Kids Short Story – Sophie
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Sophie strolled over to the other baby penguins, she squawked at them, inviting them to play with her. Chicks all around her emerged from their standing on their parents feet and from under the warmth of their blubber. They ran haphazardly towards her, she ran ahead, slipping over. She glided along on her stomach, she got up. And ran back to the others. She watched as her dad and mum danced with the other penguins for the aliens, they didn’t know they were humans, she started towards them, she stopped and looked down through the ice. Seeing a large shape swim below the ice she squawked a warning. Running towards her parents, she didn’t stop squawking. As she reached her parents it emerged from the water.
Memphis, jumped out of the water. Landing at his son’s, Mumble’s feet. He looked down at his granddaughter. Puffing out his chest proudly he waddled towards Gloria, Sophie’s mum. Nuzzling her he complimented his granddaughter. He puffed his chest out further. “Why, why, why. What a queen of a emperor penguin we have here! Why your so pretty I think you’re my twin!” He laughed at his own joke. Expecting mumble and Gloria to join in.
Sophie threw her head back and squawked again, this time because she was hungry. Gloria obeyed the whims of her only child, opening her mouth as Sophie threw her head back again, waiting for food. Regurgitating food into Sophie mouth made her feel happy and wanted. She smiled remembering the wait she had to endure throughout the winter just so she could see her precious little bundle of fluff. Remembering the baby down she smiled, thinking of Mumble’s baby down and how long it took for him to loose his. Finished feeding Sophie Gloria nuzzled Mumble, smiling happily at Memphis, she answered his question. “Yes she is a fine looking . Let’s hope she can sing!” She joked around, she started singing, Memphis accompanied her. They looked at Sophie expecting her to sing or at least dance. They waited for a minute before Sophie did something.
Sophie walked away, not feeling the rhythm. Stopping as she got out of view, she clambered up onto the ridge, overlooking the penguins. Her feet starting moving but in time to the rhythm. Then she started to sing and dance to the rhythm at the same time. She sang and danced all the way down to the bottom of the hill down to where her family stood watching Sophie after a moment, they all joined in singing and dancing. Gloria and Mumble danced together, tapping their feet and flapping their arms in time to the rhythm. Gloria sang while Mumble tapped his feet. Sophie started singing as all the penguins went silent at the youngsters voice, it was even better than Gloria’s. Ramon and his friends arrived, their girlfriends and babies in tow. The families sang in Spanish. They were silenced as the ‘aliens’ landed in a helicopter, they stood and watched. After a while they started to film it. All over the world the little penguin and all her family encouraged all people of every manner and penguins of course to dance.