Short Story with Moral Lesson – Super Woman

Super Woman – Short Story with Moral Lesson
Photo credit: nacu from
Far away in a town in lyos was born a baby girl in the male dominated world, the angel was welcomed by all the women. After a few days, she was christened as Adrianna sent from the congregation of God, she grew to be a beautiful and charming young lady.
Adrianna, Fondly called as Anna was more attracted towards adventure and adventure sport like the men, however the women of the house did not want to encourage her too much. In the dark, she would practice, even with eyes closed she could sense people aiming at her and she would shoot, such were her skills.
There was an arkan, an evil person who was powerful and wanted to rule the place, generally men would fight him and the one who wins will rule the country. When Arkan gets to rule, the kingdom will be doomed.
Anna wanted to fight and defeat the Arkan. One night, “Ma, I want to enter the ring and fight with the Arkan.”
“Oh my God! Women don’t enter the rings.”
Anna continued convincing her mother.“Ma, I’m strong and can defeat the Arkans and will protect the country, please give me a chance.”
“Women will be kept right inside the locked doors, so don’t be adamant,” said Mother.
Anna decided to compete and fight the Arkan, she wore a fully covered armour and entered the ring. She defeated the Arkan and then she removed her armour and everyone was astonished to see Anna. All the women started cheering Anna and the men were shocked to see a woman defeat the Arkan. The people together welcomed Anna.
Anna was the first ever woman to rule the kingdom of lyos. She brought about a lot of changes in the kingdom. She created equal opportunities for both men and women. She made education and physical education compulsory for women.
“I would like men and women to understand that every individual needs to keep themselves fit and healthy, think positively and do good,” said Anna.
Anna was given the shield of truth and justice, when she wears it, she will not only speak the truth but also do just. Where ever there was injustice and lies, Anna will be there to fight the wrong doers!
Hail Anna! Hail Anna! Shouted the people of the kingdom as she took her throne!