Kids Short Story – Orphan ! I hate this word.
Photo credit: snappy from morguefile.com
“Sir!!Errr…can I have some more food?I am still hungry .”Little Joe requested cook gingerly.
“What?More food?What you think you ordered and I will serve you,NO!.”Cook roared at Joe and kicked him out of the kitchen.
“HEY!JOE!,NA-NA-NA-NA-NA!!!How was that?I just enjoyed it.”
Sunny mocked Joe but he turned a deaf ear to his words and steped into the veranda where he sat with his best friend-Solitude.
“Why I can not have more food?If they can not take care of us then why they build an orphanage?AHH!Why my parents left me here?”Eight years old Joe swished in deep thought.
In morning all children in orphanage got well dressed but Joe’s heart cried silently because he had no shirt except an old shabby gown which had many holes in it.
“Hey!Sam,can you give me one of your three white shirts? I have nothing to wear.” Joe requested his elder brother Sam .
“Oh just shut up !! Look at your face. People will never adopt such a ugly boy .I am not giving you any of my shirt.”
Sam showed his heedlessness and stepped out in viranda where children were queeued up to meet the visitors with the hope that they will adopt them.But Joe was still inside the room.
“I know I am a poor ugly boy and no one will adopt me,then why to go out?I am not going.”
Joe sorrowfully died the cast, The same happened no one was adopted that day .In fact some men came and took thirteen boys including Sam and Joe to the steel and iron factory where they were forced to make iron and steel rods.More over ,they were supposed to sleep on uneven brick floor which hurts them but they couldn’t even utter a word .
One morning Joe and Sam woke up late and as a punishment they were given just two pieces of bread while other enjoyed five.
“What the hell!Now we can not even sleep.Orphanage was better atleast we could sleep as much as we can on a soft comfortable mattress .Sleeping is our right .”Joe expressed his sadness.
“Didn’t you know people here have no rights.”Sam admonished his younger brother and callously snatched the last piece of bread from him.
“It’s completely unethical.I should do something . I have to…”Joe was thinking but was interrupted by master who ordered him to clean the machinery
.”Coming.”Joe answered.
It was a herculean task but he had to do this otherwise he would get no food. After completing the work and eating food everyone went to the bed .In the middle of the night when blazing blue sky was pouring down the torrents of light .Joe woke up ,he took his shoes in the hand and walked off from the orphanage in search of his parents but at night it was impossible for him to search so he slept at the foot path along Simon Building in London , which was not far from the orphanage.
In the morning when he woke up he was stunned to see the luxurious room.”Is this the dreeeeeam.!”Little joe whispered in amazment.
‘No little boy it is not a dream!You are really in the House Of Wales in England.”Elegantly dressed old woman assured him .
“How are you ? How I am here?”little Joe questioned .
“I can not tell you any thing you please come down for the breakfast Mr.Wales is waiting at the table.And yeah!!!Please wear that clothes.”Women answered and went out of the room .
“SURE.”Joe said and stepped in the bathroom .
After getting dressed in a sleeked black suit he stepped on the stairs and came down for the breakfast where he ate whatever he ordered.
“Why I am here?”Joe questioned Mr.Wales but without answering he took his arm and made him walk to black porche which took them to the Mall of Marks & Spencer .’ On the other hand workshop master reported about the missing Joe in police station.Every where police was searching for them and ..unfortunately they found Joe and Mr.Wales at the mall and took them to police station.
“I found him on the footpath.Sleeping in dirty greesed clothes and took him to my palace .I want to adopt him .”Mr.Wales clarified and demanded for adoption paper .
‘Wait !! I was in orphanage since 7 years . And then I was moved to workshop where I was forced to work . Sir I was living there with my elder brother SAM , I will only go with you if you will also adopt him.”Joe demanded
“Okay !!” Mr.Wales agreed and signed the adoption papers.
Within two weeks of adoption Joe and Sam were sent to the school and were given every luxury which they thought in their past.
“Thank you God for giving me such a good parents.”Joe thanked god .
“And thank you God for giving me such a good boys.” Mr.Wales said while placing his arms across Joe .
“Love you Dad!!”JOE expressed his feeling and they both along wit Sam and Mrs.Wales went for a ice-cream.