O Brother!! Where are you??- Story of Friends
Photo credit: wildrocker92 from morguefile.com
“Ninad, when are you coming home?”
“Half an hour.” I said disconnecting the call and went back to world of my own thoughts.
I was glaring at the pale blue sky since a while; still I did not believe what my ears heard some while ago. My brain was shouting at me to acknowledge what I heard, but my heart was still not ready to believe that Rahil is now no more, but that is what his son Rahib told me half an hour ago.
Rahil was my best friend; actually something more than a friend; even more than a brother to me. I was walking by the soft, fresh, green grass of the princes’ park in North Carlton, trying to find out someone I knew to share it, to cry over it. Nobody was there except a few faces which were totally unknown to me since I came to Australia. An Australian is the one driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, and then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV, how can he be your friend?
Don’t know why, I never accepted Australia or Australia never accepted me coz even after spending these many years, it was still an unknown territory for me. There was no body with whom I can share myself, with whom I can have a nice Kaju Candy or a special cutting, I can fight for nothing, I can argue that Ganguly was a better player than Sachin, with whom I can be myself. And now that someone was not anymore, anywhere. I kept on glaring at pale blue sky till it turned light orange in color. After fifth missed call from Shloka, I decided to go home finally. I took the Tram from Royal Parade station to reach the Rathdowne Street, where I stayed.
North Carlton is a suburb located 4km. north from the City of Melbourne. A nice, calm place away from all the roistering of the city, I stayed there since I moved in here. It took around 20 minutes to reach there.
“When will you grow up Ninad? We were concerned for you. At least pick up the bloody cell phone.” Shloka shouted even before letting me in.
I just moved in even without a single thought of replying her. I took my over coat and let it rest on the chair on the left side of the centre table.
“Pops, is everything alright?” Ira, younger of my two daughters who was master at reading my mind asked just looking at me. I just managed to nod my head in negative.
“What happened?” Shloka asked, entering the room. Signs of worry were clearly visible along with the wrinkles on her face.
I tried to speak but couldn’t. A moment passed another one and even another one without even a single word. The atmosphere got heavier, I felt oxygen from the room was sucked somewhere. I couldn’t utter a single word.
“Ninad…!” Shloka said holding my hand with her warm hand. “Look at me…!” She said lifting my face from chin using the other hand. This time around I couldn’t stop my tears from rolling down.
“Rahil……… Rahil is no more, Shloka.” I said in the wrecked words and with them I hugged her tightly.
“Rahil?” Ira asked in surprise as this was a totally a new character for her.
Shloka signaled her to be silent. She just let me cry in her arms. After a while, I just felt little better, felt like a bit of load on my shoulders was washed away by my tears. Ira brought in the glass of water; I drank it and straight away went to bedroom. I spent the whole night staring at the empty Rathdown Street from my half open bedroom window, which was unusually calm this night. I wondered whether it was instantaneous or just state of mind I was in.
It was the routine of Ira & me to go for a walk every morning. Normally it’s said that Daughters are much closer to their fathers and sons to their mothers and nothing was different in our case as well. She was my life and it won’t be wrong even if I say my reason to live. But next day’s morning walk was certainly by far means poles apart than other morning walks. We just kept on walking without uttering a single word, till the wooden bench under a huge Banyan Tree, a place where we sat regularly to have a nice warm cup of coffee from the coffee cart of Mrs. Jones and gossip about a few topics which ranged from politics to fashion to sports to movies. But for the day topic was obvious.
“Pops, who is this Rahil? I have never heard about him.” She finally broke the silence as I handed over the cup of coffee to her.
“Rahil…!! He was a friend, a brother to me, he was my Rahim and I was his Ram.” I said feeling the warmth of the vapor coming out from my coffee mug.
“There is something which is lingering you, share it you will feel better.”
“Yehhh… Even I want someone to listen to it.” I said after taking a little pause for sipping coffee from my cup.
My mom always used to say proudly, first words I ever spoke was ‘Mumma’. I was always very much close to my mom from the early childhood days and even today I miss her a lot. But so far as I am concerned, the first word I remember myself speak was ‘Rahil’. My dad was a cashier at Bank of Baroda, Panch Kuva Branch and we used to stay at ‘Mamu Nayak ni Pol’ in Khadiya area of Ahmedabad.
“Hey, ‘Mamu Nayak ni Pol’ quite a funny name. Was it the name of the colony u stayed in?” Ira interrupted me in between out of the inquisitiveness.
