A Thorny Way To Heaven
Photo credit: kfjmiller from morguefile.com
They say, “When poverty arrives at the door, Love flies out of the window.” Beggars don’t fall in love and even if they do, who the hell in this world cares? Not all men in this world are born to love. Some of us are just born to hate.
There lived a poor carpenter, Raju, along with his wife in a small beautiful village. He used to work very hard to earn his living. He had a son of six years old named Raman. Raju was waiting anxiously for Raman to grow up so that he might share a few hands in his work. Raman used to watch his father working day and night and at the same time his mother taught him alphabets and numbers. He was highly talented; he learned everything his mother knew at a tender age of six. He knew he had to help his father when he would grow but still he wanted to study. He dreamt of going to school despite knowing the fact that his parents could never afford it in that life.
One day he dared to go his mother and said, “Mother, you have taught me everything you know. I don’t have anything to study more. I want to know the things that are after this. I wish I could go to school.” Tears rolled down his eyes.
“Your father is working very hard to feed three stomachs. Even I want you to see in school like your friend Vijay but we don’t have money to afford proper food and clothes, how can we even think of sending you to school? Not all dreams are meant to be fulfilled, son. I fear you will have to stop dreaming.”
“Don’t you worry, mother. I will tell Vijay to teach me something. I will work hard to support father. We will have better life one day.”
Although he stopped dreaming, his desires to study more and more were never stopped. He would go to his only friend Vijay to play cricket every evening. Vijay belonged to a middle class family and his parents could afford enough money to have him proper schooling. He treated Raman as his best friend.
“If you want to make 1000 runs in a match, which God’s powers will you like to have?” Raman asked Vijay while returning home one day.
“I will like to have Lord Rama’s powers. No one is able to stand in front of his arrow. He resides in everybody’s heart. Lord Hanuman, who is strongest of all, is also his devotee.” Vijay said with full belief.
“Whatever you say, but Lord Shiva is greatest of all. He holds trident in one hand, snake around his neck, Ganges in his hair and wears tiger’s skin. Whole world shakes when he does Tandav. If he opens his third eye, whole world will be destroyed. ”
“We will see who wins the match when we have their powers.”
“You tell me one thing, why do you go to school every day? My mother taught me everything in just two months. I have nothing to study more.” Raman said thoughtfully.
“My teacher says there is no end to study. There is always next to anything you study. You want to know na what is beyond you know? Come to my home now, I will give you my previous year’s books. Those are no use to me anymore. By the time you study all those books, I would be in next class and I will again give you some new books. If you get any difficulty in studying them, I will clear all your doubts. In this way we can study together.”
“Really? You are my best friend. I love you so much. I was always eager to know more. I will tell mother that I can study while being at home.” He was delighted. He returned home with books in high spirit.
He had turned ten. Summer vacation had started. Vijay handed Raman a more bunch of books before he went at his uncle’s home in town to spend the holidays. Raman felt alone as his only friend was not there with him. He decided to give Vijay a surprise when he would return back after vacations. In the day he helped his father in his work and in the night studied the books Vijay gave him. He studied harder and harder as his target was to complete all the books before the vacation was finished. He was completely absorbed in them. He studied science, literature, history and geography. He also learnt fine carpentry from his father. His father was amazed at the quickest way Raman was grapping things. His father knew that very soon his son was going to be a better carpenter than him but very little did he knew that his son was also mastering subjects at nights. Raman related everything he studied in real life. He realized gravity while throwing a cricket ball and remembered Archimedes principle while throwing a stone in river. Sometimes he would throw a stone and wonder why the water ripples are circular in nature? He would burn sugar into a brown charcoal to test chemistry he studied. He also wrote few poems on friendship in which he mostly described Vijay.
Summer vacations were finished and Vijay had returned to village. He went straight to meet Raman. On seeing him Raman ran and hugged him tightly.
“How are you Raman? Did you study the books I gave you? I have brought something for you from the town. Come to my home I will show you.” Vijay said.
Raman didn’t reply a single thing. He just held him more tightly and started to cry holding him.
