Children Short Story with Moral – The True Essence of Life

Kids Short Story – The True Essence of Life
Photo credit: irkengirdib from
Oh God! help me, save me from this ugly devil,beast,the only rival in my life……
Yes I was talking about my exams. I hate maths and it was this beast which was making me nervous, all the numbers were mixed and were making a jelly bean sandwich in my mind. It was a cold and foggy morning, praying to GOD was the only option left for me.
It was 7:00 in the clock, time for me to dress, after dressing, that too haphazardly, I went to the dining table for breakfast where my sister already seated, was calmly having her breakfast. She was one grade lower to me and the best thing she was witty and intelligent. She was having her bio paper so I guessed that she must have already mugged the whole book, I felt really very jealous and was complaining to God for not making me intelligent.The clock struck eight, it was time for us to leave.
We both took our bicycles out . I was fitting my bag on the carrier when my eyes ran over the tyres and I suddenly realized that they were flat with no air in them, I was startled and felt terrible as I did not have a single clue as to what to do. All the doors of my mind seemed shut and not even a single idea clicked my mind. If father would have been at home he would have easily dropped me , Oh but my wretched luck, he was not at home. It was necessary to reach the school because of the examination. I just hoped that the nearby shop would be opened and was once again angry with God.
We were already late , my sister went alone, I wanted her to go with me but she was reluctant , I shouted at her but she was right at her stand. Why should she suffer because of me? Walking up to the shop my mind was fraught with worries but the sight of the open shop boosted my spirits and felt elated and relaxed. I had no time so while I asked him to fill air in the tyres , the thought that I will get it repaired getting back from school clicked my mind.
Finally I went on. I was on my way when suddenly a queer voice something like ohookoo drew my attention. It was coming from a dried channel full of dried plants and thorns ,I ignored the voice and was about to continue on to my way when suddenly a voice from my heart stopped me and forced me to turn back . I reached the place from where the voice seemed to be coming. I peeped into the channel nearby.
There was a puppy which was trapped in that mesh.It was a very cold day,that petty creature must have been trying hard to get out of it but its efforts had made no difference . I tried to get him out of it but I could not , so I called a boy who was sitting at the shop in front of the channel . Finally with our cumulative efforts we succeeded in taking it out. Seeing the little pup out from the mesh I felt very happy and lively .
I went on to give my maths exam for which I was already late but now I was neither nervous nor was I angry with God or with my sister. I felt surcharged with positive vibes and happiness was flowing all through my body. I was glad that the puppy was out from there and was safe. I realized the true essence of life, our life too is a mesh , we get intermingled in this mesh and forget the truth of our living and life. We ought to come out from this jumbled and mingled mesh of life and live our precious life such that it is worth living.