This short story is participating in Write Story from Picture India 2012 – Short Story Writing Competition.

Photo credit: Nevit Dilmen
This is the one and the only picture which Rahul have of his childhood friend Alisha. They were born and brought up together in a small town of Maharashtra. She was his neighbor and a very good and caring friend. Gradually, days turned into months and months into years and finally they grew up to be an adult. Alisha was studying in a college and perusing her bachelors degree while Rahul too was looking for a suitable job for himself in and around Maharashtra. They had a good intimacy towards each other and every now and then they used to share every bit of any small or big things happening in their day to day life. In fact, they liked to be in each others company and closeness everyday.
One fine day, Alisha came to Rahul and said that she had to go away with her fiance as her marriage was fixed. Rahul was not at all prepared to hear this and he had a mixed kind of expression going on in his heart. However, he congratulated her and wished her all the best in life. But suddenly, tears rolled down on Alisha’s cheek. Rahul got confused and asked her if she was unhappy about anything. She said that she was already in love with someone. Rahul was surprised to hear this because he could not believe how could Alisha fall in love with someone and that too without his knowledge. Rahul controlling his emotions and asked her about the man she loved. Alisha remained silent about it and requested him to leave the topic for the moment. He asked her once again but she ran away without speaking a word. That night Rahul could not sleep because he had two questions going on in his mind. First, he thought who could be the man whom Alisha loved and second he thought why Alisha did not speak about the man to him before as they used to share everything with each other.
After that incident, Rahul tried to meet Alisha many a times but each time he was unsuccessful in his effort. Rahul kept his silence thinking that he should have his own limitations now as Alisha was to be married very soon. Finally, the day came when Alisha was to be tied in a holy knot. Preparations were on full swing and the house was decorated with lighting and flowers. Soft music was making the marriage ceremony more colorful and guests were coming from every nook and corners of the city. Rahul decided to meet Alisha once before her marriage to congratulate her since she was his best friend. When Rahul stepped into her room she was looking totally different. She was not like the girl next door who he was familiar with and used to jump and scream on Rahul over trifle matters. She was looking very gorgeous and beautiful in the red wedding saree. As usual, Rahul greeted her by her name and she turned towards him. As Rahul went close towards her, she gave a tight slap on his face. Rahul did not moved a bit and was staring at Alisha as if he wanted to ask her the reason for getting slapped. But Rahul did not spoke a word and controlling his emotions he moved back to get out of the room. Alisha now called Rahul by his name and asked him to wait. She came to Rahul and said won’t he ask her why she slapped him. Rahul was still very cool and kept his silent about it. Finally, Alisha holding his hands burst into tears. Rahul spoke and said to Alisha that in life some relations are so valuable that they are not limited to the binding of any relationship. Rahul grabbing her both hands into his strong fist said that he will always remember her as his good childhood friend and the great inspiration of his life.
Later in the night, Alisha got married and departed with her husband and from Rahul’s life for forever. After sometime, Rahul landed a good job for himself and soon settled into a happy married life. Now, he is a retired service man and still the sweet memories of Alisha is not erased from his mind. Today, he realizes that Alisha was not only his best childhood friend but also a valuable moment of his life which he failed to realized during that point of his life. He could have owned her for forever into his own life but his youth and innocent mind let her go like that from his life. However, he considers himself to be lucky enough to have her photograph with him. Whenever he feels alone he takes out that piece of snap and he feels as if Alisha is very close to him.
Really, some people have their own views and previews about life and they love to live it in their own unique ways. Rahul could have very easily married Alisha when he was young but somehow he did not do it or perhaps he didn’t thought of it at that point of time. This story is like a lesson for us too that we should value our relationships in life and take timely steps so that we do not have to be sad about it later in our lives. After all, we do not want ourselves to be in the position of Rahul and cry on for things later which we could control today. Hence, enjoy your life to the full and take positive decisions about your life whenever it is required so that you could be the master of your fate and destiny and give a happy ending of your life. I wish you all the best in your attempt.
*** The End***