“Don’t you leave me and go, Vijay. I was so lonely. I had no one talk to about my studies. I missed you so much. Every day I used to go your home to check if you had returned. I was disappointed every time to see it locked.” Raman broke his silence after a long pause. He was crying unstoppably.
“I missed you too, Raman. Even I wanted to return as soon as possible but my parents wouldn’t let me. There is nothing to worry, friend. I am back and I went for a small duration only. I have also brought a small gift for you. Did you study the books I gave you? How many of them did you complete?” Vijay tried to comfort him by wiping his tears and giving him a warm hug.
Raman stopped crying and replied, “I have read all your books, Vijay. I had nothing to do except reading. I read all of them with full heart. Reading those books made me feel that you were with me. I kept on reading and reading until I finished all of them. I thought you will feel proud if I complete them. I have also written few poems for you.”
“Are you kidding me? You completed them all? Do you know that I gave you mine this year’s books too as I was not going to study them in holidays? I haven’t even seen their contents. If it is true what you are saying then basically you know more than me, boy. Come on let me see what you know. Show me your poems too.”
Vijay asked him questions in all subjects. He answered them all and also suggested some other alternatives. He saw the poems that Raman wrote. All of them were extraordinary and far beyond his own imaginations.
“You have got real talent, boy. I didn’t know my friend was this precious. You gotta go to school, friend. You gotta come out of this village and rule the world. You have completed four years’ syllabus in just two and half months. I am really very proud. I won’t let you be earthed like this. I will see what I can do but for now you have got to get a present.”
“I don’t know what extraordinary thing I did. Everything I did was for you. Let’s go.”
Both of them went to Vijay’s house. Vijay had brought an electronic gun for Raman from the town. It produced different sounds with red lights when switched on plus fired plastic bullets when triggered. It was first in his entire lifetime that Raman had got a gift from somebody. It was also the first toy he had ever had in his life. He loved it so much. He kept it safe in his home. Every day he would take out his gun, wipe out the dust, play with it for few minutes and keep it back safely. He was too dearly attached with the gift he had received from his friend.
One day when he returned home after helping his father and took out the gun to play, he found that electronic switch was not working. Gun was firing bullets but was not producing any sound with red lights. He switched it off and switched on again but still didn’t work. He shook the gun, tapped on it and switched on again but in vain. He went running straight to his mother and asked, “Mother, I don’t know what has happened to my gun. It was alright till yesterday but all of a sudden has stopped working. Did you see anybody touching it?”
“No son. I don’t even know where you keep hiding it. These electronic things are not reliable. It can go off anytime.” His mother said innocently.
“No mother, it goes off only when you don’t know how to operate it. It was working perfectly till yesterday. Somebody has surely mishandled it. Tell me who touched my gun, momma?” Raman shouted almost turning to tears.
“Nobody touched anything, boy. You had hidden your noisy toy yourself. Nobody but you knew it. Don’t show your anger when it doesn’t work now. Just get out from here.” Mother put a tight slap on Raman’s face.
Raman ran from home to an isolated place. He cried out loud looking at his gun. He was not able to believe that nobody touched it. He kept on crying and crying until his throat became dry. It is too difficult to part with something that touches your heart and remain there even for a while. Gun was the first thing Raman had loved and lost in his life. He was highly depressed. He had nothing to play from the next day and he couldn’t just accept it. He remained alone in that isolated place throughout the day. He returned home at night only to find his father damn furious. He got a harsh beating from his father. He cried whole night and didn’t eat a single grain but nobody cared. In the morning, mother went to him when she saw that he was still crying. She wiped out his tears, took him in her arms and said, “I should have told you the truth in the first place. Your cousin had come to visit yesterday when you were out. She operated your gun to make it worse. I thought it’s just a toy and you will forget it. I didn’t know it meant this much to you.”
“Of course it meant a lot to me, mother. It was the best gift from my best friend. What will I tell him now?” He freed himself from mother’s arms and moved out.
