Friends Story – Three people with 100 colorful dreams (PART-II)
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
Link for Part – I ( https://yourstoryclub.com/short-stories-friendship/friend-short-story-people-with-colorful-dreams/)
Part -II
After waking up Rodney catches Hunt and slaps on Hunts face. Hunt remains in calm and he thinks may be his friend had slapped him for consuming the alcohol like hell. Hunt apologies to Rodney. Rodney doesn’t speak a word, and asks hunt “you owe me truth” and leaves Hunts house. The same day evening hunt calls Mark. Hunts Ex wife, as now she’s the girlfriend of mark picks the phone and say ”Hello” Hunt recognizes the word “Hello” and he cuts the call and goes to bed and remembers the word “Hello” from his ex-wife.
Now hunt remembers Susan’s first “Hello”
As Hunt and his wife were both relatives they have seen other since from childhood. Hunt gets separated from his relatives, going to a far place for his education; he never got in touch with their relatives very often. All of his cousins used to mail him, and he used to keep the conversations on from his mail box. One day Susan (Later gets married to Hunt) mails Hunt that she and her family had went to outing and sends her trip pics to Hunt. Susan being the youngest kid in the family Hunt even sees her as a kid. He replies to Susan’s mail in a different colour and replies to her mail point to point. Susan finds the mail as interesting from Hunt and she feels happy that someone has valued her mail and replied for every point in a different colour. She keeps on mailing hunt at least once in a day. Even Hunt was replying Susan’s mail every day. This mail becomes addictive to Susan and she keeps on mailing about her daily activities to Hunt. Hunt still thinking she’s a kid, and he too kept advising her and mailing her every day.
One day Susan plans to visit Hunts place alone. And Susan parents call Hunt parents and tell them that their daughter finished her exams and she would like to visit Hunts place. Hunts parents were happy and said Susan parents to send her to their house for few days. As Susan had informed of her arrival Hunt takes 2 days off from his work and replies her that he will be available with her for 2 days completely.
Susan enters Hunts house, and she keeps on talking with Hunt. Hunt too keeps on chatting and monitoring Susan eyes reaction and keeps on joking. Hunts takes Susan in his car for showing her new places. Susan enjoys being with Hunt and they keep on talking for the entire 2 days. After spending entire two days with Susan, Hunt easily analyze Susan is in love with him. Hunt never expresses his feelings to Susan. He remains calm thinking her as a kid.
After two days Susan returns to her home, and calls Hunt and says thanks for spending two days with her. Next day Susan mails Hunt about her activities. Hunt never replies back to her mails. By not getting the replies from Hunt Susan calls Hunt and asks him “Y are you not replying to my mails and its been 3 days since I have not received your replies” Hunt somehow manages and says “Sorry I was busy with work, so I was not able to reply you” Later Hunt replies to her mails and seeing this Susan gets happy, and she tries to call Hunt every time instead of mailing.
Now both Susan and Hunt every time called each other instead of mailing. This continues for a period of 6 to 7 months. One day Hunt appears online at messenger, seeing Hunt online, Susan pings Hunt. Hunt continues to chat with Susan. After 5 to 10 Mins Susan asks Hunt “Shall I call you” Hunt says “Of course what is this new thing, y are you asking my permission” Hunt knew something is wrong, and he things may be this is the day. Hunt cell rings, Hunt picks the phone and says “Hi Susan what’s up” Susan just keeps calm and she won’t speak a word. Later after 5 Mins Susan says “Hello Hunt”
And suddenly Hunt phone rings and he sees mark calling. Hunt says hello to Mark, and mark says “Hey Hunt I was trying to call you many times but y didn’t you pick my call” Hunt says “Sorry may be I was dreaming something, and thanks for waking me up. And I called you to say thanks for the party” Mark says “Mention not buddy & take care” and cuts the call.
Rodney calls mark after few days and asks Mark to meet him. Mark agrees and meets Rodney next day.
