Once upon a time there was a boy named Bittu. Bittu was very lazy and lethargic. He din’t go to school. He had only to eat, play and sleep. He never took any work or responsibility of his home. The mother was so much worried about his son’s attitude but she was helpless.

The Bread of Honour – Short Story for kids with Moral Lesson
Image: commons.wikimedia.org
Gradually the time passed and Bittu grew up. But his habits remained unchanged. One day Bittu’s mother decided about his marriage. She thought if Bittu got married, he would be some responsible and sincere. Thus Bittu got married with Chutki. Chutki, Bittu’s wife was very wise and mannered girl. When she saw her husband workless and such irresponsible, she firmly decided to teach him lesson. Chutki talked to Bittu’s mother and took her consent. Chutki always gave her mother-in-law and ate herself fresh and hot bread at dinner, but used to give her husband Bittu, stale and cold Bread.
In beginning Bittu din’t care about it, but after some days he realized it. One day, at dinner, he lost his temper and got very much angry with his wife. Bittu, with red eyes, asked her,
“How dare you to give me such stale and cold bread, whereas you and mother eat the fresh one.”
Chutki answered with a slight smile,
“Dear, the bread, you eat, is cooked by the earnings of your forefathers in the past, so it is stale and cold.”
Bittu got the meaning of his wife’s word. By the very next day he started to go to his farms and to take care of his cattle. Doing this, after some years Bittu became prosperous and honoured person of his village and lived his life happily with his mother and wife.
Moral of the Story: Do hard work