Meanwhile speech elocution was going on in Vijay’s school. Vijay was to speak on “Describe your best friend”. He wanted to tell the world about his most talented friend, Raman. He went on stage and with clear conscience spoke loudly everything about him. In present of all the teachers and principal he said how Raman was born to poor family and in spite of his extraordinary talent was not able to move ahead in his life. He said he was helping him study with his own books and surprisingly he had more knowledge than him in all subjects. He said that Raman stood by him against all odds and he was the best of all friends he would ever get in his life. His speech touched everybody’s heart including of his Principal’s.
His principal, Mr. Ram Narayan Shastri, was a man of great honor. He would not let such talent to be hidden from world. He personally came to Vijay and asked, “Does Raman really exist or did you just made a story with touching words to grab a prize?”
“Why don’t you meet him sometime and find out yourself? I promise you won’t be disappointed, Sir.”
“I don’t want to wait for some other time. Let me find it now.”
Vijay took Mr. Shastri straight to Raman’s home. Raman was still sad about his broken gun but became lively seeing Vijay.
“Raman, Mr. Shastri is my principal. He has come especially to meet you. It’s time to get the bird out of cage.” Vijay said in full excitement. Raman was confused. He was feeling shy and didn’t know how to respond. Mr. Shastri sensed Raman’s feelings and went to him to present a book he had brought for him.
“Take this book, Raman. This is not a course book. This book is about swami Vivekananda. You will find a lot more common between you and him. And come to school tomorrow with Vijay. I want to see how far your friend has spoken the truth.”
Vijay took Raman to his school the following morning. Everybody was shocked to see Raman. His torn clothes revealed his poverty. His health showed he never had proper food in his life. His eyes reflected hardship. His palms exposed hard labor at a very tender age. For sure he was deprived of his childhood. He could not eye-contact anyone and his head was low. What nobody saw was his thoughtful brain and a kind heart. Vijay took him to the principal chamber and then went to attend his own classes. A group of six to seven teachers including principal was present in his chamber. Raman was never left alone with those many strangers. He sat on a chair facing principal surrounded by teachers from different background. Everybody present there wanted to witness an extraordinary talent in a 14 year old boy.
The principal started, “Raman, do you know why you are here? You have studied a lot of things in your life and knowledge increases when you keep on sharing it. We want you tell us whatever you are asked. Tell me in detail what do you know Newton for?”
“Sir, Newton…….” He started but stopped. He didn’t say anything after speaking his first word.
Everyone was shocked. They asked different questions again and again but he answered none. Around 20 to 30 questions were asked but his lips closed every time after speaking his first word. Teachers were not able make out anything so they judged that they were just wasting their time on a dumb local. They left one after another. Principal too was unsatisfied but was helpless.
He said, “One day you are going to be a very great carpenter, Raman. Today, you were brought to the wrong place. You can go home now.”
Those words struck directly into Raman’s heart. Tears started rolling down his eyes. He had not been able to answer before because he was scared. He knew every bit of answer. He had wanted to speak but words didn’t come out of nervousness. But he wasn’t going to be silent at that moment. He started to speak automatically without a pause. He answered each and every question from Newton to last without even asking to repeat the questions. Principal was amazed by his intelligence and accuracy. Raman was immediately admitted in school in 10th standard. He was also provided with dress, shoe and books.
Raman’s largest dream was turning into reality. He had got the window to the outside world. All that he needed was with him. He could not have been happier. Everything had been possible because of his best friend Vijay. Vijay showed him the way to explore his hidden talents. Raman was very grateful to him. The bond of friendship between those two was much above the normal human relationship. Vijay used to help Raman with everything he could and although Raman had nothing to return him back, he reciprocated immense love of friendship to him. Raman used to visit temple every morning and thank lord Shiva for having sent Vijay in his life. Then he would go to Vijay’s home to leave for school. Vijay was very happy to see his best friend sitting next to him in the same class. Both of them spent most of the time of the day together. They formed their own group and never realized the other people of world when together. Vijay knew that Raman was very talented and just lacked opportunities. He knew that with his great mind he would rule the world one day.
