Friends Short Story – You Will Never Love Me
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
This was the 4th time I was trying to run my code, and it again got failed.
“Oh Damn!” Sometimes I use to thought like that, I shouldn’t been an engineer ,not at least a software engineer. I had almost banged my head on keyboard; suddenly a ping came on screen. It was Sony, a developer from another team but my friend (unfortunately).
“Now what she need!!” I told to myself and started chatting,
Sony: Hi
Dhani: hello
Sony: whatsapp??
Dhani: banging head on keyboard, wanna join??
Sony: No, you please carry on, but before breaking the keyboard. Please help me yaar.
Dhani: regarding what?
Sony: Regarding Rocky.
Dhani: Plz, don’t start it again.
I was totally irritated with her requests to meet a boy. And unfortunately I was the common friend who can introduce them. My bad luck.
Sony: common yaar, just one coffee. Then neither I will bother you nor him.
Dhani: I really can’t understand this coffee logic. Why you need it so much yaar? I mean why you can’t just find a permanent partner rather than meeting random guys for coffee, and why it is just before you need to complete an assignment?
I guess she was really suffering from some kind of mental disorder. She use to meet any guy just once, according to her it gives her inspiration to complete her work.
Sony: look I don’t want to own a cow just for a glass of milk.
Dhani: at least it will cheaper than buying the same glass of milk every day from shop.
Sony: a variety of shops, with different flavors.
Dhani: holy cow. Ok madam I will arrange it.
Sony: thanks buddy, you are the best girl in this company, and I owe you really.
Dhani: enough of buttering yaar .ok see u later, now plz work and let me work..
I knew she will eat my brain daily, so better to introduce her to Rocky, after that they will know where they will be headed. I directly went to Rocky’s desk. He was almost inside his monitor.
“Hi Rocky” I said. He got surprised, but replied with a pleasant smile.
“Hi Dhani, what brings you here?”
“That crazy secretes admiral of yours, about whom I told you that day” I told in irritated voice.
“Who? Sony? Its ok yaar, if it’s about just a coffee. I am totally ok with it” he replied comfortably.
I sighted and told, “Ok, then ping her now”
“What ??now??” he almost jumped.
“Yeah, otherwise she will not let me work.”
“Ok” he replied and opened his communicator, and pinged her.
Rocky: Hi.
Sony: Oh Hi
Rocky: I am Rocky.
Sony: I know, your name is coming on the communicator.
Rocky: so, what are you doing?
Sony : nothing much, but I have a meeting after 1 and half hour, so going for coffee. Wanna join?
Rocky: ya why not, I would love too.
Sony :Don’t love, just come. I will wait for you in the corridor.
Rocky: Ok coming.
He closed the communicator and turned to me, “common Dhani, let’s go”
“What I will do there? It’s between you and her, my work is done”
“No yaar, please don’t leave me alone with that crazy girl, you have to come” He insisted me.
Now it’s again a dilemma, neither I can go with them nor I can ignore his request. So I take out a middle way solution.
“Ok Rocky, let’s do one thing, we will be connected through phones and I will be around, from where I can see you guys. But don’t let her know that”
“Ok” he replied with satisfaction.
I was feeling like I am sending an innocent girl to meet a random guy at some lonely place, although they were meeting inside office.
After 10 minutes they were sitting together in the cafeteria and I was sitting on a corner table from where I can see them but Sony was not able to see me.
“So Sony, from where you belong to” Rocky started the conversation.
“What an extra ordinary question yaar. Is this the only thing which is running in your mind currently”
She puzzled him with her reply.
“See we have a very short time, so ask whatever you want, but not these regular questions please”
“Ok, as you say.” Rocky has taken a deep breath and started, “what are we doing here? Why you wanted this? All this just for a coffee? I mean I am not Karan Johar.”
She smiled and replied, “It was expected, ok let me clear one thing first, it was only about the coffee so please don’t imagine anything extra”
“Hey it’s you who called me, and I hope Dhani would have told you that I am…”
“Engaged. I know, trust me I am not going to bother you”
“Then why all this.?”
“Because I got crush on you the moment I saw you the first time. And don’t want to regret in future that I never talked to you or approached you. Now I will have a satisfaction that at least I had a cup of coffee with you.”
“But Dhani was saying that, you need to complete some assignment and for that you need an inspiration, that’s why you are having this coffee date.” Rocky asked in confusion.
“It’s not about the inspiration, it’s about depression. By which I want to overcome”
“Depressed and you, can’t believe”
“Why, because I laughs too much”
“But what kind of depression you can have”
“Feeling of loneliness”
“Loneliness and you, who can ask any guy for coffee at any random day.” Rocky was playing with her.
“Yes, this is only the temporary way to overcome this depression”
“Why temporary when you can have permanent?”
“No, I can’t”
“The answer is very simple, just imagine you were not engaged, do you want to date a girl like me?”
“Well” he got a bit confused, “Actually never thought of that”
“See, nobody can even think to have a girlfriend like me.”
“Sony, I didn’t mean it yaar. You are cute, you are bold, you are..”
“Ugly, chubby , non-beautiful, in short not a girlfriend material, girls like me are made to be placed in friend zone or at the arrangement zone.”
“Arrangement zone??”
“ya, who is always asked, please arrange that girl’s number yaar, please introduce me to that girl , and some times, please arrange at least a girlfriend for me yaar.” She got serious, and I was shocked knowing her feelings. She continued, “I am that kind of girl, to whom boys don’t even bother to count as a girl.”
“Look Sony, its nothing like that yaar, one day you will get a very good boy, you will see” Rocky tried to console her.
“I am listening this for 30th time. Say something new”
Now Rocky became speechless.
“See it’s nothing like that, I had never approached or liked any guy deeply, and I actually did”
“Then?” he asked.
“He was my best friend for 3 years, but he immediately left me after knowing that I was interested in him.”
“See Sony, that guy was an idiot who doesn’t deserve you.”
“I am listening this for 26th time. Anyways after lot of rejections, heart breaks and disappointment, I finally decided to not to fall in love again. And seek some temporary happiness whenever possible. ”
Speechless again.
“Ok it’s time for my meeting, nice to meet you and thanks for coming.” She got up to leave. “This meeting will keep me happy for a couple of days.”
She turned and was about to leave, when Rocky called her, “Sony”
She turned around.
“Do you say these things to every guy you meet for coffee?”
“No” she replied with smile, “because not every guy uses to get agreed to come for coffee with me.” And she left.
Rocky was looking at her while she was going. Then he just sat there. I disconnected the phone and went to him.
He was still in deep thought.
“I had never thought of the things, this girl told me, we also had a chubby friend in our college, whom boys use to say the same things she told. Never thought how she must be feeling” he was looking at the empty cup while talking.
“Now I can understand, it doesn’t matter what is the physical appearance of a girl, but every girl has a heart and soft feeling for someone, but that someone usually runs behind the bones ignoring the real love, and later complains that my girlfriend troubles me a lot.”
“Come lets go Rocky” I pates on his back and we got up to leave.