Kids Short Story with Moral – Snow white
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
On the other day, I met my student who is hardly 5-6 years old. Her name is snow white. She is very naughty and cheerful child. I love her to the fullest and I admire her for her intelligence. She is a very quick learner. She takes every opportunity to learn, no matter in the classroom in a school or even in a supermarket. She is lively as most of the kids are in this age.
However, what amuses me a lot is her sense of understanding and learning things entirely on her own with a little guidance. I just need to give her a word and then, she can say and explain you the meaning of that word in her style, which is of course in her mother tongue, Chinese. Nevertheless, her English is proficient when compare to another kids in kindergarten. She is hiding enormous amount of intelligence in her tiny looking head with two beautiful sparkling clear eyes with beautiful Chinese and English language skills, which encourages her to speak and learn more from me as her foreign English teacher.
As I am an ESL teacher, I found that majority of kids are willing to learn and feels happy around me for one reason or another. One reason could be I look different to them, as I am from India. Another reason I can think of is definitely, language and my way of teaching combining love, respect and patience in our student and teacher relationship.
Moving on, I met snow white in a supermarket along with her mum, of course busy doing shopping and she was playing and walking behind and sometimes in front of her mum. As usual, I could not stop myself when I saw my student. It gives me world of happiness when I come across my students outside school walls. I went ahead and approached her mother to say Ni hao (hello in Chinese). I felt like I am close to a family member, as the feeling was so warm and the environment suddenly changed when we started chatting to each other.
Suddenly, snow white noticed that, her foreign teacher is standing next to her mother. She quickly realised its him, who loves me and cares about me in school and even outside, as we have had previous encounters outside school and every time she looks surprised, and not to mention very happy and excited. Well I was with my another colleague, as I was going to say bye to them, snow white hold my hand and started throwing light on my palm with her little toy light in her index finger, sitting pretty like a ring. It was a circle looking shape and she was enjoying these moments and likewise. I had shopping bucket in my hand and suddenly, another colleague Ms Allie came to say hello to her as well.
When my colleague and her mother started talking, snow white took this opportunity to hold my finger and started running and playing around with me in entire fruits and cookies section. She took me to almost every section in that part of the supermarket and asks me the names of the items placed on the shelf’s. It was a great feeling, as I was enjoying her company and I was busy delivering a lesson, which I did not planned in a supermarket in English. Every person in that section was looking at us, since not many foreigners are residing in this small town, and additionally not many people speaks English. I was feeling like my daughter is holding my hand and she is asking me papa please show me around and I want to learn more words in English. I was entirely dedicated to her request and happily assisted her in achieving her wish.
Moreover, this little English lesson with real items in supermarket lasted for approximately fifteen minutes and then it was time for snow white and her mother to carry on with their shopping, as it was also getting late almost nine thirty at night. On the contrary, she wanted to keep playing and tossing around with me, and refusing to listen to her mother. It makes me feel even more special. I felt I have a little family in this alien country and small town, because of my teaching career; I have enjoyed a royal treatment from parents, school and most importantly from kids. Well, in the end after little efforts from her mother snow white decided to move on and finally said goodbye to me quietly, as she was not done yet. She came back one more time and touched my eyelashes and eyes, as she loves my long eyelashes. At last, I along with my colleague moved on to finish our shopping and approached the counter to pay the money for our purchases.
I came home and I kept thinking about snow white and my teaching career. I was truly happy around her, and I do believe teaching kinder garteners is truly rewarding and so is teaching career itself is a reward, regardless of wages that one can earn being in different industry such as, working as a software engineer. The satisfaction level is priceless, which gives you an experience of sitting on the top of the happiness chain. I guess one has to know how to contribute to the kids and society through teaching, if we can find this secret then I would like to add a little advice start with love, respect and patience in and outside walls of educational institutions, one can find entire satisfaction and happiness of the world in teaching itself.