A very poor boy from slum was rising to be a star. God had given him superb brain filled with talents. But talent and destiny are independent of each other. These two together provides an ultimate combination. But life is not easy when these two lead you to different paths. Days in Raman’s life were passing very fast with Vijay but little was he unaware of what destiny had proposed for him. Vijay went to town for a week because of some urgent work his father had there. Vijay had become so important person in Raman’s life that he had not imagined a day without him. He was just convincing himself that it was just a matter of a week. He was missing Vijay so much. He had to go school without Vijay. He had to study without Vijay. He played alone. He didn’t talk much with anyone. A week had passed but Vijay didn’t return from town. The extent of his sadness started to increase. He kept on continuously waiting for him. He would go to his home every day to check if he had returned. A week turned into a month but Vijay didn’t return. Raman was badly worried. He was left alone. He wanted to know what had happened but could not find anything. First time in his life, he was feeling the pain of separation and it was second time that he had to part with something he loved. His life had come to a halt and he could do nothing except waiting for him.
A week later when Raman returned from school, he found Vijay sitting at his home. All his sadness and worries were removed at once. Vijay came and hugged him.
“I knew you would come, Vijay. I was sure you wouldn’t just leave me and go. I missed you so much and now since you have come back, I have got a lot of things to tell you.” Nothing gives more happiness than your loved one getting back to you but only few of us are lucky enough to be that happy.
“I have come to say you good bye, friend. My father has been transferred and we are moving to other state. I don’t know whether I will be able to see you again. You had been my best friend throughout my life. I will never get another like you but destiny has something else in mind. I guess you will have to make more friends.” Vijay said crying.
“You were my first and last friend. What do you think, who is gonna be a friend to poor hungry carpenter? Not everyone is like you, Vijay. No one is going to take your position. You don’t worry about me. You take care of yourself but I will miss you a lot.”
“I will miss you too. But you promise me one thing that you will never stop studying. Use your talent in complete way. I will feel proud if you become a great man someday. Now I will have to leave, it has already been late. I hope to see you again.”
Raman didn’t have enough courage to see Vijay walking away in front of him. He didn’t know what to do. He just started running. He kept on running and running without knowing where to go. He ran until his legs stopped moving forward. He had come to a lonely place surrounded by rocks and a spring flowing in between. He had come far away from home. He sat on one of the rocks thinking about his life. He had started to realize that he wasn’t meant to love anyone in this world. He kept on thinking the moments he had spent with Vijay.
Raman was not able to concentrate in his studies for next few months until Mr. Shastri took note of him. Mr. Shastri needed to bring Raman back on his track. He couldn’t let him suffer like that forever. So he called Raman one day to go on a walk with him.
“Your life has just started, boy. It will keep on teaching you lessons at every stage. Whenever you start feeling there is nothing in your life, remember that there is always something. And when there is something, there can be many things. Don’t make yourself feel low. I have kept something else in your mind after your school finishes. After your graduation, I want you to apply for Indian Administrative Services. You have talent enough to crack it easily. You just need to focus. You come to me every day after school hours. I have got to teach you a lot of things.”
Raman started feeling again that he was not alone in the world. He started doing exactly the same Mr. Shastri told him to do. He would stay back every day after school hours. Mr. Shastri taught him science, history, geography and general knowledge. He kept on motivating him to face all the difficulties of life. Raman again started developing a bond with
Mr. Shastri. He looked down upon him as his own grandfather. Apart from studies, Mr. Shastri also helped him in his personal life. He supported him with everything he needed. Raman shared everything with Mr. Shastri. He was happily leading the path showed by him. The mysteries of life can never be solved. You never know when a complete stranger comes so close to you and when someone so close is taken apart in a moment.
Raman showed Mr. Shastri the place where he had gone after Vijay had left. They both started to visit that place occasionally. Mr. Shastri would teach him the importance of Mother Nature there. Raman also visited Mr. Shastri’s home in festivals. He had a great respect for him and Mr. Shastri treated him like his own grandson. Raman’s parents gave him birth but it was Mr. Shastri who showed Raman the way to live.
