Children Short Story – This time witting off the thief
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
It was winter. Swapnil returned home early from office. He thought of completing his dinner and then going off for sleep early. He quickly completed his dinner and then just before going to sleep, thought of just browsing through his television channels once for sometime and then go. He switched on and by chance he tuned to some channel where he got to find one new movie going on. He understood that he would not be able to make out anything of the story of the film by watching from this part which was almost nearing its end, but still thought of just watching to get an idea of how could have the whole film went.
Another hour was left for the film to get over. Swapnil started watching. After another half an hour he felt like eating something again just like a time pass while watching any movie. He quickly brought a couple of tomatoes from the kitchen and some salt. He started eating one slowly by once dipping the tomato’s small part in the salt in his other hand and then taking the bite of the tomato covered with salt. Like this he completed one and the film also was almost over. He then dint feel like eating the other tomato anymore. The film was then over and he switched off the television and keeping the tomato by the side of his pillow, he went to sleep, thinking to keep the same in the kitchen the next day morning, once he wakes up from sleep.
He was deep asleep in another 30 minutes. However just after another hour or two, a small sound awakened him. He opened his eyes and started noticing the sound properly. He was able to hear some sound of whispers. He understood that he cant help anymore as the thieves has already broken the lock and had appeared in his house. He knew that making them feel that he is awakened could also prove to be dangerous for him as they wont have had come armless.
So Swapnil quickly played one trick, such that the thieves would leave immediately without harming him and also without stealing anything.
Swapnil remembered that he had kept one tomato by the side of his pillow. Lying down only he quickly took that under the vest he was wearing and pressed it against his stomach from over the vest. The tomato smashed and his vest was completely red near his belly covering a huge portion. He could have had also pressed the tomato keeping over his vest as then also the impact would have been the same red color over his vest, but along with that the seeds of the tomato would also had had become prominent, by which the thieves could have suspected and understood his trick.
Swapnil then got down of his cot, lied down on the floor beside it, remained crooked and started groaning. He slowly made his groan loud and clear and then pretended to be as if dying and telling his last words in a soft trembling voice, “Wait, how far could you go? I have recognised you. You have stabbed me. You cant escape. Now I have again closed the main door casually so that no neighbours get disturbed by my groaning at this night, but I have already called the police and they would be reaching here in a moment or two and then I would tell them your name and then die.”
Swapnil noticed the thieves had stopped whispering and then slowly came near his room and switched on the light.
Swapnil was ready. As they switched on, he turned a bit sidewise to protect his belly from their direct vision, in case they discover his trick, and then he, raising one hand and shaking it vigorously started crawling towards the two thieves for help. The thieves already shocked of seeing the one, in whose house they had come to steal, got murdered and the police also on his way and then on top of that the murdered person trying to touch them, together brought hell a lot of scare out of them. They wasting no further time, immediately ran away, leaving, all that they had stolen by then and Swapnil also quickly arranged for a new lock and then locking it, went to the restroom to change his vest, cleaned the tomato puree from his belly and then went off for sleep again.