The word ‘Pol’ is actually derived from the Sanskrit phrase ‘pratoli’ which means entrance to the enclosed area. A pol is the housing cluster which comprises many families of different groups linked together. The original city of Ahmedabad was made up around 360 pols within the fort. The pol culture of Ahmedabad is also adopted; it’s adopted from that of city of Patan (North Gujarat), which is fortunately my Native place too.
“Kind of, you can say it a traditional colony or a society.” I said as I found it difficult to elucidate a pol to a girl born and brought up in the metropolitan culture of Melbourne.
Abdul chacha stayed just three houses away from us there; he worked with the dad in the same branch as a clerk. Rahil was son of Abdul chacha, just three days elder to me. My date of birth is 28th January while his is 25th. Even today after these many years, I remember his face quite clearly, his skin tone was just a little dark then milky white, acuminated light grey colored eyes, round shaped face and brown shaded curly hair, he always carried very contagious smile on his face; it was so contagious that one will be obliged to smile back at him, once he does. He had some kind of supreme calmness on his face, what we call it; yes the proper word is ‘Sukoon.’ There was ‘Sukoon’ on his face. Being of the same age group, neighbors and our fathers being colleagues we grown up together. As we started to grow up our friendship also grew. After a while situation came where, we started spending whole days together, anywhere Ninad & Rahil will be found together only. We only got separated for sleeping in the night, that too occasionally.
There is a belief in Islam that God is eternal, transcendent, absolutely one and incomparable in similar way our friendship was also eternal, transcendent and incomparable. Our day started with each other and ended on the same note. We became inseparable portion of each other’s routine, which went like:
Every morning as soon as he woke up, Rahil came to my place with toothbrush in his hand; we used to brush our teeth together. We kept on talking about cricket till chachi, Rahil’s mother (what was her name. I don’t exactly remember coz I always called her chachi only) till chachi came in shouting to take him for the bath. After getting ready we will go to school for a fun filled day. As we will come back from school, we will have lunch most probably together either at my place or at Rahil’s; place wasn’t relevant at all. Noon timings were reserved for the home-work and studies along with a little afternoon nap. In the evening we will have a good match of cricket then first we will go to mosque for the evening prayer, from there we will go to Raju kaka’s stall outside the pol for the Kaju Candy for one rupee each which Abdul chacha used to give us every evening; it’s the best ice-cream I have ever tasted. Even best of the branded ice-creams currently available in Melbourne are nothing in comparison. Both of us believed that Raju kaka had some magic in his hand which was transformed into the taste of the candy. After finishing the yummy candy next destination used to be The Siddhi-Vinayak Temple. Rahil was poor at mathematics; on the contrary I was very strong at it. So, every evening after being blessed by the Lord Ganesha (Siddhi-Vianayak) I used to take his mathematics class and after the class we will get separated for the night’s sleep.
It is said, choose your friends astutely, they will become your introduction someday. Same thing happened with us as well, as the days passed our friendship became so impenetrable that people from our pol and the neighborhood started calling us pair of ‘Ram & Rahim’. I became Rahil’s Ram and he my Rahim.
As a tree grows stronger, its branches are bound to yield more fruits & flowers. With the days passing so quickly even before we realize, we were grownups. But with the time passing bonding between us just became more and more brawny. After completing our graduation I joined the course of Chartered Accountancy while Rahil joined in the State Bank of India as a Clerk-cum-Cashier, as studies were always the last precedence for him. That made our routine change a bit; we went to the mosque for evening prayer every Friday instead of every evening. In similar way blessings of Shri Siddhi-Vinayak was also taken every Tuesday only. And the place of Kaju Candy was taken by Jivanbhai’s tea. We made sure even out of the hectic of the schedule that we meet daily for the evening tea at Jivanbhai’s tea stall just within the walking distance from the pol.
“Hello chachi, is Ninad there at home?” Rahil said on the call.
“Ninad, Rahil’s call…!” I heard Mummy shouting. I checked the cloak on the bed side it showed 6:35 Am. I wondered why he called so early in the morning.
“Yes Rahil. “
“Today is Eid, you remember na?”
“Yes, I know and we have to come for dinner. Every year we come still you never miss to remind.” I said with a big yawn.
“But this year its bit special, there is a surprise for you.” He said with some glitter in his voice.
“Surprise?” I wondered what it could be.
“C you in the evening. Allah hafiz, Om Namah Shivay.” He said
“Allah hafiz, Om.” I said putting the receiver down with just about a dozen thought regarding what the surprise could be, roving in my mind.