Raman was working very hard to achieve his ultimate goal and Mr. Shastri was always by his side guiding him through the right way. But when you drive at a high speed in a straight road, you often forget to notice the road bumps. Mr. Shastri was growing old and his health was getting worse. Raman was still unaware when Mr. Shastri didn’t come to school for the first time. He thought that he might have been busy in some other work. Worry started creeping inside his mind when Mr. Shastri didn’t come for one straight week. Raman visited his home the next day only to discover that he was seriously ill. Mr. Shastri was suffering from respiratory problems.
“Why didn’t you tell me about your illness, sir? I was worried. When are you gonna be okay? You look pale.”
“The time has come Raman when you will have to lead the path by yourself. I am not gonna be there to guide you for long. I can feel my days are coming to an end. I don’t know how long will I be there by your side but it is useless to hope. You are a very talented boy. You will not let your talent go in waste. Promise me you are gonna clear administrative service examination.”
“I have not taken a step without you, Sir. I don’t know where to go. I know my destination but the way has always been guided by you. You are my teacher. You are my God. I will be in complete darkness without you. It’s you who have always shown the light. You just tell me how will I do all these alone?”
“I am not going to leave you immediately but you will have to learn to advance yourself. You just focus on your destination. A thousand ways will already be in front of you. It will be a great honor if I am able to see you becoming an IAS officer.”
“I will do everything to fulfill your wish, Sir. But I need you. Please don’t leave me and go. I will be totally alone.”
Raman ran out of there and went straight to Lord Shiva temple. He kept on praying for hours. Only if God had heard him praying, he would not have been alone again. Mr. Shastri died of asphyxiation very soon. Raman was completely broken from inside. He felt rejected from the whole world. He kept on crying and crying but no one was there to feel his pain. No one was there to wipe his tears. No one was there to make him feel comfortable. Destiny had again put a tight slap on poor Raman’s face. He prayed to Lord Shiva everyday but even God didn’t take pity on him. He lost his belief on Gods. He could not accept the sudden death of Mr. Shastri. He pledged he would never go to Lord Shiva temple and never talk to him unless he made Mr. Shastri alive again. How childish he was not to understand the theory of life and death!
Coming days were quite tougher for Raman. He didn’t feel like leading his life. The only thing that stopped him from doing so was the last words of Mr. Shastri. Three years had passed since the death of Mr. Shastri. Raman had finally accepted that he was not going to return. Raman had finished his schooling and he took admission in college. After graduation he was to appear for IAS examination. But this time poverty came in Raman’s way. He had not enough money with him to finish his graduation and prepare for IAS examination. The only option he could choose was to carry on his father’s work. He started doing carpentry to save money for his education. He had such a combination of hard work and talent that he had soon acquired great skills in carpentry. Praises of his work had reached the town after spreading in his whole village.
A rich family from that village owned a factory in the town. They came to village only to spend vacations. That summer they were in need of new furniture for their factory. When they came to village in summer vacation, they came to know about Raman’s work. Mr. Pandey, who was the head of family, called on Raman to see his carpentry.
“You seem too young for your work. How old are you?” Mr. Pandey asked Raman misjudging him by his age.
“Although I am just 20 years old, I have been using these tools my whole life, Sir. You won’t get any complaint. I can show you some samples if you want.”
“Umm.. Bring your samples tomorrow morning. If I like them, you will be employed for three months. You will have to work here at my house only. Come prepared with your samples and tools.”
“I promise you won’t be disappointed, Sir. I will be present here by 9:00 am.”
Raman needed the job badly and Mr. Pandey needed great furniture. Mr. Pandey was amazed by seeing Raman’s work the following day. Raman started working at his house. The only thing that Raman was not aware of was Sara. Sara was the only daughter of Mr. Pandey’s. She was preparing for engineering exams she had after two months. She had no friends in village where she was forced to come along with her parents. She was getting bored. She passed her time by watching Raman work. Few days later she finally went to talk to him.
