Romantic Short Story – True Valentine
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
The Valentine’s Day was just two days away, yet one could feel its warmth in the air. This day is looked forward to by the whole world, rather, by all those who are hopeful of finding someone special. Since I happen to be sailing in the same boat, there has always been a strange anticipation from my side as well. The thought of buying some flowers or gifts for someone sent my blood rushing to my heart. Apparently that someone never came forth as I never had an impressive reputation with the girls and my heartbeat came back to normal. Maybe that’s the reason even today my heart is pumping healthy. In reality I would have preferred to have that ‘someone’ to share it with.
Lost in the thoughts about the Valentine’s Day, I stood there admiring the view from the 24th floor of my hotel suite. I was on my Indian vacation. The freshness in the air caressed me all over refreshing my body and soul. The black M-class Mercedes that drove in towards the hotel porch reminded me of my friend coming to pick me up. She was supposed to drive me to the airport. Today was the last day of my vacation and I was going back to France for next couple of months before leaving to the US for another couple of months. I have to admit that this friend of mine, is very punctual and has rarely kept me waiting. She had managed with all her appointments and priorities so that she could come to see me off.
I had just my laptop and a suitcase to carry with me. As I came out of the elevator I saw her entering the lobby with a nice cheerful smile on her youthful face. Her thick hair bounced with each step adding more oomph factor to her vibrant personality. Dressed casually and walking with confidence like a tigress on the prowl, she made many heads turn in the lobby. After greeting each other we decided to have a cup of coffee while the bellboy transferred my luggage to her car. I turned my head around to scan the jealous faces looking in my direction. Could almost hear them saying “Lucky jerk.. gets to enjoy the company of Miss.Youthful”, as I settled on the couch next to her. We exchanged smiles with the first sip as we got settled in the cushy seats.
“So… I can be at peace without you around for next few months”.
Her words almost made me use some choicest of four-letter words, that I gulped down with another sip of the coffee. All I managed was – “You Devil…”, and we broke into our usual laughter.
It was going to be a three hour drive to the airport. I settled myself in the luxurious seat as she revved the car engine. Soon the busy city streets lagged behind us and we headed for the interstate highway. My friend was extra particular about my meal on the airplane. She had prepared some delicious Dosa’s for me to enjoy them on the plane. I couldn’t resist the temptation to open the lunch pack. The wonderful aroma of her fresh preparation made me drool like a dog.
Even before I could take a bite, she just hit me on my hand with a remark “That one is for the journey you idiot … and secondly I don’t want my car to get dirty”.
I was in a daze looking at her, when she broke into laughter and said “Buddy ..You drive the car and I will help you with the dosa’s. That way you get to enjoy my preparation and I get the opportunity to relax without thinking about the car getting dirty ”.
Surely that seemed to be a better preposition for me as I was ready to fight tooth and nail with her to eat those appetizing dosa’s. With the car under my control, I felt more in command. She pulled one more small container from her purse and opening it said “This one we can finish the other one is for the airplane”.
The sun was setting on the horizon as she tucked the first morsel in my mouth. We kept talking about my future plans about finishing the existing projects and moving on to something new. There was nothing strategic in my plans but whatever I had in my mind I was emptying it in front of her and she was patiently listening to me giving her opinion in between and also feeding me those delicious dosa’s. Really, how apt someone has said,
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”.
And if someone has prepared something with so much of love, that someone will surely sit nicely in the man’s heart. To add to the pampering, here my friend was feeding me as well. She was taking care to wipe off anything that was sticking on to my lips with her tender soft fingers. Lucky me.
We both were so lost in talking with each other that we didn’t realize we had almost reached the airport. I pulled the car into the parking. We both walked down with the luggage trolley towards the Terminal Gate. As we approached the Gate, I had a strange feeling, in front of me was the Gate that was going to separate me from my wonderful friend. I looked at her, she was sporting her wonderful smile as usual.
Looking at the confused gaze in my eyes she asked “What happened? Don’t tell me you have forgotten something. I don’t want to take the trouble of driving you back again”.
We both laughed and kept inching towards the Gate.
I replied “Yes. I did forget one thing”. Her smile faded into a panicky expression.