Rodney says “Don’t you find strange why the hell was Hunt consuming the alcohol”. Mark being a very sharp minded person says “Hey Rodney it’s like a free party I had arranged, maybe he would had his separation feelings of his wife and would have drank like that”. Rodney feels uneasy and changes the topic and start talking something. After hours of chat Mark says he will be going to USA for another 6 months, and asks Rodney and Hunt to take care of his GF just in case of any emergency. Rodney says “Ok dude, I will take care and have a great journey”. Mark says thanks Rodney, I thought you would say “We will take care, and how come you said “I” here and leaves to his car. Rodney just keeps silent and moves to his car and goes away.
After few months, Mark reaches USA and calls Hunt and Rodney that he reached safely and enjoying his life. Hunt and Rodney too ask Mark to take care and keep in touch.
Here Rodney being a responsible person loses the responsibility as he was before, he starts to enjoy his life with his wife, and starts spending money and plans to construct his own house and thinks about starting a business. As he never worries for his depts and loans, he never saves money and keeps spending it. Hunt meets Rodney one day near his house and asks Rodney to have a cup of coffee at his house. Rodney enters Hunts house and have coffee and says “Hunt I was never like this before, now a days I take life as it come, as if I think I am enjoying my life like anything, now a days I don’t have any seriousness nothing, just keep spending money and enjoying like anything”. Hunt smiles and says “That’s good, this is how you have to enjoy life like me”. But in other side Hunt becomes very responsible and supports his family. As Hunts family now totally depend on him. He forgets how to enjoy, neither has he felt to enjoy. Slowly he becomes very positive and starts managing his parent’s requirements day to day. Mark on the other side keeps enjoying with his girlfriend at India, he keeps calling her and enjoys each and every moment with her in the call. Mark at US never roam around with his girlfriends, and becomes like a dream boy dreaming of being with his girlfriend who is at India.
One day Mark mother calls Rodney, asks him and Hunt to meet her. Rodney asks hunt to accompany him till Marks house. Hunt refuses to accompany Rodney. Rodney being furious pulls Hunt to his car and asks to shut his mouth and sit at the back. Hunt goes inside Rodney’s car and accompanies till Marks house. Marks Mother calls Rodney and Hunt inside the house, and says “I just wanted to ask you guys whether Mark is happy” Rodney says, “Well if that is the case yes he is absolutely happy”. Hunt asks Marks Mother “Y did you called us”? Mark Mother replies “I just called you guys to convince Mark to get married to his girlfriend who is at Marks house. Rodney sees Hunt, and says “”Hunt will you reply to this or shall I” Hunt smiles and says ”Hey who ever may reply it would be “yes” ofcourse””. Rodney smiles and says, when Hunt can say yes to this even I will guarantee we will ask him to get married soon. And they both leave the house.
In the car Hunt asks Rodney “How in the earth you started talking like this?” Rodney says “Do you owe me today or should I wait for another couple of years?” Hunt smiles and says, well Rodney, our first priority is Marks marriage lets finish it without any disturbance. Rodney sees Hunt in the mirror and says “You get what you wish for”. Rodney drops Hunt to his place and goes away.
After 5 Months Hunt calls Mark and talks for a long time. Mark remembers his old days and keeps enjoying all the old topics. And suddenly Mark starts explaining about his girlfriend who is in India, and tells the story of how he met her for the first time. Hunt says he is short of time and needs to go to meeting and cuts the call.
Here Hunt remembers how he met Susan for the first time.
Hunt remembers from the phone call when Susan says “Hello Hunt”. Hunt says “Hey Susan do you know you took 5mins to say this word. Did you called me to say just hello after 5 Mins, or is there anything else.” Susan says there are many things to say Hunt, but I don’t know how to express. Hunt says “Don’t worry I am very flexible you may proceed”. Without wasting any time Susan says “Hunt seems like I am in love”. Hunt laughs and asks “good for you gr8, who’s that unlucky guy and jokes”. Susan says Hunt I am in love with you and I need you. Hearing this Hunt is neither shocked nor amazed, as Hunt knew this day will come fast. Hunt replies ok Susan give me some time I will let you know the same. Susan being very adamant asks Hunt to say “I love you” Hunt denies that and says “Give me some time I will let you know and cuts the call”. Here Hunt loved her right from the mails, but he had the confidence that he could make Susan to propose him. Lucky Hunt made it as a success.
