Russi Doll and Stomach Ache
Photo credit: Melodi2 from morguefile.com
[Know more about Russi Babe, the beautiful Russian Doll]
One morning Russi Babe, the beautiful Russian Doll, started crying. She told to Mom that her stomach was aching. When mom tried giving her medicine she started crying even louder and did not take any medicine. Actually she had no pain but was pretending. She did not want to go to school as she never liked school. She was put in nursery sitting away from Isha. Isha was in another class as she was in fourth standard. Moreover no other toys go to school except Russi Babe because other toys were too old to go to school with kids.
Isha was getting late for school. She hugged Russi Babe and sweetly asked her to take medicine but Russi Babe kept crying. School van came to pick the girls. Russi Babe started crying very loudly. Finally Mom told driver uncle that Russi Babe would not go to school. Isha also stayed home with her favourite toy Russi Babe as Russi Babe was not well.
Everyone was feeling bad because Russi Babe was crying in pain. All toys gathered. They discussed with Mom and Isha what to do. Old Die Hexe from Herz was not there else she would have done magic to reduce the pain. Die Hexe, flying on her broom, went to her home at Herz Mountain. Finally Mom called Trin-Trin, the phone on wheel from China. Trin-Trin dialled Dr. Tete and told him about Russi Babe. Dr. Tete asked whether Thomas, the train engine can pick him from his clinic. Thomas the train engine whistled and left station to pick Dr. Tete.
Suddenly wind started blowing heavily. All toy-kids got scared. Small puppy Moti from Malaysia crept under sofa. Balloo Bear from Siberia started sniffing around. His kids also ran behind Moti. But Mom and Isha knew that nothing to worry. Actually Die Hexe was coming back on her broom. She landed in courtyard. Seeing Die Hexe, all toy-kids became happy. They all loved Die Hexe. Small puppy Moti came out and started licking Die Hexe. Balloo Bear kids also ran to their favourite Die Hexe.
By the time kids could open Die Hexe’s ragged and patched magic bag, Dr. Tete came riding on Thomas the train engine. Thomas stopped at the station. Dr. Tete examined Russi Babe. But he could not diagnose the disease as there was no real pain she had. Dr. Tete told Die Hexe in German that Russi Babe was lying. Both talked for few minutes. None understood their conversation. Finally Dr. Tete gave pink colour syrup to Russi Babe. Dr. Tete asked her to sleep whole day and take rest. He also advised Mom not to give any thing to eat to the patient. Russi Babe was now very happy. She did not go to school and would sleep whole day.
But what is this!!! Balloo Bear’s kids opened Die Hexe bag. It was full with cakes from Black Forest and chocolates from Brussels. Kids started eating cakes and dancing. Today was Die Hexe’s Birthday. She is now four thousand years old. Everyone was enjoying and joined kids in singing and dancing. Suddenly all heard Russi Babe crying again very loudly. This time she was crying because of hunger. She told Mom that she lied. Mom smiled and embraced her in lap. Russi Babe promised everyone that she would not lie anymore. Die Hexe gave a big piece of Black Forest cake. Russi Babe within no time ate whole cake and joined kids in wishing happy birth day to Old Die Hexe.
[Now you also listen and sing the song together]