Friends Short Story – Love It Is: By a Raconteur (Part I)
Image© Anand Vishnu Prakash, YourStoryClub.com
Over all these years I have known my best friend as someone with whom i was able to share every little thing i encountered. He has been those first ears to all my problems and reason to get them solved. I have grown up with him like that with he beside me like support stick. It was an auspicious friendship. Because practically there was no other person who knew me so much than he did. From when i was perfectly washed and creamed to whenever i came like a ragamuffin, my enthusiasm as well as my quiescence, my joys and sorrows, my bravura and my weaknesses..basically everything!
Ummm like when my smile was fake,there was this guy whispering,”whom are you trying to fool..straight away tell me the matter!”
Well yea, till high school my crunchy head was filled with all those best friendship quotes and amicable songs about him. There was scribbling in his copies and making those annoying faces to revenge his pulling my hair every time he passed by. There was those throwing of paper balls on him whenever he was checking out some girl and winking and telling him how stupid he was over that choice.
To my smiles which cannot stop their way on my lips to lay a street like inches long, there is an incident behind!
There was he once standing with a coke bottle talking to some fellow classmate vociferously pertaining to impinge those cool dude kinda vibes on her and there was me passing by this scene of outburst. And in no less than a minute,i passed by him snatching that bottle perhaps to tease him or whatever i felt seeing that. Obviously, that was the beginning of my thoughts were filling up with absurdities. Coming back to the snatching, soon as a snatched the coke, all of it splashed on his shirt. Now this was by mistake. That innocent mischief had not noted the condition of the bottle cap in the plan! Yea I didnt know it was open. The bimbo infront of him laughed seeing his stained shirt and spectacles dripping with cola.She joined her friends to share this story.
And there was he furious and me pressing my lips with my teeth knowing i had invited trouble.He yelled again so vociferously at me to get lost and that was not in a joke this time like it always was.”When will you grow up damnit!??”
Another yelling sentence was added. I found myself looking at the crowd nearby staring at us and then laughing at me. I departed with large footsteps which got transformed into a problem run. An hour later I found myself crying in the backfield remembering how my best friend had yelled at me because i was still a kid. Tears kissed my cheeks which glistened in the sunshine.
Few minutes later, a shadow came and gave me shade from the hot sun. It was him.
“Shouldn’t have yelled so hard..i m sorry” he said and sat beside me.
“Shouldn’t have snatched it and spilled all the cola on you, I m sorry too” and i burst into tears..”She was laughing at you. I spoilt your impression” and tears fell down my cheeks again.
“But i have the best impression on world’s bestest friend hmm?” he held my face and wiped my tears..
“yea..so you have” and we smiled.
This incident did not really reveal anything that was really coming later but yes his hands on my face,that few second touch and that rutilance in his eyes had taken me to a different world. I coudnt discover at that what sort of a world i was finding myself in but yea it was surreal and blissful. He was my bff. A bff who knew when was i menstruating. Ofcourse i did not accost myself telling it but he knew my gestures. He could read me. Laugh Out Loud to say,he had this biological telepathy which told him everything..
After this incident there is another happy memory i own! Soon there were these board exams. Both of us used to prepare day and night. I happen to be a topper since my head really got to know what on earth exams were so i tried helping him the best of what i could. And the results were so sweet strawberry like. I got 95% and he achieved a 92%! We flanced the moment we got to know it. All merit holders were called for the honour. Me and him sat in the bus together sharing our cheers of bliss. The bus swirled on the highway with the students chirping happily about their results. He was sitting beside me busy in his laptop because he happened to be a gizmo freak and a hacker guy. This made me take a nap and little did i get know when i began hanging on his shoulders.Two hours long journey ended and my eyes opened when brakes were applied.No sooner had i opened my eyes,I saw my other fellow mates teasing me.
“Sucha sweet love cum friendship!Haha..girl you slept for two hours spraining his shoulder and he sat like a robot and did not move a bit!Whats cooking haan?”
This made him offended and he uttered “Definitely not my favourite dish! Not in this life!”
He made a grimace and went out of the bus. It might be a small thing for him perhaps but definitely it wasn’t for me. I was really touched by his gesture of care. Was this friendship only? Umm i couldn’t think more but yea my mind was out of reflex singing “we were both young when i first saw you, i close my eyes ..mmm romeo take me somewhere we can be alone!” and i was like why on earth it was like that. A serious dopamine disorder! But saying it in an oxymoron ,it was badly good. The whole occasion left me feeling so different but it needed a discovery yet!
When your frienship starts to take a romantic turn, it may happen that you start feeling squalid about thinking like that.Its like a war between your dopamine affected brain and the ideology of pure friendship turning squalid.Thats what makes you not accept it perhaps.Well did i?
ummm lets see. Love is coming haha. We were in class 11th finally but were no more in the same class. Now that was tragic. Yea i missed him beside me in the class. I was a medical student then and he opted computers.Though his class was just two classes away but that space and his absence felt so horrible. There were those usual skimpy girls and new girls with whom i wont have any resonating wavelengths. But yea lunch period was some sort of sunshine because i got to meet him. Yay.
Days passed like that,we both joined whatsapp and used to talk hours long because there was nothing in this world he dint tell me or i did not tell him. And when he used to be busy, i had this so incomplete feeling of having not spoken to him for so long. Thats why our fights lasted few hours only. Then there came a week wherein his texts or calls became consistently less. Yes there were studies but we managed that so good i knew it.It was something else. He used to reply my texts damn late or no reply at all. I did not complain still. Then one day, he talked to me again for long after knowing that i had fever. What i loved was his care and i forgot to get angry over his ignorance. He wrote,”Babe,sorry i had been busy but soon as i heard of your illness, here i m. Ensure me that you are taking proper doses on time.Love ya”.
He took care of me for around four days asking every now and then how was i,what was my temperature,what i ate and blah blah.I felt ecstatic.I felt special.As my illness left,something else came inside me.I felt really affectionate towards him. I knew it wasnt just this bff thing. It was more. It was inexorable and inexplicable.He was the reason i started paying attention to my looks, curled my hairlocks, used to get my eyebrows thread and what not. I dint know whether he noticed or not ;the real reason. He rather joked that i was turning in to a girl from a bookworm.
But this innocent soul wasnt aware it was him,who was transforming me. It was him changing me and making me be like him. Into him. I used to find myself watching him play football without letting him know. He was such a marvel at it. He had started becoming the memory i could relate every song with. Every nice romantic song! It was my birthday and i had finally decided to share my transformation of feeling with him. I waited till 12am for my day to begin and for him to wish me and for me to say that i had fallen for him..Yay..
I waited and waited.It was 2am. Everyone wished except him. Desolated, i opened my facebook account to respond to wishes. And I saw something, it was his relationship status with some Loreto girl..
(To be continued)