Short Story from Childhood – THIEF OF MY BOOK
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com
“Stop shouting girls”, yelled Mrs. Phillips very fine, well define and a wonderful lady and also our respectful class teacher. As student of seventh grade, no one paid attention to what for Mrs. Phillips yelled, as everyone was busy doing their own stuff shouting, gossips or playing, except me. It was our last period which was our needle work period or as all other student considers it to be a free period.
‘Girls listen to me, those who all are interested in the matte cloth work, could come to me for the design over it or for any other stitching help if needed, right now I’m free to do it’ said Mrs. Phillips.
As I was sitting in my seat with my geography book open could hear it very well what she said. After two days there was going to be a geography test for which i was totally unprepared. I probably could not concentrate due to the noise in the class and got distracted by other girls.
After some while i thought it is better not to waste time and go to mam for the design on matte cloth. ‘I am going to mam’ I said, my class partner Nayanika and a good friend of mine was busy doing her own thing and looking at others and didn’t listen to what I said. It didn’t bother me much and without losing any time I went to Mrs. Phillips. I didn’t like it at all to stand in a queue as few more girls was also interested in the needle work “oh god I just hate it………….”I thought while standing in a queue.
While standing i just gave a glance at the class room and believe me it was a total mess i could see. Now I understand what a hard job teachers have to face while handling such a mess of student. Suddenly I look towards Nayanika she softly closed my book which was openly lying on my desk. It was a sweet act of her as she believes that wisdom fly’s away if someone keeps his or her book open without reading it. I could also see Tanya running in the class one of the best student and athlete in the class. And also one of popular student, as she was having her own fun time. I waited for my turn to come and finally my turn came for the design on matte cloth. While Mrs. Phillips started with that designing I again looked at my class….I could still see Tanya running around my desk and then I suddenly looked at my desk…..My book it disappeared. I was worried but then i calm myself down and thought that it must be under my desk or somewhere near it. As soon as mam completed my design i just ran towards my desk.
I started with my mission search operation, but still i could not find my book. I asked Nayanika ‘where is my book have you seen it?’ as she answered ‘No, last time I saw when your book was open and I just closed it I didn’t notice it again”.
I was seriously tensed as I was worried about the test after few days. It made me remember about an incident where I lost my drawing book in fifth grade and my mom scolded me badly. At that time thief of my book was my partner i knew that it was she who did it that time but I could not prove it. I thought it is happening with me again as history repeat itself. But this time I didn’t had a doubt on my partner as she was a very honest ,and out of that she also told me to check her bag if I have any doubt on her.
I asked most of girls if they have any idea about my book as they replied with a straight forward answer “no”. I was left with no other option than going to mam. As i told Mrs. Phillips about it she quickly ordered the class to check there bags and desks because she thought that they have kept my book with there own books by mistake. As soon as orders were passed the bell rang as the last period got over.
“Tomorrow if I found someone with that book then just wait and watch what I’ll do with you all, I won’t spare that girl if she has taken Sucheta’s book”. Ordered loudly Mrs. Phillips. As school got over I packed up my bag hoping to get back my book next day.
As soon as i reached home i was quite worried to speak out the truth in front of my mom as i knew that she’ll scold me for losing my book. My mom she is a discipline loving lady, sometimes strict and sometimes very much like a best friend, she hates being careless. And this was the reason I was worried about. Finally I spoke out the truth, and rest that everyone can easily guess, she shouted at me. As I knew my mistake, I was left with no excuse except hearing and looking at her. After shouting for a while she calm down and said ‘look what has happened, let it be, as it won’t come back but next you need to do is go to school tomorrow little early and search for it again if luck favors you then you will get back your book again’. After hearing those words from mom i prayed to god hoping to get it back again.
As the sun rose next morning, I waked up as early as possible and got ready for school. As soon as i reached school i looked everywhere for my book but i couldn’t find it. Around a half an hour later suddenly a class fellow of mine came to me holding my book in her hand said ‘yesterday by mistake I kept your book with mine, I don’t know how it came on my desk but I kept it with mine thinking that its mine and didn’t bothered to check it back again. Sorry for all that happened, I’ll tell everything to mam about this mistake of not checking my bag properly again’.
I told her not to worry because what was important to me that thing I got back. I was relaxed now and after the school I told everything to mom about what all happened and how I got back my book.
After so many years when I look back to this incident of my childhood days, I still feel something missing, like how the book came on her desk? Was it was Tanya who kept it by mistake while running and playing in the class or a thief who stole it and then on hearing the warning by Mrs. Phillips she kept it on her desk because of fear. Well what so ever it still remains a unsolved mystery to me…!
“Who was the thief of my book?”