“Hi. I am Sara. I had heard a lot about your work. Rumors are beautifully true sometimes.” Sara said eagerly.
“You must be the daughter of Mr. Pandey. I am charmed by your compliments, Miss. There are only few things I know to do well. Carpentry is one of them.”
“No, no, don’t call me Miss. I am just Sara. From whom did you learn carpentry? How long have you been doing this?”
“I grew playing with these tools. My father is a carpenter and I learned everything from him. My father says that I am the best workman he has ever seen.”
“Well, your father is completely right. You said you know only few things to do well. What else do you like to do?” She was finding his behavior decent. She wondered how a poor barbaric carpenter was able to behave so politely.
“I like to study. Science, Math and Literature are my favorite subjects. I have finished my schooling and I am looking forward to study more. I have an unfinished aim.”
“Whoa! Don’t tell me your unfinished aim is to become an Einstein. Ridiculous.”
“Nope, I just want to…”
She had already left before he could finish his sentence. He was too innocent to understand her sarcasm. He didn’t take her words seriously and returned back to his normal work. Sara had underestimated Raman’s talents but she was still confused. She didn’t find his decency and work to match even a little. She wanted to find out if he was saying the truth. She decided to test his talents. She took engineering books along with her the next day.
“I am sorry, Raman. I left yesterday without listening to you. I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have shown such a bad attitude.” Sara told deceptive words without even feeling a single guilt.
“You shouldn’t say sorry to me. I work for your father and I will try to serve him the best. And since you are his daughter I owe honesty to you too. I was feeling guilty because I thought I said something I shouldn’t have.”
“This means you have forgiven me. See, Raman, I need your help. I am trying to solve some problems in Math and Science but I am facing great difficulties. Why don’t you try these and see if you can do anything to help? I will be obliged.”
“I will do everything I can but won’t your father be angry if I don’t do what I am paid for?”
“I will handle everything. You don’t need to worry about that.”
Raman couldn’t suppress his passion for studies. Sara gave him the toughest problems and Raman solved them like the easiest ones. The problems, which Sara was not able to understand for past one month, were solved by Raman in moments. She was thunderstruck. She had never met such a talented person in her life. She was embarrassed. She just left without saying anything. The whole night she kept on thinking about Raman. She was wondering what such a piece of talent was doing in that rural village! She wanted to know more about him. She again went to him the next morning and this time with courtesy.
“Hey, Raman, I am sorry again. I left yesterday suddenly. I want to ask you one thing. Are you in sort of one friend presently?”
“I don’t have any friend. I like to work alone. And you shouldn’t be doing friendship with me. I am just a poor boy working hard for something. Your friends should be in your level.”
“Your level is far beyond my scope, man. And it’s up to me to decide who my friends should be. I don’t know anything else. Is there any beautiful place in this village? I am feeling nostalgic and I really need fresh air.”
“There is only one peaceful place that I have discovered but believe me you surely don’t wanna roam around a village.”
“Show me that place tomorrow evening after you have finished your work.”
A friendship between a factory owner girl and a poor carpenter was definitely a bad combination. Sara had started liking Raman without giving a single thought of the future. As always she was blinded by the forthcoming feelings of love. Raman took her to that place but he did not like that friendship. An insecure feeling was creeping inside his mind. Unfortunately he could do nothing to ignore her because she was his owner’s daughter.
“This is really a very beautiful place,” she said sitting on a rock, “The first day Raman, you were talking about some unfinished aim. What is that aim in your life?”
“It is not my aim, actually. There were few persons in my life who believed I have great talents and I shouldn’t let it go in waste. Without them I would just be another poor illiterate man dying for food, clothes and shelter. I am working hard to become an IAS officer.”
“Who were those persons you are talking about? I am getting confused, why don’t you say everything about yourself from the very beginning?”
Raman narrated his whole story to her. She was moved to tears. She couldn’t control herself anymore. She stood and hugged him.
“You are a very nice person, Raman. You really shouldn’t let your talent go in waste. After hearing all these, I have begun to respect you more.”