After a week hunt checks his mail box and sees there is no mails from Susan. Now Hunt starts worrying, as there are no calls and no mails from Susan. He calls Susan and just checks is everything all right? Susan says, all are fine, and till you say “I love you to me I won’t be able to reply neither talk to you” and cuts the call. Here Hunt feels the pain of being not to be in touch with her frequently. One day Hunt tries to reach his most favorite cousin Shruthi. Hunt explains what has happened with him and Susan for years together. Shruthi says “Hunt this is your bloody life, you have to make right decisions. If you feel you really love Susan then why the hell are you hesitating to inform this to your parents”? Hunt says thanks Shruthi, I will take your suggestion and inform my parents ASAP and cuts the call. Hunt never discloses to his parents as he fears, whether if they say no to his love. After couple of weeks there will be a call from Susan and Hunt receives her call immediately and says “First of all I am so happy to receive your call and listen your voice” Susan says “Yeah me too” Hunt says “So tell me, how are you and how come you remembered me today”. Susan says “ Hunt I cannot afford to wait as your parents were searching you a girl for marriage so I thought of doing this”. Hunt gets confused and asks “What did you do?”. Susan says “Look I conveyed to my dad that I am in love with you”. Hunt asks “ What the hell”? how did you said that, “I never said I am going to love you”. Even Hunt had fears in his mind whether his own uncle will accept for giving his daughter to Hunt. So one side Hunt was very happy and kept calm, and said “Okay Susan I love you”. Susan jumped in joy and gave Hunt a kiss from her phone.
As Hunt was never responsible and never thought what life is, he went to his house on the same day and explained to his parents as what has happened. Hunt parents were happy and said “Son we will make your wish come true” Hunt was very happy and conveyed Susan a text message “Hey sweetie my parents too agreed for our marriage” Susan replies to the text as “I love you for ever and ever and ever”.
Next day Susan calls Hunts and asks “Can we meet some day, as I want to meet you, seems like I am missing you”. Hunt replies back “Yeah sure I will meet you soon let you know the date” After 2 days Hunt texts Susan that he will meet her on this weekend. Susan asks Hunt to come to her house directly as her parents will be out of station on that day. Hunt says “No I don’t want to come inside to your house as there may be no one and it won’t be good enough to enter your house before marriage” Susan being once again adamant tells Rodney “If you won’t come to my house then better forget to meet me”. Hunt agrees and after 2 days he leaves his place to meet Susan without informing to his parents and neither of his relatives. He reaches Susan’s apartment and rings the doorbell.
Suddenly Hunts boss calls him for a meeting and Hunt smiles and says inside his mind “Old days were fun mark”.
After a month Mark calls Rodney and Hunt says “Guys I am arriving to India” Hunt feels sad and Rodney says we are excited to see you dude. And says even Hunt is eager to see you and waiting to see your marriage. Suddenly Mark replies “Why only Hunt feels eager to see my marriage?” Hunt cuts a joke saying “Its destiny no one can change it”. Rodney & Mark laugh and say “Very true”.
After couple of days Mark arrives to India and roams around with his girlfriend shops and enjoys his life being with his girlfriend. One fine day Hunt goes to give his car for service and see’s Susans Father too in the same showroom booking for a new car. Hunt’s Ex-Father in law too sees Hunt and say “Hello Hunt how are you doing now a days”? Hunt keeps calm and doesn’t open his mouth; he just steers at him and asks the mechanic to take the car for service. Susan’s Father doesn’t keep quite. He comes near Hunt and says, my Daughter is getting married to a guy who is at USA. Now she’s very happy with him, it’s good that she left you and found a best way of living. And he keeps telling about her daughter. Hunt keeps on listening and finally breaks his silence and asks his Ex- In law, didn’t Susan said about the friends of the guy who she’s marrying? His Ex- In law replies, that don’t matter as she’s marrying him not his friends, he laughs at Hunt and says “am I right”? Hunt says yes you are right and leaves the Garage.
