Friends Short Story – The military guy..
Photo credit: bullboy from morguefile.com
“To me,he was always a friend more dearer than god. Though Tough,he was always soft.Though rude,he was light hearted. I worked with him in the US military.He was the very best friend of mine.I would even have fought Jesus,if he came saying that Jack’s time is over here. Many years have passed since the Vietnam mission,but the stains and the smear of his blood on my Army uniform are fresh.
Jack and me served as the main cover for the missions at the Vietnam border and some missions inside Vietnam.We were so close to each other as if we are friends since the humanity started.I knew him from my childhood.He was a tough guy and never tolerated the injustice,even if our teacher did so.Our luck was such that,we had our birthdays on the same date as well as in the same year.It was 15th of August 1935.We joined the US military,the same year,the same day.We were in the 3rd frontiers of the army.
Then finally we got our first mission….to go to Vietnam.It was during that time when we flew to Vietnam.We were to live in a military setup inside Vietnam.While we were entering Vietnam,we finally had our first fight.We were in the front cover and had to cover the main men.Finally he and I got our first man but this time he was not the same one.Out group killed many Vietnamese soldiers and to our surprise,there were only 2 military personals with major wounds and no one died.That trashed Vietnamese soldiers were then hid in the nearby bushes.
While the other military soldiers were fighting with the Vietnamese soldiers,somewhat 12 Miles away from us,we had the time to setup our camps in the Laos war area.We lived in the already setup Vietnamese military camp which was firstly inhabited by the Vietnamese.It was the time when I got to know his toughness and became very strong friends.We were provided meat by the US airforce in the evening.They just hung large piece of meat on the parachutes and put them down.We had to eat the already Cooked meat.
The meat was very tough but when I saw JACK eating it,he just pulled a meat piece in his Jaw at the very first try whereas on the other side,it took 8 tries for me to finally get a piece out..He was very rude to the other military personnel.Of course all were but he was a bit more.But we never saw any glimpse of selfishness on his face.He shared all the things with others,even his tooth brush.We slept in the same compartment.It was a hard military life.Finally,after a sleep of 4 hours,next day rose up with clouds all over the Vietnamese sky.We were now to go deeper into the Vietnamese border.
The next target was The Vietnamese Police base,which was really very easy to capture,but also was the deadly turning point for me.My friend Jack had gained over confidence after capturing the base by all the time remaining in the forefront and infiltrating the base without any cover.He had some extra adrenaline in his body rushing which forced him to lead the group even when he wasn’t supposed to.
That day,we had the radio with the frequencies working fine.He had a chat with his Family,which was his last one.I too had a chat with my family but it wasn’t for me .That day,we had a Quarrel regarding Jack being in the forefront and with dangers all around-No cover at all!I was a bit jealous of him for him being admired exaggeratedly but I also cared for him.
I said him-“Jack,what the hell were you doing without cover.You were told to hide near the bunker.You infiltrated the base and you were successful in it,but you will not always be.”
The all he answered was-“Be aggressive boy,be aggressive!”.
I was a little furious at that time but I let it go and that turned to be the biggest mistake of my life.After living there for almost 1 week, we had to now go to our next checkpoint was Laos’s airbase.That day,I had a bad dream of losing an intimate of mine,but I had no value for these dreams.Oh bloody me,I wish I had looked forward the prophetic dream.We ate our breakfast which was as usually meat and then started moving to the Airbase.It was just 4 miles away from us.But we had to cross a forest and then reach.It was both hell and an advantage for us.
Hell because of the mosquitoes which spread malarial parasites in almost Half our men and the advantage because it provided cover.Finally,staggering,we reached there and we stealthily killed the officers there.But as usual,Jack was in the forefront.Later,as our men scattered in different directions,only we two,that is Jack and I finally I reached near a stone and took cover.
Sh*t…why hadn’t I pulled Jack’s hand that time.It was my mistake,I suppose.There ware almost a dozen Vietnamese soldiers at our front heading in the opposite direction and with their backs turned to us.The stone was not enough to give cover to both of us,so he said me that he was going to take cover behind a big stone across us.That was the moment when I should have pulled his hand but I was an idiot for not doing so. He tried to rush to the rock but……..he fired his Mk-22 by mistake.The sound made Vietnamese soldiers come to their senses and turned at Jack and……….the fired at him.
I gave a very loud cry,and,blowing my cover, rushed where Jack was standing and as soon as I did so,I had bullets going through my arm and my thigh.I fired at them insanely till other military men came at the very place.We fired till all the Vietnamese were dead.Then,Jack fell on the ground.I went staggering to him.He was still alive.I slapped him a few times to ensure he doesn’t sleep at the moment which if he does,would last for eternity.
I said him-‘You are Okay.Just wait a few minutes till we get bandages and medicines on you.’
All he replied were his last words-“Sorry friend…After going to the Jesus’s place,I will ask him to send me back again,because I won’t find find a friend like you again.I will ask Jesus to bring you and America prosperity.Be aggressive man…be aggressive.Bye!’
Suddenly his hands and face went pale.His hand fell on the ground and I gave a cry so loud that even Jesus may have heard it.The mission wasn’t over yet but as it finished,I and and my colleges saluted him and took his body back to the base.Then his body was sent to his family.I was really emotional at that time but I held my emotions back and learned one thing,-to be aggressive!”
_Commander Jacob Frank Dorsey.