“Salam Chahi, Eid Mubarak.” I said as Mom, Dad and I reached at Rahil’s place in the evening.
“Salam beta, Eid-Mubarak. Your favorite Sevaiyya is almost ready.” Aunty greeted me with the smile on her face.
As usual hall of the house was chosen as a party place, it was neatly decorated with lights. I guess Centre table & Sofa were accommodated in the Rahil’s room to have the enough space for the guests. The color of Islam – color of prosperity – Green was in the air at the party place. Majority of the guests including, Rahil’s Parents were in Green giving ecclesiastical feelings.
“Ninad, come here.” Dad’s shout broke my observations. He was standing with a man almost similar age to him, wearing nice light blue colored shirt and dark blue colored trousers without even a single wrinkle on them.
“Mehta ji, he is my son Ninad. He is doing CA.” Dad proudly introduced me.
“And he is Mr. Mehta, Sr. Manager of the Panch Kuva Branch. He is also from the Patan.” just after taking a little pause introduction of the opposite party came from him.
“Hello sir.” I said getting bit formal.
“Hello beta. Good to hear that you are doing CA. You might help my daughter a bit then; she is also interested in starting CA after completing her T.Y. this year.”
“Anytime sir.”
“Shloka……..” Mr. Mehta shouted to a girl standing quite amongst a crowd of petulant females just a little away from ours wearing nice white colored Salwar-Kammez. As she turned towards us I noticed that she had really opiate eyes, the reason for the same I don’t know, whether it was due to color of her eyes – Hazel or shape it had or whatever, but they were indeed intoxicating. Her nice blond hair were tied in chignon style, which also added to her beauty. Her complexion was slightly on the darker side but she looked pretty, a black beauty as people say it. I just kept on staring at her for a few moments, suddenly she looked at me and I couldn’t hold my eye contact with her.
“She is Shloka my daughter, and he is Ninad, he is doing CA Final, he may help you.” Mr. Mehta said all in the hurry while my eyes were stuck on her. After the eye contact for a moment or so, this time around she took the eyes of me.
“Hi, I am Ninad.” I could only manage these words as Rahil came from back and surprised me with a pat on my back. For the first time in my life, I was disappointed seeing him.
“I am Shloka.” I noticed that she had a very sugary voice as she introduced herself.
“Excuse me; by the way if you need my help you can contact me anytime.” I said in hurry as Rahil was getting anxious to drag me away from that place.
“Thanks.” She said with little smile on her face as Rahil yanked me away from the place.
Rahil took me to the terrace of his place from the crowded; I mean to say over crowded hall. Evening had already wished the good night for the day, and the darkness had started its sovereignty over the heavens for the night. A few sparkling stars were fighting like brave soldiers with the obscurity of the darkness and nice little early night breeze was playing with our hair as both of us remained silent for a moment or two anticipating another one to start the conversation.
“So can we have the surprise?” I said understanding the shilly-shallying in Rahil’s eyes.
“Ammi n Abbu has confirmed a girl for my Nikah….” He said taking deep breaths and the terrace was stunned in to the silence. I felt the speed of the wind blowing increased all of sudden in the surrounding atmosphere.
“Rahil, you are getting married, unbelievable.” I didn’t know what to say, I was running short of words with the pleasant shock.
“I guess, even I am under the shock till now. All has happened so fast that even I am not quite sure what has happened. ” He said with all kind of confusing expressions on his face.
“What is Bhabhi’s name? How is she? What she does? Has she come today? “I asked quite a few questions at a go out of the nosiness.
“Seems that you are more excited than me, my RAM…!” That contagious smile was back on his face.
“Yeeehhhh my RAHIM, I am certainly by far means more excited, I still can’t believe you are getting married. Many many congrates dear. ” I said hugging him compactly.
“You are the next my boy, Come I’ill introduce you to your Bhabhi.” He said with the blink of his eye.
“There she is the one in the Blue Salwar-Kameez amongst the crowd.” He said pointing out to a girl with a milky white complexion in a Dark Blue Salwar-Kameez and the White colored Dupatta with the silver danglers dangling at the end of it. “Her name is Sajda.” He completed the introduction.
The buzzing cell drove my attention to it; “Steve Calling” was blinking on the screen.
“Good Morning Steve…!!” I said picking up the cell.
“Morning Mr. Desai, your tickets for the Ahmedabad is booked for the 15th April.” He informed me.
“Singapore Airlines?” I entrenched.
“Thanks Steve, thanks a bunch. C ya soon.”
“Pleasure is absolutely mine Mr. Desai. C ya.” He said hanging up the call.
