Friendship Story – Affable Friend
Photo credit: slowfoot from morguefile.com
What happened???Vaishali asked..
I have failed…I’m not selected….Smrithi regretted…This is really a worst year,i have lost a wonderful friend,i love to work but i’m rejected…what do i do??Just get married..
No…Smrithi everything is going to be fine…Vaishu knew how much Smrithi was worried…Come on…Lets go for a walk…
“They both walked in a very quiet cool moon road”..Smrithi….Talk to me..Kalpana…..She left me….Do i dont deserve her???I really MISS her..I Just want to be with her,She feels I dont enjoy life..I always live with rules..She didnt liked to be with me.. I let here go..But i cant move on..She was an amazing friend…….
Smrithi….You dont have to move on…Just be yourself…you’ll get her back soon..Maybe she’s too missing you…
I don’t feel so..I really want her back.Smrithi….
Vaishali holded her hands….,come on…You’re good at what you truly love…Everthing going to be alright..
Vaishu…No one can make feel better more than you…
“I’ll Surely Have Wonderful Memories To Be Remembered To Cry In Future….”Smrithi said to herself..,
So tell me..What happened on the interview??
I was rejected….
Come on..This was just your first interview…You still have a long way to go…
Smrithi..Vaishali called after a long gap…
You don’t like to get married???
Its not like that my dear…I feel i’m not ready for this…I love my skill..I love programming…I want some job..Prove myself..Show everyone what i’m capable of…..And moreover…I dont feel I’m ready for some new person,a new life….
Hmm..Smrithi….I can understand..Talk to your mom about this…And about your job….Try hard and be ready to face everything…Because “You Dont Get Peace Very Easily On Both Your Career And The Choice Of Your Life”
Its true….You know what…Right at this moment i just what one thing………..Smrthi said…….
What ….Asked Vaishali..
Staying with you in this hostel for a very very…….Long time…
Vaishali :)
Love you so much..dear..
Swetha Karthikeyan