I continued “I forgot to ask you whether you would like to accompany me on to the plane”.
Her panicky expression gave way to a relieved smile as she punched me in the ribs saying,
“You expect me travel without my luggage”.
“Well you can buy whatever you need to be on that flight”. I replied promptly.
Smiling, she said “Are you planning to smuggle me along with you? Hope you are aware about the restrictions”.
“Well… the restrictions are on smuggling illegal objects … not on someone like you”.
“Bum head, Do you think I carry my passport everywhere I go?”
“Then why would you have such a big purse, you can easily hide my whole laptop into it”
“I have better things to keep in my purse than that stupid gadget of yours”, she snapped at me.
I retorted “Passport could have qualified as a ‘better thing’ to reside into that purse.”
“FU idiot. You could have at least asked me before we left for the airport.”
“That time it didn’t strike me.”
Shaking her head with a frustrated look she shot back “Where the hell had your brains gone .. grazing somewhere?”
“Stupid bum … I was occupied with my packing”.
“What was there to pack so much… you hardly travel with any clothes .. you carry more chaddies than your shirts… you call this packing”. Could see her cheeks turning red.
“Hey hey .. I had to be sure that I don’t forget anything ..leave anything behind”.
“You nut, it was anyday worth forgetting your chaddies rather than forgetting to ask me to accompany you. I would have happily bought more chaddies for you.”
“Ok Ok .. my fault .. but then you still haven’t said “Yes””
“Idiot… was that a marriage proposal, for me to say “Yes”?”
“Well .. sort of proposal .. to come along with me”
“Buddy, I would have loved to accompany you .. but now I don’t think it is practical. I think you should proceed”.
“Because the security check has been announced for your flight and I don’t think you should bring out anymore smart ideas out of your brain.”
“Hmmm. I guess you are right, I should proceed. But ….”
“What but?”
I was totally disoriented at that moment and wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do next. I just looked around, trying to gather my senses. It was a strange feeling where my heart was beating faster with some excitement .. I guess the excitement of being accompanied by someone who has been so close to me yet never felt that way. It was the same excitement which brought me the thoughts about the Valentine’s Day .. about someone sending my blood rushing to my heart … that ‘someone’ to share the beautiful moments with. My roving eyes fell on a florist shop at the airport and I knew what I wanted to do next. I told her to hold the trolley as I scrammed in the direction of the shop.
“Now what … where the hell ….. ” could hear her shouting behind me. I ran like a sprinter jumping over the hurdles posed by couple of stray trolleys .. picked a bunch of red roses and sprinted back ..just like the way it’s shown in the movies.
I could see her smiling … smiling with joy .. smiling at my craziness … that wonderful smile ….. “Why didn’t I notice it before?”
Catching my breath, I looked into her eyes and said “Happy Valentine’s Day .. in advance”.
She extended her hands to hold the roses, with her eyes fixed on mine. Tears seemed to be engulfing her eyes as her smile broadened.
Holding the flowers she hugged me saying “Same to you Buddy”.
We both remained silent in each other’s hug, oblivious of the surrounding .. just trying to fathom the intensity of our bonding.
The silence was broken as someone yelled at us “Your trolley is skidding away”.
We realized that in those few moments where we held each other, our luggage trolley had rolled because of the slope. Holding her one hand I rushed to grab the trolley.
As we walked holding each other’s hands, she leaned on my shoulder and whispered in my ears “You are fit buddy, would love to ‘check’ your fitness more ”.
I kissed her forehead and asked “Are you going to make me run a marathon the next time we meet”.
“I have better ideas for that … You will see …” she replied with a naughty smile and a wink.
Gosh .. what a moment it was, there I was standing on the threshold of separation, separation from my buddy … with whom I have been sharing such a nice bonding.
We kissed goodbye to each other.
“I will be waiting with my passport” she yelled at me with a big smile and tears running down her cheeks.
She kept waving her hand with teary eyes. I dragged my feet away from her. The blurred image of her’s in my eyes made me realize the emotions were giving way as tears .. the tears of parting with that ‘someone’ for whom I yearned for so long … that ‘someone’ with whom I wanted to enjoy the warmth of a Valentine’s Day … that ‘someone’ with whom … now I wanted to share my life.