“I think it’s already bit late. We should move on Ira. People must have queued out of the shop.” I said shifting myself towards Ira who was looking at me with the surprise factor in her eyes.
“I am coming with you at the City shop today pops.” She declared and there were no odds of any further tiff thereafter.
After working hard over here in Australia, now we were living a relatively peaceful life. My elder daughter Sharvari was married and they were happily settled at Sydney. While we, i.e. Me, Shloka & Ira were the owners of two Indian Stores; where you can get (almost) every Indian item you want. One of them was located at the Queen’s Street next to Ludo Café in the Melbourne city area while another was located next to our house in the North Carlton itself. By and large I used to handle the store in the City area while Shloka & Ira handled the one nearby our house.
“You are late, Ninad.” Mrs. Chaddha, an ebullient Punjabi lady, one of my regular customers welcomed me as I hurried to open the shop.
“Sorry Mrs. Chaddha. She is the perpetrator, Ira-my daughter.” I said pointing at Ira who was looking stunningly gorgeous in her dark maroon and green bandhani salwar-kameez, which I gifted on her last birthday.
“So can we go ahead from where you left in the morning?” Ira asked as we finished the lunch
Sajda was a very sagacious and smart girl; she blended very well amongst us like she was one of us only. Rahil was moving along in his life as was I.
“Ninad come here.” Dad called me as I came back exhausted from the articleship.
“Yes pappa…!!” I sounded very low.
“How’s the articleship going?”
“Pathetic, it’s just like they have hired a laborer. It’s simply exhausting.” I took all the frustration of my office let go at once.
“Good, you can learn even better in such circumstances. By the way you have to do me a favor beta.”
“Yes Pappa.”
“You remember Mr. Mehta we met at Abdulbhai’s place. He wants you to help her daughter with Taxation.”
“Ohhh.. No Pappa.” I gave artificial expressions as from innersole I was very frenetic and glad to hear that.
“He is my Boss Ninad; one hour a day won’t give you any trouble.” He tried to persuade me to edify her in Taxation unaware of butterflies flying in my stomach.
“Okay as u say Pappa. I will go from tomorrow.” I tried my level best not to show the excitement but I doubt my eyes betrayed me.
Mr. Mehta used to stay at Navrangpura, near to the place where I was doing articleship. So, I decided to visit his place every evening directly from the office only. Shloka, she was very reticent but sharp. I started enjoying teaching her. With the time passing I sensed she also got bit comfortable alongside me. She spoke very little verbally; on the contrary her eyes spoke a lot. And from that eye to eye conversation I felt that even she started liking ‘the studies’.
“Taxation is a severe headache.” She said as I prepared to leave after completing the class for the day.
“It’s just individual perception; I simply love it while it’s a headache for you.” I said with a smile on my face.
“You are genius sirji….Albert Einstein of the Taxation but I am not.” She said laughing. This was the first time I saw her laughing, she looked stunning, that laugh suited her face perfectly. My eyes just got stuck on her face.
“I have a solution for your headache.” I said getting bit embarrassed as she caught me glaring at her.
“What is that?” She said getting bit conscious.
“Join me for a cup of tea; tea is the best way to come over the hangover of the studies.” I asked her hesitatingly.
“I have never been to tea-stall before.” Discomfort was palpable the way she spoke.
“No Dracula resides nearby the tea-stall so no harm in going there, one at Municipal Market just nearby serves very nice tea. I will drop you back on my bike, if you don’t mind.” I tried to induce her.
“Let’s see if your medicine works against my headache. Let’s go.” She said with a pleasant smile on her face picking her dupatta to leave, “Mom I am moving out will be back in half an hour.” She shouted to inform her mother sitting in the bedroom.
That evening I was late to reach at Jivanbhai’s stall due to Roadside Tea Date with Shloka; Rahil was waiting at the bench over there.
“Mr. Late Latif, half an hour late. Where were you?” Rahil greeted me with the question I wanted to answer the least.
“After finishing the class for the day, went for the cup of tea with Shloka as she had headache.” I tried to explain him in awkwardly uncomfortable manner.
He just replied back with a very calm and composed smile as ever.
“Nothing, Jivanbhai two special.” He shouted at Jivanbhai.
“Ninad, tell me one thing. You like Mehta uncle’s daughter na???” He surprised me with such a frank question.
“There is nothing like that Rahil; I am just teaching her coz dad induced me to teach her as she is daughter of his boss.” I tried to put my point very poorly against a person who knew me the best.
