Short Story Kids – My First Earning
Photo credit: dmscs from morguefile.com
Today, I was sad as I didn’t qualify my CAT exam, I was very much depressed. It’s like world has ended for me and I left with no hope and any motive. I felt gloomy and really need a push to move forward. But there was no one around. You always need to have someone to share your feelings either you are happy or sad. I left with no friends , So I selected myself as my best and only companion.
In the want of some courage and hope I looked back in my life. I found, though I failed today but I was a champ at some point of time. I was sharp minded and intelligent. This I can say with one incident that happened to me or I should say I made it happen for me.
My childhood was very normal. I liked toys , cars, video games and most importantly comics and bat-ball. My relatives used to bring one or other comics for me and 1-2 balls. I was very happy to see them , read them and play bat-ball. Infact in a single day I received 10 new comics from my relatives. They used to bring whichever they feel like but I always like Chacha chaudhary, Billu, & Supercommander Dhruv. All this continued as usual in a pleasant manner.
Every month starting, I used to accompany my mother to shopping center to get the ration and other useful stuff.
I used to carry bags and for that she always offers me a cool drink . This habit is still attached to me. I love soft drinks. In same shopping center there was a fancy bakery shop , I can still re collect it’s name it was ” Hari Om Bakery ” which was run by a fat boy Ravi. I used to jump here and there in the shop in my stupidity. While doing that , I spotted few comics at a corner.
I called my mother and pointed towards those comics. Within a second she understood that I need them , but she refused and said
“Already you have so many in house, first finish them and then you will get new one “.
She explains me that all these comics are costly also. I can see some restlessness on her face as she can’t afford to buy them and has to put down my wish.
We both came home. But I began to think on both side. One , I need those comics and on other side I don’t want my mother to feel sorry as she can’t afford. Usually that time any normal comic book costs Rs 10/- but those which I have seen at Hari Om shop was of Rs 35/- . So the margin was more. I decided that I need those but with my own money. Whole night I was thinking on same term and by morning I came up with an idea.
It was a summer vacation. and I put down a cot in my veranda. Luckily my house was on road side and it was quite a busy road. I took out all my comics from almirah, there were almost 40 in numbers. I elegantly spread those comics on cot in such a way that it look eye catching, and sat beside on a small stool. Mom came out and asked
” What u r doing ? What is all this ? “.
I said I want to give my comics on rent to all those who are interested to read , by this I can earn some money for myself . Though she liked my idea and moreover she like the innocence behind my zeal to earn money but she refused and said
“No need of all these, put them back, I will get you the comics which you want.”
But I was not willing to listen her. Meanwhile a boy came to me asked about all these comics .
I said it is mainly for rent but if you want to buy I can sell them also.He keenly looked at all the comics and selected one, he asked that for rent . My mom was still there , she went silently inside the room . I think she got her answer, my idea began to work. I told that boy about the rate for 2 hour, I will take 2 rupees and more than 2 hour it is 5 rupee . I asked him to write his name , address and phone number in my notebook which I was maintaining to note down the time .
Every one in my locality was surprised seeing so many comics and that too the idea of putting them on rent. One after the other I used to give them for rent and really I was doing well. I sold 5 comics on second hand rate and remaining kept on rotation of rent. My small business grew up and I was very happy. In a month I earned 89/- rupee and still counting.
Few of my friend approached me to involve them in this process ,they were ready to provide me some more comics and want to be my partners . I involved 2 people into my so called Business, but this indeed turned out to be my wrong move. After 2 day, a quarrel broke out between us about the share of money. I gave them 20/ -rupee each and returned their books and finish off the matter. But this hampered my interest and soon I decided to close it down. I kept all my comics back to almirah and the amount 146/- which I earned from this business.
In spite of a quarrel which led to the bitterness between me and my friends , I was happy that I worked for my wish. Really at age of 10 yrs I worked on my own idea and implemented it successfully. Everyone in my house admired my novel thought and I emerged as true champ .
Today, also I have those 32 comics with me and 146 rupee which I never spent, I kept them safely in same almirah as a part of memory. This is not about money . It was all about the mindset and zeal to achieve . In all this affair I found out a true businessman inside me.