Friends Short Story – Single’s Only!
Photo credit: jzlomek from morguefile.com
Ronit was at home sitting alone brooding over his wounds since a week now. His mom was a little concerned for him and so was his best pal Amar. At first Amar thought he should leave Ronit alone for sometime and he will be back to his old self in a day or 2. After around 4 days Amar began to worry.
Ronit had missed college for a week now, so Amar landed up at his home in the evening. They were alone in Ronit’s room. Amar tried internet surfing, tv channel surfing, playing games for half an hour waiting that Ronit would start talking but he dint. Finally amar started talking and tried to convince ronit that the girl was a bitch, she dint deserve a nice guy like ronit, ronit would certainly get a better girl in future.
Amar even tried the most famous line of Amir Khan “Life mein teen chizo ke peeche kabhi nai bhagne ka Bus, Train aur Ladki. Ek jati hai toh doosari aati hai.”
Ronit gave a faint smile. Amar knew he has not helped much. After some more counseling amar went home.
Ronit knew he had to start behaving normally otherwise amar would keep couselling him like today for eternity as amar could not see his best buddy depressed like this and also because amar had a knack of behaving in the most stupidest way when it came to ronit be it getting into fights for no reason, asking out a girl just so that she stops irritating ronit or anything else.
After around 3 weeks one day after college while ronit was sitting in the canteen looking over a plate of samosas which went cold while he was in his own thoughts, Amar broke his thought flow with a bang on the table, he placed a bright red colored paper with yellow colored writing on the table with big broad smile and brightness in his eyes. Ronit’s eyes took couple of seconds to get adjusted to the red color to read through it what was written.
LONELY PLANET – for the lonely souls.
When ronit finished reading he looked up at amar’s face which still had the broad smile and big time curiosity in his eyes. Amar finally asked all excited
“SO? What do you think?”
ronit asked What?
Amar – your going there right?
Ronit – (loudly) NO WAYS!
AMAR – come on ronit it will be funnnn!!! Lots of hot girls around you, wanting to date you!!! Who knows you might end up getting more than one chick!! Wat say huuhhh??? (amar was still excited and his tone was teasing )
Ronit – buss off amar. Am not going! If your so desparate go fishing for yourself.
Amar – wtf, (sad and puppy faced) I don’t want you to be depressed look at yourself, since 4 weeks it looks like I am roaming with a living devdas! Come on ronit, sharpen your hunting skills again, go out, conquer the world…….
After much ado and as ronit had feared he gave into to his best buddy’s plea and agreed to go to this “lonely planet club” meeting.
Next Saturday amar accompanied ronit like a mommy coming to drop her kid for his 1st day to school till the entrance of the building of the “lonely planet club”. Partly because he was excited and partly because amar wanted to ensure that ronit could not at any cost duck out of the plan.
Ronit went into a hall which was the booked venue for the meeting. Just as he entered, he turned a complete U-TURN and stood at the door itself as amar was still waiting outside. Ronit wanted to run back home as the view he saw was nothing like the imaginations of amar. Instead he just managed a faint smile and walked back in to the hall.
The crowd was all in their mid 30’s or 40’s. Men who were mostly tired of their work and woman who looked worn out due to their daily routines of running behind their kids and families. Some were divorced who wanted badly to move on and then there was ronit!!! A complete misfit!
WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE! Were his thoughts.
Then his eyes fell on an object of interest. In the 1st row at the last seat was seated a girl with her head down seeming least interested in what was going on in that hall. 1st the founder gave a speech, then few others did the same. Then people came on stage and introduced themselves all this while ronit was waiting for the girls turn to come. There she came after a few people as she was in the 1st row.
Hi everyone,
“My name is mansi. I am a software developer working with a small firm in pune and I am here because my father is the founder of this club and he wanted me to be here.”
Then she went back and sat on her seat.
Finish! That’s it. No other details. No number no nothing? WTF!!!- Were ronit’s thoughts.
Finally after an hour came his turn. Ronit went on the stage feeling awkward. Stood there and waved a slight wave of his hand. With a sheepish smile he said –
Hi guys,
“I m ronit. I m a Bcom student in ramani college and landed here by mistake.”
Walked down and sat at his place.
At dinner ronit approached mansi and started to talk. Gradually ronit discovered that mansi was 32 years old and divorced but was not interested in any men right now. She was a woman trying to hold her pride after the divorce and wanted nor sympathy neither empathy from anyone. She was just respecting her fathers wish today evening.
Even ronit told mansi everything about his breakup and amar’s idea of sending him here. He even managed to bring a sweet smile on mansi’s face which made him feel good after a really long time.They both liked each others company and the evening ended well. They both added each other on FACEBOOK as friends.
What had started out as a tragedy for ronit, leading him to get a crush on mansi ended up in a the beginning of a new found friendship in a girl whom he looked upon with respect.
ronit rushed home logged in to Facebook hoping he could catch Mansi online…