“You know one thing Ninad. There are chances that you may lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me. I know each and every beat of your heart, I know you better than you yourself do.”
He was quite correct with those words, he knew me much better than I did. Just by looking at me he could say what was going in my mind and same was the case with me. I was certainly engrossed towards Shloka, but the thing was how to tell her. She was very introvert; I knew very little regarding what was going in her mind. I felt she liked my company but she had never expressed it, it could just be my fantasy and in addition to that she was the daughter of my dad’s boss. What to do? How to approach her? These questions were becoming lurid for me.
On the other side, Rahil’s wedding date was confirmed: 15th November. Those seven days turned out to be the best week of my life. I enjoyed the wedding days of my Rahim like anything. Slowly and steadily life was going to at its best with a few hiccups though.
Just after a month or so of Rahil’s wedding, Pappa had a heart attack. I still remember it was a chilly December night. The whole city was trying to hide itself under the warm blanket when it started to pain in the dad’s chest. I had to call Abdul chacha & Rahil and with their help we shifted dad to the Nathubhai Heart Hospital located at Usmanpura. The Doctors said the night was tough, they will have to keep him under observation till 12 Hours and then only they will be able to say anything.
Every minute of that night passed like a long century, Rahil sat beside me holding my hand all night, till dawn. The next day though brought rays of hope for us as doctors declared he was out of danger now.
“Rahil, pappa is out of danger now, you haven’t slept whole night. Go home and take some rest.” I said in very low volume as dad was sleeping due to medicines that were given to him.
“You also haven’t slept, why don’t you go home and take some rest?” He gave another option.
“Look, you go right now, take some rest and come in the afternoon to relieve me.” I said almost forcing him out of the room.
As Rahil took leave from there, I also sat in the chair next to dad’s bed, resting my legs on the sofa in front and didn’t comprehend when I fell asleep due to stress and prostration of the whole night. My little nap got broken by the knock at the door. I was surprised to see Mr. Mehta at the door, Shloka was also accompanying him.
“How’s he now?” He softly asked.
“Doctors have said he is out of the danger now.” I said rubbing my eyes as mom entered the room.
“Hello Mrs. Desai.”
“Namaste Mehtaji. Hello Beta.” She greeted both Mr. Mehta & Shloka at a time.
“Let me bring the tea, it will be nice on a cool winter morning.” I said moving out of the room.
When I returned with the tea in my hand, I saw Shloka outside the room; I guess she was waiting for me. I just stood there; we kept on looking at each other for a while.
“Tea is getting cold.” Finally I said breaking a part of the iceberg which was frozen in between us since we met first; she still kept on glaring at me.
“What?” I asked taking my shoes off to go into the room.
“Don’t worry everything will be fine soon.” She said putting her hand on my shoulder. She read all the apprehension in my eyes. I felt like resting in her arms forever.
“Thanks, I am happy that you came. It means a world to me.” I said putting my hand over her hand on my shoulder.
“I had to.” She said and at that moment I felt, I totally surrendered myself to her while she also got colored in my colors.
“Can I have a pack of Tortilla?” A sweet, Barbie-alike girl in turquoise blue frock inquired for a pack of readymade Rotis, which is called Tortilla over here.
“Here it is, wass ur name sweetie?” Ira said handing over the paper bag to her.
“Meha…!!” She said giving a 10$ note.
“Your name is as sweet as you.” Ira gave her the change back.
“Shloka, we are going to India on 15th, tickets have been booked.” I said wiping my hands, after we finished the dinner that night.
“Sajda bhabhi will feel better, we should visit them.” She said softly as I left for the bedroom.
“Mumma, there is something which is eating pops from within. I haven’t seen him like this ever before.” Ira broke the silence after a while.
“I know it. It is bothering him since two and half decade or so. I hope this trip to India might help him.” Shloka said taking a deep breath.
“You know it!!!” Ira gave extreme exclamatory expressions.
“Yes, and I should being his better half.”
“I want to know from where pops left at the shop then.” She said adjusting herself in a chair-cum- swing at the leftmost corner of the room. I also made myself comfortable in the sofa as I knew it would be a very long night for both of us-mother & daughter.
You know one thing Ira, in general your pops was an outspoken brat, but whenever he came in front of me, he became an introvert goat. He always ran short of the words while communicating with me. Both of us knew that we liked each other very much after the incident at the hospital but the thing was who will take the initiative. I being a girl always felt shy of telling him my feelings while he tried his best to hide what he felt for me. But the thing is, what is worth having for is worth waiting for and I was waiting for him to take the initiative.