Raman had no idea what her feelings meant. At first he was reluctant but gradually he started to like her company. After many years, Raman was not lonely again. He felt good in her presence and he was happy. Their friendship turned into love. Raman couldn’t imagine a day without her. Days were passing quickly. Each day she was getting close to Raman’s heart. Their love story was running very smoothly on a highway but sometimes even highways do have road bumps.
Summer vacation was getting to an end. Raman had already delivered all the furniture to Mr. Pandey. In return he got a whole lot of money for his hard work. Then he had enough money to carry on his education and preparation for IAS. But there were some bad news too along with the good one. The time had come for the separation of two love birds. Raman didn’t know when he would meet Sara again. Although Sara promised she would write to him and meet him in vacations, the fear of being alone was killing him from inside. He had felt the pain of aloneness and this pain was going to surpass all. At that moment, he could not change the destiny and the only thing he could live for was hope and only hope.
The first rain washed the heat of earth. Raman was anxiously waiting for her letter. He wanted to write to her but it could go in her parents’ hands. Two months passed but her letter never came. The condition of Raman was getting worsen day by day. He had forgotten to eat and sleep. All the time he kept on thinking about her. One day finally her letter came but he would surely have wished it hadn’t come. He opened the letter only to find that:
“Hello Raman,
I thought I should write to you for one last time. You were the nicest person I have ever met. I still love you but we are not destined to be together. Our lives are different. You should really move on and achieve your aim. You are very talented. No one can stop you from achieving your goal. I want you to be happy and you will really feel happy when are in that position. I don’t know where my life is gonna be with my thoughts. Maybe I was never meant to be with you. After all we cannot change our destiny. If the destiny will favor, we will meet again in future. Until then I will have to say goodbye.
You will always be in my heart.
Raman preferred to die than to read those from Sara’s hand. As usual he was clueless. He couldn’t understand what wrong had he done in his life to receive such special treatments from God. He knew he wasn’t meant love anybody. That’s why he was trying to be alone. He never wanted anybody in his life but God forcibly sent her to go away one day. His prejudice against God had greatly increased. He would go in Lord Shiva’s temple, dash his head against the walls and ask to God the reason for sending him on this planet. He couldn’t even die because of the promise he had made to Mr. Shastri. He had started to hate himself and his life. He had sworn he would never ever let anybody to get close to his heart. He just couldn’t help himself to move on with his life. He kept on crying and crying alone but nobody was there to listen. All night, he would just lay down motionless on his bed. All his body would be still but only tears would keep flowing consistently from his eyes. He fell ill in such a pathetic condition. He had high fever and all his body kept on shivering whole day and night. He started growing weaker day by day. He had left the wish to live. Everyone had thought those were his last days. Then one night he saw Vijay and Mr. Shastri in his dream. They were telling him never to leave the hope. Then he saw he was with Sara and very happy. He woke up suddenly from his nightmare. He decided he would not let anything happen to himself until he had finished his aim.
He became better in few days. He moved to town for his preparations for exam. Keeping in mind that he would not let anyone come closer, he was working very hard. He gave the examinations and topped in it. He had finally become an IAS officer. He had achieved the ultimate goal with his talents. He was feeling complete within himself. He was happy that he had made Vijay and Mr. Shastri proud. Poverty had finally moved out of his life. He had got a government bungalow and a government car. He started developing self-respect for himself. He started loving himself and was happier because the only thing he wanted to do then in his life was to serve his country.
He was returning his village happily in his own car. The faces of Vijay, Mr. Shastri and Sara were revolving one by one in front of his eyes and he just forgot to see the next turn. His car crashed into valley and he was taken away from this world instantly. The only mistake he had done at that time was that he had started loving himself. He wasn’t meant to love anybody, not even himself. He was just destined to hate. He would not have lost his gun in childhood if he had hated it. He would not have lost Vijay, Mr. Shastri and Sara if he had hated them. He would not have died if he had hated himself. But what else he could have done when the only thing he had to give was love. Not all men in this world are born to love. Some of us are just born to hate……….