Friends Short Story – Dreams – Story of passion,love and friendship
Photo credit: slowfoot from morguefile.com
“Best friends are those rare people who can understand all your troubles by just looking in your eyes; can soothe your fears with a simple hug; can make you laugh when all you want to do is cry. Best friends are those special people that you need to help you survive the day to day trials and tribulations of life; those people that you don’t know what you’d do without…”
-Whitney Menarcheck
This story is dedicated to my best friend jay.
Its seems like a thing of yesterday when we met for the very first time in our 2nd standard.It was a bright day and my first day of school too, just like others i avoid going to school but i went happily that day as it was my first day at school. I was pretty much exited about the new uniforms, notebooks, place but Things didn’t fall in the way we excepted them always. Teacher introduced me to others but they didn’t seems to like me much . So i took the corner seat near the window where i see a guy sitting on the first seat. Too quite , totally in discipline. he looked at me and smiled.I smiled back.He asked my name.
I replied “i Am Raghav. you can call me Ray”.
I asked his name. He replied” I am jagdish. you can call me Jay.”
“well,that’s cool” i said.
And then days passed and soon the day has come on which our class teachers take out our surprise maths test. I hate maths now and at that time also . so the test passed and result came as expected. i scored a “Zero”.I was looking at the mark sheet as its a new thing for me .suddenly i saw jay coming with his result i saw his mark sheet He also scored a “Zero.”
I glanced at him in excitement and said .”Hey,look jay we scored equal marks..” :D
He was sad but looked at my mark sheet and become happy as he find someone of his own kind.
After that day we become the best of friends we always sit together,share our foods, and stay together most of the time.our families accepted each others as brothers.well jay, was so stylish & intelligent but even sometimes i was envy of him And he liked me because i was the funny guy, cute looks or because i understand him more than others. we two are the most mischievous kid in the school all the teacher and friends known as the group of Jay & Ray.
We are the Main player of our school basket ball team. we sat the game on fire.Our coach think us as a lucky charm to the team. whenever the ball comes into one of us hands,the game considered to be ours.As whenever the ball comes into Jay’s Hands.He looked at me, gave me a sign by lifting his hands up in the air and starts running with the ball & on the other side i start running in the same direction.In the middle we passed the ball so many times to each other and all other players are just hope to get the ball from us , what they never can.In the end he passed the ball to me,then i jump and Hit a basket.this is our own signature step.
Girls die on us but we didn’t give them attention. Whenever the exams are about to come i worried but he remains the same. as i was not intelligent like him . although he always helped me in my studies,i can say he was the best tutor i had.
At this time we were at our high schools.We were besties but we are really different. He never miss a single lecture, and i hardly attend any lecture .After school we both went to the place near the lake which is just few steps away from school.we talked about different things at that place. He always carry a cyber-shoot with him.He loves taking pictures. He told me once that he wanted to be a world class photographer. He said he wants to capture all beautiful moments of these world even i believe that he gonna be a great photographer that’s why all my Facebook pictures are taken by him.
He knows everything about me,my fears,my beliefs, all the love stories and crushes i had ,he always supported me, i still remember the day when i told him that i would like to become a actor. he really liked my dream and said.,”Yeah ray!you can be after all this is the thing you do every time and you look good in all of your pictures.,” I don’t know it was a taunt or a compliment but i liked how he said . everything was perfect between us. But sometimes he says to me about the pain he had in is heart.
As One day after the school, we are sitting nearby the lake, enjoying the wind.i was throwing stones at the lake as i always do .and jay was talking to me but i was lost in my own thoughts suddenly he grabbed my attention by asking about the acting thing. i said,” Jay , you know i participated in the play of Romeo &Juliet. I am playing Romeo in there. Isn’t it amazing brother.??
He replied,”Good to hear that,buddy!! you know i recently realized my new passion , i love writing describing these emotions which i try to convey by words.”
i nodded in happiness. i was happy for him and once again we lost in our thoughts.
All of the sudden he place his left hand near the chest and start shouting in pain.
I went closer to him and asked ,”What happened ,bro ?
I asked again to bring some help but he refused.
and with in some minutes ,”He says, i am OK ! nothing to worry about, may be my stomach is upset & then we left that place and went back to our homes.
After that he was disappeared from school next day.i thought him to call after the class as my mind indicating something bad to me .something which i never felt before. when i called him after the school he didn’t pick up .When i called several times his dad said he’s not well.
And the week passed and he didn’t came back to school. so i decided to encounter him at his home but i didn’t found anybody at his home. so i called his father.
I said,”Hello uncle, Can i talk to jay ?
He replied in a low tone,”You can’t talk to him, raghav!
I said,” I am outside your home nobody’s here.
He replied,”your bro is not well son . we are in the max hospital at shalimar bagh.
I said,”What?? What Happened to Him ? ”
He sounded like he was broken from inside and said ,” you can come here and met him .! ”
I said,” I am On the way uncle.!”
i reached there in half an hour and His father picked me from the reception & showed me the way to his room. He was lying on the bed, looking weak, he tried to sit when he saw me entering the room but unable to, i feel so bad to see him in such condition.