“Hi Shloka, have these sweets.” He said offering me a box of Kaju-katlis.
“So finally its, CA Ninad Desai, congrates. “ I said taking a piece.
“One more, because there is another good news as well.” He offered one more piece from the box.
“What is that?”
“Rahil is gonna become the daddy..!!” He said with a child like excitement on his face.
Later that evening I was helping my mummy in the kitchen with the cooking.
“Shloka, I guess we should start searching a groom for you. You are of the appropriate age now.” She said with lot of humor in her voice.
“Won’t it be too early mumma? I am still studying.” As every girl does, I also opposed. It was different that I had a reason to do that.
“You can continue with the studies afterwards too. I have already seen one for you.”
“Who is he?” The province of Curiosity took over me.
“Ninad, he is a very nice guy and both of you know each other as well.” I felt as if somebody spilt a thousand liters of honey in my ears. One thing is for sure, what is there in the Destiny can be delayed but can’t be Denied.
“Ninad… We are just friends mumma.” All of a sudden my tone dropped drastically.
“I know that, tomorrow your papa and me are going at his place.” She said as I ran away from the kitchen to my room. That night was one of the longest nights I have ever had in my life. The watch was running at a tortoise’s pace and my eye-lids had become stubborn enough not to kiss each other.
“Hello Ninad?” I called him as mom and dad came home with the box of sweets and a wave of joy along with it.
“I heard, you are getting married; congratulations.” I said blushing on the call; no reply came from the other side. Even after our parents decided that we both are going to get married he wasn’t able to express himself.
“Ninad, I Love You.” Finally I told what I wanted to hear from him badly after getting convinced that he is not gonna say it first.
“I Love you too.” And finally the iceberg in between us liquefied.
All was set; it was only happiness that was coming our way. In a short span we got married and Sajda bhabhi also delivered a baby boy. At the insistence of Rahil, Ninad named him ‘Aamir’ which means ‘Prince’. Life was going along smoothly but it’s said na, “Khushiyo ko apni hi nazar lag jati hai…!”
27 February 2002, 58 Hindus including 25 women and 15 children, activists of the Vishva Hindu Parishad and other Hindu pilgrims (Kar Sevaks) returning by the Sabarmati express from Ayodhya, were burnt alive in a railway coach by a large Muslim mob in a conspiracy. This in turn prompted retaliatory attacks against Muslims and general communal riots on a large scale across the State of Gujarat, in which 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were ultimately killed and 223 more people were reported missing. 523 places of worship were damaged: 298 dargahs, 205 mosques, 17 temples, and 3 churches. Muslim-owned businesses suffered the bulk of the damage. 61,000 Muslims and 10,000 Hindus fled their homes. Preventive arrests of 17,947 Hindus and 3,616 Muslims were made. In total 27,901 Hindus and 7,651 Muslims were arrested. And the regrettable part is that we became the part of all of these against our will.
There was only one Muslim house in our Pol, which was of Rahilbhai. Even after the two or three weeks of the riots we were fortunate enough not to have been affected by the same. I still remember the evening, 11th March, 2002 it was:
“Ninad, Rahilbhai is waiting for you since a while now, will you please come out?” I shouted at Ninad who was in discussion with his office person on a call almost since last half an hour.
“Sorry Rahil, it was an important call. Sorry to keep you waiting.” Ninad hurryingly came out of the bed room.
“Need to give you one responsibility..!!” Rahilbhai said.
“Due to work, I am going to Baroda for two days. Sajda and Amir are alone at home and you know the current scenario. So, please…”
“Don’t worry. You go bindass. Shloka will go to sleep alongside them.” Ninad said looking at me for the confirmation, I affirmed through the blink of my eyes.
“Sorry bhabhi & thanks, it’s just the matter for the two days (nights), inconvenience regretted.” Rahilbhai said getting bit formal.
“Hmmmmmm… No need for this sorry and thanks Rahil, both Cash & Cheque are accepted. “Ninad said jumping in the conversation.
“Chartered Accountant..!! Hence proved…!” He said as all of us broke in to smile. I didn’t know at that point of time, it would be the last time they will be smiling together.
Later on that night, I went to sleep at Rahil bhai’s place to accompany Sajdabahbhi & Amir. But, all of sudden my health betrayed me. My head started to whirl; I vomited thrice before Sajda bhabhi called Ninad to take me home.