Hunt keeps thinking about what his ex In law said and keeps on remembering the same and reaches his house, and calls Rodney saying “Buddy can you come to house as I am not comfortable today” Rodney rushes in to Hunts house and says “Hey what’s up?” Hunt hugs Rodney and cries like a baby. He asks Rodney “what in the earth did I do Rodney”. Rodney asks Hunt what happened but Hunt never expresses what happened. Rodney after some hours leave Hunts house and asks him to take care. By evening on the same day Mark calls Rodney and asks him to get his car, as Marks car is under repair.
Hunt says “Hey Mark by morning I just left my car in the garage and asks Mark to call Rodney.
Here Hunt remembers his past as what happened when the first time he too borrowed a car from his friend.
Hunt starts remembering when he entered Susan’s house, As Hunt rings the door bell, it was Susan who opened the door and seeing Hunt she blushes away to the kitchen. Hunt laughs and says “Hey Susan it’s me you have seen me from childhood and why are you blushing”. Hunt carries some gifts for Susan from his place. And he delivers to Susan the gifts. Susan still getting blushed doesn’t open the gift and keep it on the table. Later somehow Susan sees Hunts face again and she hugs Hunt. Hunt asks Susan to get dressed up so that they can go out of her house ASAP and roam around places for a day. Susan asks Hunt to wait at Hall and she goes to room and comes to hall after changing her dress. Hunt says you look beautiful Susan. Susan comes very near to hunt and sit at his side and says “Thanks Hunt”. Her voice was very appealing and was tempting Hunt to kiss her. Hunt controlled his emotions and says Susan “Shall we leave”? Susan says if you are ready then I have no problems. Hunt says “I am ready to leave your house, but not you”. Hearing this Susan hugs Hunt again and she delivers her first kiss to Hunt. Hunt Too responds, and after some few mins, Hunt takes Susan outside the house. Now Hunt feels he did right thing by taking her away from house.
Hunt and Susan go to many places and keeps on talking with Hunt. Even Hunt too enjoys being with Susan. Later after night Hunt says bye to Susan and leaves to his place. Susan calls Hunt and asks Hunt whether he reached safely. Hunt says yes my dear I reached safely. And says “Hey Susan sorry for kissing”, Susan laughs and says “common you are not somebody, you have every rights to kiss me and furthermore” Hunt laughs and says “thanks”. One day Hunt father asks Susan’s father to fix a date for the engagement. Susan’s Father expresses his interest and says “Sure I will take care.” Hunt and Susan will come to know their parents are planning for the engagement. And after 1 Month Susan’s dad calls Hunts Mother and conveys the engagement date and venue. Later for selecting engagement ring Susan’s family plan to visit Hunts place. Susan call Hunt and says “Hey Hunt my dad is bit concerned about reaching your place as there may not be any cabs available at your place by the time we reach”. Hunt replies “don’t worry I will get a car to pick you guys”. Susan says “Love you honey” and cuts the call. And for picking up Susan’s family Hunt asks one of his friends to lend his car as he needs it. His friends gives Hunt the car. And Hunt takes the car and reaches the railway station to pick Susan’s family.
Hunt Phone rings again as the mechanic of the car where Hunt left for service calls Hunt and says that his car needs to be washed and hence there will be another day delay for delivery. Hunt replies back “Its okay”.
Mark calls Rodney and gets Rodney’s car. Mark and his girlfriend go for a long drive, and Mark says Rodney that he will be returning the car after two or three days. Here Rodney and Hunt meet up again and talk about Mark enjoying his life. The same day Rodney asks Hunt to give a good Idea to start a new business. Hunt says hey Rodney “I don’t think I would like to invest money in business”. Rodney says “Hey Hunt think you have become very responsible now a days, as I can see now you are feeling some responsibility”. And Rodney again asks Hunt about his second marriage plans. Hunt says “Nope Rodney I don’t think I would marry a girl again in my life, I would like to be as alone as possible”. This makes Rodney to raise another question “Hey Hunt you never said me how did you and your wife got separated. You can share things to me if you want to.” Hunt says “Hey Rodney It was a pure betrayal which happened with me, and I still don’t think this is the time to explain you. I will explain you later once Mark finishes his marriage.” Suddenly Rodney phone rings and his wife calls Rodney to home. Rodney says bye to Hunt and reaches his house.
