Aimee and Jacqueline – Short Story of Two Friends in High School

Short Story of Two School Friends – Aimee and Jacqueline
Photo credit: dave from
My name is Jacqueline and I’m 17. Aimee goes to the same school as me. She is a Canadian citizen and I’m an American citizen because our parents come from North America so we can speak perfect English but with different dialects. So we speak English mixed with those dialects. Without being serious, meant to move to the border between the U.S. and Canada.
We had an extra break in school because a lesson was cancelled so we didn’t know what to do. We went out to the school yard, it’s a big school yard so there are always large areas with no students around. We looked wistful against the other students, none of them was anywhere close.
“Have you ever kissed someone?” I asked Aimee and she replied, “No.”
“Should we try? We can kiss each other,” I said but didn’t get an answer. Then I had my chance and wasn’t nervous. There seemed to be nothing stopping me, as if she would let herself be kissed. When my lips pressed against hers it became serious and none of us moved, the situation was frozen until I went on. Afterwards, I took her left hand with my right hand and we slowly started moving towards the entrance without saying anything.
The heart rate had gone up and I was at first a little dizzy but picked me up quickly. We approached the entrance and all the students who stood there, but it was quite cool, until they saw us, that we were holding hands. It seemed that they wouldn’t notice it, because we were just a few meters from the entrance before one of the girls noticed what was happened and informed her friends about it. Then the heart began to throb and I got a little stressed out, focused on entering.
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