“Aaahh, you doesn’t seem well Shloka, You go home and take rest. Don’t worry about us. We will be comfortable here.” She said
“Is it really okay bhabhi, or else you can come at our place.” Ninad said
“No need for that, take care of her. It seems some good news is awaiting all of us.” Sajda bhabhi said to Ninad as we started to go back home. Both of us, Ninad & me smiled at her mysteriously in reply.
We went back, cuddling and giggling with each other, reminiscing the comment of Sajda bhabhi. I didn’t realized when I went to sleep hugging Ninad. It was around midnight when my nap was broken by extreme screaming and shrieking outside. Ninad & me ran out and scene out there was horrible. A group of rioters had set Rahilbhai’s house on fire. People were screaming and shouting, dark orange & red flames were peeping out of the windows of the house, black smoke coming out of there got diluted into the darkness of the night. For a moment our minds went blank, we couldn’t realize what to do now?
“Sajda bhabhi & Amir are inside the house, somebody please call the fire brigade.” Ninad shouted and ran towards the house.
A bunch of people stopped him as it was practically insanity to go in. Ninad with help of other people of the Pol started to throw water with intention to control the fire till Fire Brigade comes so as to minimize the damage & save Sajdabhabhi & Amir. Everyone present over there did remarkable job but it wasn’t the easiest of the task, robustly blowing wind made the rescue operations more intricate.
After the uphill struggle for almost half an hour of neighborhood people & fire brigade the fire was controlled finally. Both bhabhi & Amir were seriously injured and were taken to the Civil Hospital immediately.
“If something will happen to bhabhi or Amir, I will never be able to exonerate myself. Rahil gave me the responsibility, which I couldn’t fulfill.” Ninad said burying his face in my shoulders.
“Don’t worry Ninad, everything will be fine. Keep faith on God.” I said running my fingers through his hair.
But Ninad’s fear came true. Doctors managed to save Sajdabhabhi but we lost our little prince, Amir. Doctors said he had third degree burns and they tried their level best to save him but couldn’t. Ninad totally broke down hearing to this, he loved Amir like his own son, he was the one who named him and now he had lost him and the worst part was he was considering himself guilty for the death of Amir. I believe one more fear in his mind was how he will face Rahilbhai, how will Rahilbhai react?
It would have been good if Rahilbhai would have reacted upon this, but he didn’t. Both Ninad and me were sitting at the bench outside the Sajdabhabhi’s room when Rahilbhai came in hurry, Ninad’s eyes were swollen due to overnight crying, his face was turned red. Rahilbhai just came, looked at him and went inside the room without even a single word.
It would have been great if that day he would have reacted, if nothing even shouted at Ninad, scolded him. But he did neither and his silence killed Ninad each and every moment he lived thereafter.
That silence made the belief in Ninad’s mind even stronger that He was the one who was responsible for Amir’s death. It was different that Rahilbhai never said that but the worst part was he also didn’t said that he didn’t considered Ninad responsible for Amir’s death. And that communication gap increased every day with much more of infuriating silence in between them.
Once upon a time they used to find excuses to meet each other and there came a time where they tried to avoid each other as much as possible. With the time there came a situation where I felt they became strangers, who didn’t know each other but the fact was totally opposite. The situation became so unbearable for Ninad that he decided to leave the India permanently and decided to get settled over here. He believed by doing so he can run away from his fate, but he didn’t know he was trying to run away from his own self which wasn’t possible.
“Hello Sajdabhabhi, is Ra……. Rahil there?” He called to inform Rahilbhai the same, after I insisted a lot about it.
“Ninadbhai..!!!!!! Haan…!!!!! Rahil call for you.” She shouted on the call only.
“Hello.” Rahil said from the other side.
Ninad just stood holding the receiver for a while, after a while I just whispered, “Say it.”
“Rahil……………… I have decided to leave India, a very good opportunity is available in Australia and I am going, permanently. I am leaving by 4.00 A.M. flight today.” He said all at a go without even taking a breath in between.
After staying quite for a while, he hung up the call. I still don’t know what Rahilbhai told him but at the airport he was sure that he will come to wave us a final good bye atleast. We waited there till the final announcement for boarding came but he didn’t come.
After we came over here, your pops overloaded himself with the work so as to forget the whole thing. Then came Sharvari and you, we got busy in seeing both of you growing up. Every day he tried to fool himself that he is quite okay but I know he wasn’t. He was missing his friend, his brother, his Rahim badly. Every month he wrote a letter to Rahilbhai but don’t know why, he never posted them. They are still lying in his cup-board in the bedroom. Even today he makes sure that he visits the mosque every Friday for the evening prayer. He is still missing his friend and now he will keep missing him forever.
