[Vijaya Dashami: Victory of Virtue over Evil – Short Story Kids]
Today we are celebrating Vijay Dashami (also known as Dussehra) throughout India and whole world. This day is celebrated as symbol for victory of virtue or goodness over evil or badness. As per Hindu mythology, Prince of Ayodhya Ram killed Lankan King Ravan in an epical war between virtue and evil. I am sure you would enjoy this story.

Birth of Ram (Image: commons.wikimedia.org)
Many thousands years ago, in Treta Yuga, Ram was born in King Dasarath’s house, in Ayodhya. King Dasarath had three queens — Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikayee. Ram was eldest son in family from eldest queen Kaushalya. His siblings were Bharat from queen Kaikayee, and Lakshman and Shatrughan from queen Sumitra. All four brothers loved each other very much. They respected their parents — King Dasarath and three queens Kaushalya, Sumitra and Kaikayee — like god and goddess.
When the princes grew they married to four beautiful princesses from Royal family of Mithila kingdom that was ruled by King Janak. Ram married to Sita, Lakshman to Urmila, Bharat to Mandavi, and Shatrughan to Shrutakirti. Sita was daughter of king Janak and other princesses were Sita’s cousin.

Ram, Sita and Lakshman in Forest (Image: commons.wikimedia.org)
It was time for prince Ram’s coronation. King Dasarath wanted to make Prince Ram king of Ayodhya. Everyone was extremely happy as Ram was liked by all — his parents, his siblings, his kingdom… even by birds and animals. However queen Kaikayee, under evil influence of her close maid Manthara decided to make Prince Bharat king. She, mentioning promise given to her by King Dasarath to fulfill her any two wishes, asked the King to make Bharat king as first wish and to exile Ram for fourteen years as second wish. It was quite painful to King. He fell terribly sick. Slowly the news spread across kingdom. Ram, in honour of his father’s promise and wish of her mother queen Kaikayee, said no to coronation and left for exile. His wife Sita and his brother Lakhman also accompanied him, leaving comfortable life of palace. That time, Bharat and Shatrughan were not in Ayodhya. They went to visit their maternal grandparents.
When Ram, Sita and Lakshman left for forest, Bharat returned. After knowing this unfortunate incident he became very angry. He was so upset that he decided to never speak to her own mother Kaikayee. Meanwhile unable to bear the sadness, Dasarath passed away. Bharat with his brother Shatrughan, with entire courtiers, and with almost all people of Ayodhya went to pursue his elder brother Ram to bring him back and to make him king. But Ram knew it would be against his father’s promise. He, with great difficulties, convinced Bharat about his decision to obey father’s promise. Bharat came back to Ayodhya. He declared his elder brother Ram as king of Ayodhya. He, as a symbol of love and respect to Ram, kept Ram’s footwear on the throne and became caretaker of the kingdom.

Lord Ram (Image: commons.wikimedia.org)
There in forest, princess of demons, Surpnakha, was attracted to handsome Ram. She approached Ram to marry her. Ram refused citing he was already married to Sita. Surpnakha tried to kill Sita so that later she could marry Ram. However, brave Lakshaman came to rescue his sister-in-law Sita and as a punishment cut Surpnakha’s nose. Surpnakha went to her brother Ravan who was king of demons and ruling Lanka. She narrated the incident to Ravan. Ravan became very angry. He kidnapped Sita.

Ravan – King of Demons (Image: commons.wikimedia.org)
Ram and Lakshman became very sad. Both were wandering in forest, searching for Sita, taking any possible clue from trees, animals, birds etc. On the way they came to monkeys’ and bears’ kingdom Kiskindha and met Sugreeva and Hanuman who later became very close friends. Sugreeva sent Hanuman with many other monkeys and bears to search for Sita. Hanuman had supernatural power. He on a clue from an eagle Jatayu, who tried saving Sita but was thrashed by Ravan to die, crossed the sea to go to Lanka. He finally found Sita in Lanka and came back to inform Ram and Sugreev.
Ram with help of his friend Sugreev and Hanuman built a huge army of monkeys and bears. The Ram army, symbol of virtue, marched to Lanka to fight against Ravan, symbol of evil. The army constructed a bridge on sea to reach Lanka and attacked Ravan. This war was epical, one of the most dangerous wars, the war between virtue and evil. Finally Ram, on this day, killed Ravan to free his wife Sita.
Since then we all celebrate this day as Vijay Dashami, victory of virtue over evil.