Short Story for Children – Moonlight overwhelms the room
Photo credit: xololounge from morguefile.com
Moonlight Overwhelms the Room
Descending sun touches the horizon line westward. From a distance the moon observes sunset.
When the sun falls down and goes to way away.
The youngsters play the riddle: “Where does the sun disappear, in the sea or down the valley?”
This riddle is still unsolved ever since the creation of earth?
This is not the only puzzle: “So what is the color of twilight is it red or orange?” Can not distinguish?
From far-off the moon in the sky is ready now to enlighten the planet with its glittery shine.
In that small village, a thirteen year-old girl; has no father, no brother, and no sister; she only has a mother. Night by night, the mother and the daughter, both hug each other in darkness and fell asleep.
Next morning the sun comes back.
This little daughter goes out to the prairie. It is her daily habit to do that. As years pass by she could form a companion with nature: she even could sing with birds, scroll with ladybirds and collect daffodils.
One day she was followed by a lost dog; she no ran away neither sat down, she stood still, the dog approached her, and she patted his head. She was sure from then on that the dog is her companion. As a matter of fact she was hoping every morning to see him there. Between her and the dog there was a relationship, their relation became a conversation, she discloses, dog sits still staring to no where, while she believed that the dog listens to her concerns. She even thought the dog is talking to her.
One a day this relation had to come to an end: a shepherd was climbing the rock, towards the slope where she was sitting, he approached them; excitedly shouted: “Maxi there you are!” The shepherd and sheep were happy to find their lost dog! The dog didn’t even look behind to say goodbye to the girl. Since then the girl felt so sad and lonelier but she was always going up the hills hoping to find her only friend “the dog”.
This little girl carried on touring in lands this day and all days. She does not know really how it started but she could hear the conversation among many things in the scenery: she could hear rabbits murmur, sheep mumble, and a valley calling the mountain to go upward; she even could hear the sun speaking to the moon; is this real or she is just imagining the chat:
“You moon you don’t know what you are missing during daylight, when I glow the earth and watch over everything that happens far there”.
Waiting to hear the moon’s reply; moon pauses and then says:
“Hum: oh what do I miss you sun”? The girl tries to listen; she is hearing something; the arrogant sun declares:
“In daytime my rays shine fields, landscapes and meadows. Daily the peasants from neighboring villages gather to collect veggies, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash; on other fields the farmers to farm wheat and barley. How nice to watch they plough the soil then spread the seeds then sing when harvest is due.
The sun keeps chitchatting:
“Sunflowers lift up their heads towards me, track and follow me that am why it was named after me “sunflower”. The corncobs hide between its long leaves when flourish it is collected and kids run to the market to buy them.
One of my days by day duty is to dry the laundry, I know and women know too, how good I am in drying wet clothes with the help of my best bud the air.
While the girl is still listening to the dialogue, she says to herself:
“My mother before hanging my outfits she watches the sun especially in winter she evaluates: Is it hot enough or cold?
“Mama are we hanging the wet garments out today?”
“No mama the sun today is shy”.
“What do you mean Mama?”
In oriental proverb “the sun is shy” “ it is said when the sun is not warm, the sun is known as cold sun; when the sun is hidden behind the clouds and fogged up it shows as if the sun is shy to come out”.
The girl laughs:
“Mama how many proverbs you know describing the sun?’
At a time you tell me “the sun could not be covered with the sieve”, and on another occasion you say “Things are as clear as the sun” we can never hide facts that are as obvious as the sun.
The girl pays attention: the sun continues its dialogue with the moon and adds:
“When my ray is so hot at midday I feel that I overwhelm the sand and space, peasants leave the fields, and lay under the shade of trees”.
“Then at the end of the day, when I am about to leave to shine somewhere else, it darkened: children leave the playgrounds and go inside their homes”.
It is the end of another day; at length the sun had just gone down. Where to? Mystical phase.
… So it’s night …now it’s the moon’s turn.
The moon at present is curious to see the village the sun just mentioned.
The moon is watching the old house at the distance… the mother puts off lamp oil … and in her open arms embraces her daughter, while the moon’s light overwhelms the room…
Mother sits near the bed … tell her nice tales…it is then that the child feels tenderness… love… and warmth…quietly she falls asleep.
It is deep in night; the moon peers upon the girl and her mother. The moon cries while watching the scene.
Brilliant star passing in the sky; the star understands why the moon is so sad.
Moon wants a mother: a mother to embrace him… to cuddle him…and to kiss him…exactly like the rural girl…
Without talking to him… the star goes away in the space; for other stars she recites the story of the lonesome moon…
No wonder as there is only one moon in the sky.
The next night and shortly before midnight: the star returned… accompanied with all the stars… the large and the small…the guardian star said: “Don’t be sad you moon! You will not be alone hereafter and per this night”. The daughter star added: “It is true we cannot be a sister or a mother, but still we will be your friends”.
Thereafter the stars befriended with the moon; touring together freely in the sky, backwards and forwards…moon shines… stars sparkle.
But in winter when the villagers close windows and doors tightly hiding behind the gates protecting themselves from cold and rain; nature then looks different.
Time will come: the moon too should go away as well as the stars.
Wonder where? Behind the clouds or gone after the sun? Another secrecy!
Deep winter nights deprive the mother and her daughter from seeing the moon and his followers the stars. The moon too: black clouds prevent him from watching the mother and her daughter sitting round the firewood.
In a nightthe girl whispers to her mother: “Mama why I am always alone, I have no siblings that is why I feel so melancholy most of the time?”
“The moon is lonesome too” replies the mother, while she sighs and goes to her own night dreams.
Parallel to this and during entire winter the moon longs to intimacy and rapport that is formed between him and the small family. Something he evermore is missing and longing to: something that cannot be fulfilled even though he is surrounded with his friends the stars. Moon has no choice but to wait.