“Just the one sentence from Rahil uncle saying pops is not responsible for Amir’s death would have avoided this situation, wouldn’t it?” Ira said hugging me tightly.
“A few things are better left unsaid but a few are best only when said. “ I said as the sun started to win his battle against the darkness of the night once again and dawn started to spread the light to announce the victory of light over dark. Birds cherished said victory with their twittering, flowers in the nurseries welcomed the morning with the blooming aroma to freshen up the surrounding environment.
“Pops, I am really excited about my first visit to India.” Ira said with lot of sparkles in her eyes.
“Good beta..!!” I said without showing much enthusiasm taking a magazine from the flight attendant.
We reached, ‘Mamu nayak ni pol’ taking an auto-rickshaw. A few things never changes even when the whole world around them changes drastically. The outskirt of the pol still resembled the same it did two and half decades ago. Jivanbhai’s tea stall still stood sturdy just a few yards away from the entrance of the Pol.
“Shlokabhabhi – Ninadbhai I can’t believe, Please come.” Sajdabhabhi got surprised seeing us.
“Salam bhabhi..!!” I said
“Salam bhaiya.”
“She is my daughter Ira; she is Sajda chachi say Salam to her.” I said looking towards Ira.
“Ohhh… She is very cute. May Allah shower his blessings on you.” She said as my eyes drew my attention towards a picture hanging on the wall. Rahil Abdulbhai Memon, Birthdate : 25th January, Death Date: 8th April. It was still the same face which was portrayed in my memory for ever, with a few changes though. A few wrinkles were visible due to his aging, his hair were totally turned red due to Mehndi he used to apply to his hair. Two inseparable portion of his personality were still visible on his face even in the pic, one was his ever contagious smile and another was that divine calmness, ‘sukoon’. I stared at the picture for a while, after a while I couldn’t stop a tear drop or two rolling down from corner of my eyes.
“Rahil missed you like anything, he really loved you bhaiya.” Sajda bhabhi said
“I know that.” I said as Shloka put her hand on my shoulder to become my strength of pillar as always. If she wouldn’t have been there with me I would have broken down years ago.
“This is something he gave me to hand it over to you.” Sajda bhabhi handed over a folded piece of paper to me. I took it and put it into the pocket of my shirt.
“Shloka & Ira you wait here, I will be back in a while.” I said moving out of the place.
I slowly entered the graveyard; there was a pin drop silence over there. Not many people were around, I silently moved to Rahil’s grave. Nice breeze caressed my hair, felt like Rahil welcomed me at his palace where he was residing in peace now. I sat at the foot of the grave, took the letter out of my pocket & started to read:
Dear Ninad,
I hope u receive this letter in the good health. Even on earlier occasions I tried to write you but my hands never gathered courage to pick up the pen. It’s a long time since I saw you, with the time even you might have grown older now. Your hair, which I remember of a shade between brown and golden, might have grown grey. Your greenish-grey colored eyes might have been forced to go smaller due to low vision. Your swan-white face might have got a few wrinkles on it. But still you are the same Ninad, my Ram whom I knew since I grown mature. I wish we were together right now, I wish I could have said all these face to face to you, I wish and I could just wish…
Today I am writing this letter just because, I know when you will receive this I may not be alive, I am dying. I want to apologize to you before I reach to Jannat otherwise even Allah wont forgive me. I never ever considered you responsible for the death of Aamir. It was just that I could never tell you that. Even when the day you went to Australia I wanted to come to air port to stop you at first and if not possible then atleast to see you off, but my legs didn’t support me. Do you know, I cried the whole night the day you went. I don’t know why but we built an invisible wall between us which is standing tall and sturdy till date. But I can’t tolerate it anymore. I want that wall to be smashed down so the fragrance of our friendship may bloom once again and I can die serenely. I can’t take this heft with me to the Jannat, I just can’t.
At last, I just want to say you, I loved you throughout my life and I will love you forever from where ever I am. I don’t know about you, but I believe in reincarnation and I strongly believe that in the next life we will once again meet but this time around not as friends but as brothers, eagerly waiting for that day my brother.
May Allah shower all his love and kindness over you.
Forever yours Rahim,
Still the wind was blowing at the very nice pace, a small leaf came flying and got stuck at my face as if it was stuck there to wipe of my tears, Rahil never liked me crying; I folded the letter and let it rest in the upper pocket of my shirt. As I stood up to leave, a tear drop fell at the foot of the Rahil’s grave.
I walked back.