Love Short Story: Last 111 Min
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
21 DEC 2012, 2.05 am, WASHINGTON DC
“Last 111 minute for Impact” hearing this announcement the scientist of NASA space research center were hurried with their work…….
21 DEC 2010, 12.00 am, WASHINGTON DC
HAPPYYYY BDAYYYYY TOOOO UUUUUUUUUU……….. with this singing everyone wished and hugged Riya.. she was awe-struck by seeing that celebration which was arranged for her B day.. She was surprised by seeing that because she dint even expected such an occasion. Each and every one of her friends were there its so long seeing all of them together….. This surprising event was the idea of Sam, a close friend of Riya…. Riya uttered thanks… and Sam replied Hapy Bday dr… but Riya was expecting something else……. Days passed, those precious and beautiful culture and climate of USA have already built a blooming impact on Sam’s heart. he could really feel a manliness while he is with Riya…
21 DEC 2011, 8.44 pm, WASHINGTON DC
He followed each and every steps of Riya. The love which he felt on Riya made him Warm as if he is in mothers womb. He decided to propose her on her next Bday and he decided to give the three most precious and beautiful gift that none has given Riya before…. He decided to give some precious collection of Articles that was used by Riya from young age… he collected Riya’s first photograph… first dress and every single precious thing that Riya used….. to make her happy he was ready to do anything and every thing….
21 DEC 2012, 12.00 am, WASHINGTON DC
Riya’s mobile was ringing out loudly…. The voice from the other side was Sam he wished Riya but Riya was bit upset because she expected more from Sam… he said “Riya today is the most important day of my life and i need to spend time with please wait for me in the beach at 4 pm” Riya was very happy about what Sam said…..
21 DEC 2012, 3.45 am, WASHINGTON DC
Riya came to beach fifteen min earlier and waiting for Sam…….. Suddenly Cop’s surrounded that area and announced that there is going to be a terrible attack of tsunami… every one in that beach started to run and it was mess over there….Riya tried to contact Sam but she couldn’t call him she rushed to her home….. As expected by the scientist it was a terrible attack of tsunami….. she started to worry about Sam a lot she was crying and expecting a call from Sam… his eyes were tired looking her phone’s screen… she got frustrated and switched on her TV…. one news channel was showing the latest update of the terrible attack… In that video clip she saw her school mate, Priya who was her evergreen friend of Riya and she was hurt and carried by the police to the hospital in a stretcher. She was shocked and couldn’t digest what she saw because Priya got settled in Australia a year back… how come she is here in Washington?… what would have happened to her?… why she Dint inform me about her coming?….many question Arised to Riya during her travel to the hospital… Riya saw Priya and Priya started to cry when she saw Riya…… There was no words for some time after a few min Priya gave a blue BOX which was packed well…. and wished Riya Happy Bday…. Priya continued this was given to me by Sam and we were waiting for u in beach Sam is no more…. saying this Priya got out of her conscious…. Riya cried out loudly….. After that Riya opened the box……. there was a writing over it stating “TO MY DEAR ANGEL RIYA” there was a Cassette and collection of Articals…… Those Articals were what she used from her childhood days…. her tears dint stop and she played that cassette it was Sam who was speaking in it…. Riya couldn’t control her tears and her heart was paining like hell… Sam explained each and every moment of his love the final words of Sam was “Riya these are the three beautiful gifts that i can give for u one is this recording and the second one is those precious articles and the third is your close and ever lasting friend’s wishes, I hope u will love it and at the time when Priya gives this Recording i will be near u and watching u only…. if u accept my love kiss any one of my gift and if u don’t love then please return those gifts to Priya…. If u Kiss i will come in front of u else i will move out of your life”……… the recording was 111 minutes…….. Hearing this Riya was speechless she got what she expected from Sam but it was bit late…… she silently went near Priya and Kissed her in forehead (her heart said “I LOVE U SAM”) and she took all those Articals and that cassette to her home……….