Short Story – Nurse Nancy
Photo credit: bobby from morguefile.com
Nancy has lots of adorable babies to take care of! Today, she is volunteering in a hospital nursery.
“We are so glad to have you here Nancy!” Says Nurse Brenda.
” All these babies need cuddling, feeding and changing.”
“Looks like i will have a lot to do!” says Nancy as she looks around at all the babies.
One of the baby begins crying and Nurse Brenda picks up the boy and hands him to Nancy.
“Now whats the matter with you!” Nancy says softly to the infant.
Nancy rocks the baby to try and calm him down.
“There are lots of techniques for soothing crying babies,” explains Nurse Brenda. ” If a baby isn’t hungry, you can try singing or gently massaging its tummy or…”
Nancy makes a funny face at the baby and suddenly the baby stops crying.
“Well, I can see you’ve got your own technique, Nancy,” laughs Nurse Brenda.
Nancy is making a funny face at the baby and the baby loves it!
“Newborn babies need to be fed every 2 or 3 hours,” says Nurse Brenda. ” So let’s get started feeding this little one.”
Nancy feeds a bottle of milk to the baby and holds him close.
” Babies can swallow air as they are feeding so it’s important that you burp them,” says Nurse Brenda. After the feeding, Nancy carefully puts the baby over her shoulder and pats his back gently.
“That’s right, use your hand to support the baby’s head,” says Nurse Brenda. “Newborns aren’t strong enough yet to hold their heads up themselves.”
“Buuuurp!” The baby makes a loud burping sound.
“That’s a good boy,” laughs Nancy.
“Babies need their diapers changed many times every day,” says Nurse Brenda. “So you are going to be busy.”
Nurse Brenda shows Nancy how to change a diaper.
” Before you change a baby, make sure you have all the supplies you need right in front of you,” says Nurse Brenda.
” You can’t walk away from the baby or it could roll right off the changing table,” says Nancy.
” That’s right,” says Nurse Brenda. Now it’s Nancy’s turn to try to change a baby. Nancy isn’t used to the smell of a dirty diaper!
Now it is bath time! Nancy puts a little warm water into a tub. She tests the water to make sure it is not too hot for a baby.
“Some babies don’t like taking baths and get quite upset, ” warns Nurse Brenda. ” Other babies think bath time is great fun!”
“We’ll find out what type of baby you are,” says Nancy as she carefully sets a baby into the tub.
As Nancy gently washes the baby boy, he kicks his feet splashing water all over Nancy.
“Ahhh… you like bath time, don’t you!” says Nancy. ” And you are getting me all wet!”
Nurse Brenda is called away from the nursery to help deliver a new baby!
” Let’s play a little while Nurse Brenda is gone!” says Nancy softly to the babies. Nancy puts the babies down on a soft mat on the floor. Then she dangles a sparkling star above them.
” See the pretty star!” says Nancy softly. ” Isn’t it beautiful!”
The babies follow the star with their eyes. Some of them even try to reach out and grab it. They kick their legs with excitement. Babies love to see shiny beautiful shapes and colours.
It is nap time in the nursery. Nancy sings softly to each baby as she tucks them into their cots. The babies are adorable. But it is a lot of work taking care of them! Nancy takes a baby in each arm and rocks them to sleep. It is nice for Nancy to finally get a chance to relax after a long day at work. But just as Nancy gets the babies to sleep. Nurse Brenda comes in with a message for Nancy.
” Doctor Julie has just delivered a newborn,” says Nurse Brenda. ” Can you help care for it while Dr. Julie treats the mother?”
A brand new baby! thinks Nancy. I hope I can remember everything Nurse Brenda has taught me! Before Nancy enters the delivery room, she washes her hands really well. Her hands have to be completely clean when she touches the newborn.
Dr. Julie greets Nancy with a brand new infant in her arms.
” This baby’s mom needs treatment and the father is still travelling to get here,” says Dr. Julie. ” So I’ll need you to help take care of this little one.”
“Oh she is so tiny!” says Nancy as she takes the baby in her arms.
” We will start you out with your very first sponge bath,” says Nancy. She holds the baby close and talks softly to her. Nancy wants to make sure the baby feels love right away.
Nancy begins by gently wiping the baby’s eyes, nose and ears with a warm wash cloth. She carefully washes the infant’s tiny body and pats it dry with a soft towel.
” Oh look how clean and lovely you are now, darling,” whispers Nancy to the newborn. She then dresses the newborn girl in tiny pink socks and a tiny pink bodysuit.
” Sometimes babies swallow air when they are feeding,” says Nancy. ” And this can make their stomach hurt. So let’s try burping her now.”
Nancy shows Mary how to put the baby on her shoulder and pat her gently on the back.
” That’s right,” says Nancy. ” You are doing just fine, Mary!”
Just then, Mary’s husband Joe walks in. Nancy leaves so that the new family can be alone together. ” You are going to make a wonderful baby nurse one day!” says Nurse Brenda.
The next day, Nancy checks in on Mary and her new baby. Joe greets Nancy with good news. ” We get to bring home the new baby today, Nancy,” says Joe. ” That’s wonderful news!” says Nancy. ” Then I better say goodbye to her!”
” Bye bye,” says Nancy softly as she rubs the baby’s cheek. And to her parents great delight, the baby smiles for the very first time!