground with an angry buzz and Tiziana brought her hands together. But the crowd was still stationary. ‘Tiziana you’re amazing! Is it dead?’ asked Nicole.
Then she got her answer. The fly got up and buzzed out loud. From the depths of the earth emerged the tree and from the school appeared the snake and monster. But instead of surrounding the girls, they went the centre of the ground and a blinding flash was emitted. And when the girls looked again, they saw the most blood-curdling sight.
The creatures were now one massive bulk with the snake’s head, the fly’s wings, the tree’s body and the monster’s legs. The mouth wasn’t just spitting poison. It was blowing fire and thorns out as well. This was the ultimate test.
Sancha leapt into action as the creature blew fire at Deanne. She motioned towards herself with her hands and the fire headed for her. She made a circular action and the fire formed itself into a ball. Then, as if she was playing throw ball, Sancha jumped and slammed the fire at one of the wings. It was useless now.
Meanwhile the other three were not idle. Nicole, immensely grateful for the nearby pool, put her right hand in her left and then lifted it over her head in a semi-circle. The water obediently formed an arch over the monster’s head. Nicole brought her hands down with force and the water fell over the it, causing the snake to endure terrible pain and the other wing to hang limp.
Tiziana was spinning her hands, making tornadoes around the tree-body which resulted in the bark flying off, weakening the trunk.
Deanne found that she wasn’t able to create a gorge again, so she buried the monster’s feet in mud. Now her hands were level with her waist. She brought them up slowly and simultaneously immense rocks rose off the earth and hurled themselves at the feet, bruising them considerably.
‘This isn’t going to work.’ said Tiziana for the second time that day.
‘Come here all of you.’ called Deanne.
Nicole pulled up a temporary water-wall around the monster. ‘We need to put the powers together.’ said Deanne.
‘Ready?’ asked Sancha.
‘Ready.’ said the rest and Nicole pulled the water-wall down.
The girls put all their hands together and a big ball of fire, water, earth and air formed gradually.
‘The elements that create, today shall destroy.’ cried Tiziana.
The girls heave the ball onto the snake head and with a huge sizzling sound the body disintegrated. The crowd began to move. Suddenly, girls found themselves in the Tree with the Fairy Queen and Miss Susan!
Unfortunately there was no time for hugs as the Fairy Queen said, ‘So you’ll have passed the challenge and found your other talents I see.’
‘It was a challenge?’ the girls fell into a groaning heap.
‘Yes,’ smiled the Queen. ‘I have good news. You are three talent Half Bloods!’
‘We are?’
‘Yes. Sancha, to add to Sports, you have Fire and Strong Feelings. Nicole, you have Music, Water and Healthy Emotions. Tiziana, you are a Comedian, Wind and Common Sense Half Blood. And finally Deanne, you are a Half Blood of Cooking, Earth and Good Knowledge.
‘You girls have another power in common. That makes you the first Half Bloods with four powers!’
‘Wow!’ whistled Deanne.
‘You have the power of Friendship.’
‘I think they have more than that O Queen.’ said Miss Susan with a wink at the girls.
‘We’re more than friends.’ cried the girls in unison. ‘We’re Soul Sisters! Now let’s go win that trophy!’