After three days Rodney calls Mark and enquirers about this car. Mark replies that he has gone very far and so ask Rodney to pick his car from the garage. As Rodney had some urgent meetings asks Hunt whether if he is free to pick Mark’s car from the garage. Hunt doesn’t refuses and agrees to get Mark’s car from the garage. Hunt goes to the garage and asks the mechanic to deliver Marks car if it’s ready. The mechanic delivers the car to Hunt. When Hunt started to go out taking Marks car, the mechanic from behind screams, “Sir please stop”. Hunt hears the sound of mechanic and stops the car. The mechanic approaches the car and gives Hunt a cell phone and says “Sir this Cellphone I got inside the car, may be you would have forgotten to take your cell back when you have given to service. Hunt smiles to the mechanic and says “Thank you”. Hunt looks at the cellphone and remembers that it was the cellphone which was gifted to Susan.
Now Hunt remembers about the cellphone how he gifted to Susan.
Hunt takes the car and picks up Susan’s family from the railway station. Susan father will talk to Hunt and ask hi Hunt so ready to choose the engagement ring? Hunt smiles and says “Yes why not”, Hunt sees the mirror and looks Susan’s eyes. Susan will be blushing again in the car, and Susan’s father and Mother will be cutting jokes with me. Hunt enjoys the ride from railway station till his house. After arriving to house Hunts father mother welcomes Susan and their family. When both families united together they both start talking to each other. Hunt calls Susan to the balcony and they both too talk in private on the balcony. Having a chat Susan hugs Hunt at the balcony and says our days are nearing Hunt how do you feel?. Hunt replies “Yes I am waiting to you see you as my wife soon”.
Later Hunt and Susan go for shopping for selecting engagement ring. Hunt chooses his engagement ring very fast, and Susan being very specific tells Hunt she needs a ring with a glittering stone on the top. By night 10PM where every jewelers stores are about to close, Hunt rushes to the jewelers shop and asks the manager to show all the types of rings as per Susan’s design. Finally by 11:00PM Susan selects her type of design ring and says to Hunt that she loves it. As it was getting late Susan’s dad calls Susan and asks where you are? Susan replies we are heading back to house. Hunt sees Susan’s cell phone and asks “Susan from how many decades are you using this worn-out cell phone which is outdated”. Susan laughs and says “what to do as I am still not earning so kept this cellphone and using this weird one”.
Hunt laughs and says “Yes better change this one soon” and drives the car away. They return to house by mid night and sleep. By the next morning Susan says “Hunt its time and I need to move”. Hunt feels sad and says “Yeah fine I wish you would have stayed for another couple of days”. Hunt says Susan that he has some work outside and he will be back in an hour to drop you guys back to railway station. Hunt rushes in to cellphone stores and buys a costly cellphone and giftwraps it and put in in his bag and returns home to drop Susan’s family. Later Hunt borrows his friend’s car and leaves Susan’s family to the railway station.
While driving, Susan says “Hunt I think I will lose my fingers very soon”. Hunt smiles and says “Yes I know the kind of long text messages you send to me I too thought you will lose your fingers one day and presents her surprisingly a cell phone. Susan jumps in joy inside the car and screams “thank you so much”. As Hunt loves a particular no “3366” he stores as 3366 when the cellphone switch on. And finally they reach the railway station and drops Susan’s family to the railway station.
Now Hunt switches on Susan’s cellphone as the mechanic gave Susan’s cellphone to him. There Hunt finds the welcome note no which Hunt gave as “3366” and smiles.
Part -III Continues shortly.