Short Story Friends – Can I Borrow My Heart?
Photo credit: Nevit Dilmen
It feels so good watching the two most important persons in my life. No matter how busy they are, they always make it a point to find time for each other. They have a beautiful bonding and there are no dull moments whenever they’re together. They both love nature and adventure. Not to mention that they have the same taste in fashion. Oh, how I love to see them living a meaningful and purposeful life! I thank God that once, I had the opportunity to be with them…………
My name is Atria Levine Langerhans. You can just call me Atria if you want. My parents got divorced when I was 7 years old. I’m left under my mom’s custody, while my dad had another wife a year after. It took years in order for me to accept that I’ll never have a complete family. At least I’m not alone in that certain aspect of my life because of my friend Myo. She’s been my friend and my classmate since kindergarten and we’re both on the same age when our parents got divorced. She became a photographer and a landscape artist. I, on the other hand became a nurse, and eventually a clinical instructor in Purkinje University.
When we were young, we used to play a game that we call “you can borrow my heart”. We usually play at their house since we’re just neighbors and they have a bigger playground. Her mom’s always busy at work, and most of the time she’s left out, so we found comfort in each other’s company; considering that we don’t have any siblings at all. This game was so simple. We will just exchange each other’s identity, acting as if I’m Myo, and she’s Atria. It was an exciting and meaningful game, because we can view our strengths and weaknesses, while discovering our similarities and differences. It even came to a point that we asked our mom’s if we can exchange houses just for one day, just to disguise ourselves using a different identity. And we never stopped playing that game even if we’re already graduated in college and had our respective jobs.
We were just ordinary people living an ordinary life. Although sometimes, we had arguments but we will resort to reconciliation right away. I thought life was all about this game of borrowing hearts and giving it back right after. But, I was wrong, completely wrong. We were on the peak of our careers when Myo was diagnosed with heart failure and she need to undergo a heart transplant to live longer. That was a shocking revelation to us, especially to me. You can just imagine how her mom reacted when she heard the news. For the second time, I don’t like the idea that sooner or later, there’s a possibility that somebody will leave me again.
She was forced to give up her job in order to take a rest, and to prepare herself in finding a heart donor. That was the lowest times in my life. I’m not that hurt when my parents got divorced and when dad left us. It was extremely more painful because Myo’s not just a friend, but a sister to me, she’s my family. Some of our relatives and friends gave all their help and support so that in their own little way, the pain will be mitigated somehow. But in the midst of pain and bitterness I managed to continue my life, especially my work. When I’m at school, I can’t simply ignore my students, their positive energy, and their hope for a better life ahead of them. At least I can smile, I can laugh, and I can enjoy temporarily. After my class, I would go straight to Myo’s house and we will still play the game “you can borrow my heart”. At times, I would make a joke telling her that she can borrow my heart literally. And she would just turn her back and tears were starting to fall down her face.
I never thought that we will face such painful experience in our friendship. I promised myself that I will do everything in my power in order to help her survive that situation. Her condition became severe and the doctor advised her to be admitted in the hospital, so that it will be easy to help her if ever there’s an emergency situation. One day, I decided to write a letter for her. But I didn’t have an opportunity to give it to her personally because I met a car accident the following month. The doctor was the one who saw that letter in my pocket and he gave it to Myo. That letter stated that whatever happens to me, she must treasure my heart by taking care of mom and by cherishing all those wonderful memories that we had together. And finally, I was able to keep my promise. Afterwards, Myo had an amazing operation, because the heart transplant procedure was a success. My heart was a perfect match as a replacement for her own heart. Yes, I died from that car accident and I’m so happy that I gave my heart to a very special person, and her name is Myo Dressler, my friend, my sister, my playmate, and my family.
And now, while I’m watching her and my mom from above, I can’t help but to say
“Myo, can I borrow my heart for a while? I just want to savour the awesome moments that you’re sharing with my mom.”
But no, I’m already in a secured place, free from any hurt or pain and it’s a great relief knowing that I will always remain in their hearts.