The Real GAP – Friends Short Story
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Yash was lost in thoughts when he was traveling through the lanes of the Rampur village. He remembered each and every moment of his childhood spent in the village. All the memories were flashing before his eyes as if somebody has woven them in to a movie and showing it to him.
His reverie was broken when the driver said, ‘Sir, the village headquarter has come.’
‘Thanks. You park the car and get yourself some tea.’
As a part of new government policy, each village of the state was to be governed by an IAS officer, the village governor, who would be responsible for the village. Yash was given the charge to take care of Rampur. Nobody however knew the connection of Yash with the village.
After rounds of introduction and meeting staff, Yash was poring outside window, reviving his childhood memories.
Yash’s family was quite well to do and one of the richest families of the village. They had lot of servants to take care of their household chores. One such servant was Shyam who had a son Guddu. Guddu was of same age as Yash and was given the responsibility of escorting Yash to school, to and fro.
Over a period of time, they had become fast friends. Though there was a gap of rich and poor among them, Yash’s father never bothered because his son was happy with Guddu. Yash was aware of the Gap but he never paid any attention to it. For him Guddu was his best buddy, beyond everything.
While Yash used to teach Guddu whatever he learnt in the school, Guddu used to teach Yash all the games they used to play in village. Among all the games, one game-‘Shooting by Catapult’ was their mutual favorite. They used to pick any tree and bet among themselves that who would hit the most fruits and bring them down. Guddu being an ace shooter always won. Yash could never fathom him in that game.
Time flew at its own pace and over the period of time, Yash went to city to study for IAS and eventually became an IAS officer. Guddu somehow passed his matriculation exam and started his own milk dairy in the village itself. Both were out of touch as Yash’s family had settled in the city for brighter business prospects.
At the end of the day, Yash sat in his car and went out to look for Guddu in the village. The village had not changed much over the years, so it was easy to find his home.
He called in Guddu’s name from outside couple of times. The curious neighbors had already seen his car with red light above it and were wondering why a big man was looking out for Guddu.
After few minutes Guddu came out and was stunned for moment on seeing Yash. He could not at once recognize him. When Yash told him, his happiness knew no bounds. He just wanted to hug him but controlled his emotions and got reluctant once his eyes fell on the CAR that was standing some distance away.
‘My friend Guddu! How you have been doing these days? You have become a strong man.’
‘Hello Sir. I am so glad to meet you again. How come you are in this village after so long?’ Guddu controlled his emotions and was formal.
‘I am also ecstatic to meet you Guddu and be back in this village. I took charge as the Village Governor today so shall be here for few days.’
Guddu realized that his friend was the village boss now.
‘Very nice to know that Sir.’
‘What Sir, Guddu! You are my childhood friend. Please call me Baba as you used to call me in our child hood days.’
Guddu somehow could not muster enough courage to call Yash as Baba and kept silent. Yash thought he is getting hesitant because of the curious on lookers so he did not pester much as well.
‘Okay Guddu so we are meeting on Sunday beside the river. We will have a hand of Catapult shooting also. It’s been years, but that shall be fun.’
Guddu nodded in yes and they bade each other good bye.
On the fateful day, Yash and Guddu met beside the river. Yash did most of the talking and Guddu either nodded or spoke only few sentences. Yash did not understand as to why he is so uncomfortable. ‘May be he has grown shy, he thought to himself.’
It was the time for the game. Yash took his chance first.
‘Guddu, you never let me won in childhood. This time I shall beat you.’
Guddu simply smiled and said, ‘Sir it has been years since I have played this. I might not be able to hit a single shot.’
‘Don’t worry; it’s same for me Guddu.’
Though Yash picked the Catapult after long years, he managed to play fairly well.
It was Guddu’s chance now and he played not to win but to loose. And he had already decided that.
‘Hey Guddu-I can’t believe. I won, for the first time!’ Yash was ecstatic as a child.
‘I told you sir. I would not be able to play well.’
They played 5 rounds and each time Yash won. He was wondered how Guddu is getting lost, he being an ace shooter in childhood. They called off the day and decided to meet next Sunday.
One fine day, Yash was on the round of the village when he saw Guddu beside river, teaching his son to use Catapult. He simply could not believe what he saw- Guddu was an ace shooter even now. He did not miss any of the shots he took. His son was simply clapping over his each shot.
He immediately understood the situation. Guddu lost to him just like that; for his sake, for his happiness or rather because he was a Village Governor now. For a moment he was sad.
Yash realized that he would never be able to get his childhood Guddu back. He never felt the Gap between him and Guddu during his childhood; but now.