Moral Lesson Short Story – THE TURNING POINT
Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
Life is a path through which you reach to the destination of success. In this path there are many hurdles, twists and turns. To reach the destination there comes a crucial turn in the path which shapes one’s life. This turn gives the right direction to reach the destination of success. This is nothing but the turning point of life.This point comes in everybody’s life because Everybody walk on the same path but it differs from individual to individual and success comes to those only who choose right turn to reach the destination. Some recognize it earlier , some later and many do not in their whole life.
Divas and Piyush are very good friends since their college. They both studied in the nationally recognized college. It was almost guaranteed that every student would have a job after the college. But It did not happen. After the college except Divas everybody in their circle was placed . Divas was sad and Piyush was Equally sad for Divas. They were sad not only because Divas was not placed but also because they were going far from each other. They understood it well that true friends are rare. Piyush was spending his maximum time with Divas because he knew that Divas needs him. Next day Piyush had to go Banglore for the joining so he decided that Tonight he and Divas will sit together for beer on the tank of the college .
Piyush brought two Kingfisher .Both of them opened bottles and cheered. Divas was pretending to be happy because he did not want to look sad in front of Piyush after all it was the happiest day of his life. But he couldn’t say anything because a mixture of emotions was charging at him. Piyush understood the situation and finally broke the ice.
Piyush : Hey dude ! finally leaving tomorrow at 4:00 pm.
Divas : I know yaar. I am really happy for you. All the best for the new life.
Piyush : Hmmm thanks. By the way whats your plan now?
Divas : Don’t know . I feel I am good for nothing. If I couldn’t secure a job for me what else can I do?
Finally beer was showing its effect and Piyush was succeeding in bringing Divas’s frustration out.
Piyush : see Divas , answer one thing. Getting a job only is life? You did not get it here doesn’t mean that you can not get it anywhere. May be you deserve something better than this that’s why you did not get the job. Remember whatever happens ,happens for the good .May be We are Unable to understand it at this point of time but we will realize it later for sure.
Divas: I can’t understand what’s good in not getting a job. I am jobless and each of my friend is in job. And you are saying that something good is hidden in this , what rubbish .
Piyush : Genius stand alone. You are thinking that you are alone but you should take it in positive way. You just realize what is your strength and then you go for your goal. You will surely be a genius. May be you are not made for the job.
Divas was feeling somewhat relaxed but still he was tensed . He was thinking that Piyush is saying all this because he is his friend and wants him to see happy. But still Piyush had rekindled hope.Now divas curious to ask more about this.
Divas : and what do you think my strength is ? And how would I know it?
Piyush : That you will get to know by the time. Only you can search it, just start looking cautiously for it. Very few people in this world know about their interests and strength. But once they recognize it , no one can stop them from being a successful person.
It was 1:00 am at the night. Both of them had already finished the bottles . Divas was in the state of confusion now. He did not know how to find his strength . also he was not sure that what Piyush is saying is right or wrong . But Piyush had to leave for bangalore tomorrow so Both of them left for their houses .
Next day Piyush left. Divas was now paying more attention to what he discussed last night. He was living his life normally but he was cautiously searching for his strength. In between Piyush and Divas used to talk each other on phone. Piyush was very busy in his life but he always managed to get time for Divas .When piyush left for bangalore Divas had joined the library and he used to spend all his day in the library. Months passed , But Divas did not realize yet that what is his strength.
On one fine day when Piyush called Divas, something unexpected happened.
Piyush : hi bro ! whats up ?
Divas : all good. You say , hows life going ?
Piyush :hmm very busy yaar. Hey did you saw the news today? Banks are reducing CRR and there was a debate on how will it impact our economy.
As he said this , Divas started the discussion that went very long. He told piyush about CRR,SLR,MSF,Bank Rate, FDI , GDP,GNP,NNP HDI ,and a lot more about the indian and world economics. Piyush was stunned to hear all that . Divas was talking like an economist. His general knowledge was the height. He was aware of everything around.
Piyush : Hey Wait ! How did you know all that ? I did not know anything about all this . what happened to you man? From where have you read all this.
Divas : nothing yaar, just continuing to go to the library to pass the time. There I read news papers and some economics books . I like to read all that which is related to real life. Since You went I do not meet anybody because don’t have anything to share . all are in jobs, so they discuss about their jobs. What would I discuss? That’s why I spent my whole day in the library by reading all this stuff.
Piyush : That’s great yaar. How can you spent whole day in the library , I mean how can you concentrate for so long? I cant concentrate for more than 1 hour.
Divas : I don’t know yaar, but its something that I like to pass my time with. And I think its better to pass time with books . At least you get know a lot of things and it gives confidence too. Like I discussed today with you and I am feeling confident that at least I know something. Also It will help me in job interviews. won’t it?
Piyush : of course yaar and even many government exams ask these things in their curriculum. But its really unique about you that you can spend whole day in the library by reading books and newspapers. Nothing bad can happen to a hardworking guy like you. Just be patient and wait for the right time. Ok I have to go now . will call u later. Bye
Divas: bye
Divas disconnected the call but last sentence of Piyush has made him somewhat worried. He had mixed emotions that time ,he was worried as well as exited because perhaps he had got the answer of his much awaited question. Divas thought may be it is his strength that he can concentrate on studies very long by going to library and he can utilize it in choosing his career. In the library he realized what kind of subjects he likes to study and his ability to spend whole day studying in the library made him strong on those subjects. He then did some research that with the subjects of his interest which career would be best for him. He found that if he will focus on these and some more subjects with full dedication , He can go for civil services. Without wasting his time he purchased books for UPSC and started preparing for the exam.
He also took some guidance from coaching. After knowing his strength he was spending more time in library than before. He told Piyush that he is preparing for UPSC and Piyush encouraged him.But Piyush was unaware of what made him to prepare for UPSC. Divas followed that schedule continuously for 14 months. It is a very long time and during this period Divas felt frustrated many times. But this time he was too determined for his goal that nothing could distract him. Meanwhile he used to talk to Piyush on phone but it was not that frequent as it was before because he was now really focused on his aim.
Beyond anybody’s expectation Divas got selected for IRS services in his first attempt. He did it after realizing his strength . He utilized his strength supplemented with dedication and determination.Now he was happy that he was not selected for the job. If he would have been in the job he would never think of UPSC and such an auspicious day would never come. Now he admitted that whatever happens , happens for the good. Presently he is undergoing his training.
So here that phone call of Piyush was the turning point of Divas’s life. Like divas every one of us has to realize our strength , our interest so that we can strive hard to achieve success in that field. We need to understand that always there is something good is hidden behind every bad situation. Always remember “ A bad situation gives you an opportunity to create a better situation.” So look it that way. If you have not yet realized your strength then start searching for it cautiously because it may be your TURNING POINT.