He looked at me, smiled and said,” Hey, How are you”
I replied,” I am Good but What you think of yourself you Ass… , why didn’t you tell me & what happened to you ?
He said,”look, i am sorry, i just don’t want to make you worried, God made my heart so big brother but forget to make it complete as he left a hole in my heart. doctor says i am not going to live longer than two or three weeks.”
I was shocked to hear that . He told me after that that he had it since childhood but his father has keep it hidden from me .
After that day my life changed. sometimes i did fights with god in my arguments that, why’s he ? he never did a bad thing and truth is that he was better than me. and after few days he join school again. he wanted to live a normal life may be for a short time.
I still remembered that Saturday when we bunked the last lecture and went to the basketball court as we are the star player of the school, it was always opened for us ,i was just doing practice with the ball and he was looking at me as he was so weak so i didn’t force him to play.suddenly two guys of our same class entered in the court. Their jealousy is showing on their faces. Their names are sushant and sachin.
Sushant come near me and just took the ball and said,” Hey do you wanna play for a ball, I really wanna see what you got in real, except the fake move which you show in match , Haan ?
I really don’t want to play with them as Jay was not well but i played for one basket for sake of our respect. I told jay to sit in the audience as i gonna see these bas*ards!!
The game started that was quite unfair that they are two and i was alone but i always likes to take challenges. i beep ringed and they start running with the ball , i attacked them and grabbed the ball easily in a amazing way and start moving towards the basket.but all of a sudden sachin gave me a stroke with his leg and took the ball. i realized i gonna loose suddenly i heard the sound of the vessel, It was JAY.
He entered in the game for Me, in spite of knowing this that he is incapable of using such strength, such energy. but he was doing that.I stand up and i see that he already taken the ball from them.i ran in the same direction then again he lift his left hand up in the air,gave me a look and start running towards the goal. Sushant & sachin tried all their efforts but they didn’t get the ball .I was running with smile then He passed the ball to me , i took the ball with my left hand and Made A BASKET !!
It was amazing then i run towards Jay and Hugged him tightly. He was also very happy but not well. I can sense the pain in his eyes. I force him to go to doctor or home but he rejected my proposal .instead asked me to take him to the lake for the last time. i couldn’t refused him.so we went to the lake and sit there.
He said,” Ray,I need a favor from you ? ”
I replied,” Jay Do you need to ask hmm .Order bro ?
He said,”you have to promise me that you will study hard by now and never leave your passion for acting.?
I wondered why he was talking like that but i didn’t asked just nodded.it was around 6 pm and a amazing day of my life. then i dropped him to his home. when i was leaving his place he insist me to stay in his house.I was his brother and i was not feeling good for him so i accepted.He eat very less that night. and around 3 pm i woke up and saw that everybody was in hurry at his home.
His father said to me ,”Ray , Jay want to See you , He’s in huge pain. doctor was there . just go inside the room. ”
I went inside the room without wasting a single second.His room seems like a hospital ward.All the bottles of glucose,health machines, are making me sick, but i was only worried about the jay at that time.
I went closer & sit besides his bed. He slowly opened his eyes and said slowly,“Ray,Thank you for being here.Bearing me every second. I abused you a lot since we became friends. We had fights, I did them by my side so that it will encourage you to do great things. And i didn’t praise you much because i just want you to do more, achieve more. We Were team Ray, and We will Forever.”
He said these words while staring in my eyes.The tears started rolling down my eyes. And i said , ” Yeah! we are team bro and we Will.”
We both looked at the trophy we won in the state competition of our school and smiled.
I said,”you will never die brother. you will be alright. And we will play again. Our signature step. How would I do it without you , Haan ?
He smiled with tears and told me to take care of his parents and asked me to call them. Her mom was trying to control her tears. looking everywhere but him. she hold his hand gently and started praying for saving his son’s life.
She burst into tears.
And Then he looked at me moved his right hand to gave me his favorite pen, which was gifted to him by his writer uncle & said,” Now,its yours.”
He shakes his hands with me last time & we did our signature step by lifting our hand up in air and suddenly his Hands fall, and eyes closed for Forever. . .
I too cried like a baby like i lost the precious gift i ever had.I was broken but i call my family they arrived sooner and then i did all the formalities like their son.I light the flames of fire at his funereal.
And then later in the evening i went to the lake, as it was the only place which can console me. i sat beside the water and seen my whole life story with the eyes of the water. I looked at the sky and tried to find out where my best friend is ??
Why life is too hard . Suddenly i looked at the rock in which mine & jay’s name is imprinted. We did that when we first find this place.I touched the wordings And Closed my eyes.
I see the whole journey through flashbacks. put my hand into pockets & find Jay’s things like his photos,his pen and suddenly i realized what he want me to do. He want me to be a writer that’s why he said “Now,its yours.”
he want me to be a actor also that’s why he took that promise.I got up, took a deep breath. Looked in the sky and said Out loud,” No Matter What World says,You will never die for me , And I promised to make your dream come true, WRITER JAY, ”
And went from that place with Hope, Love and peace to discover my ways to success for me , for my friend ,