Kids Short Story – She’ll be what I am!
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Just like any other father, I always want my daughter to remain daddy’s li’l doll. When she is just six months old, you are inclined to giving her a finger to hold and it often leads to underestimating her abilities.
I thought she is too little to understand the world. I didn’t realize that I was wrong until this morning when she smiled when I smiled and frowned when I fake-frowned. I first thought it was a co-incidence. I repeated the sequence to be sure.
She followed until she made me sure that it was not a fluke. I was happy knowing she was following me. I was happy knowing that she finds me as someone to pursue. It was too early but, I was happy that she thinks me as her first teacher of life.
A little while of happiness brought a huge sense of responsibility to me. She watches me carefully, closely and minutely. She doesn’t speak, she just stares and glares. Everything I do, everything I say, she monitors and quietly absorbs. She has a completely blank wall of learning. She will learn by what I ask her to learn, unknowingly. I didn’t realize until today how carefully does she observe everything around her, including me.
She has all her senses open and active-probably hyperactive. A vessel can be filled up with more force when it is empty. She is an empty vessel. She is all ready to perceive. She is all ready to receive. Receive is all she does right now. She understands what I tell her, what I emote to her.
What I do today, will eventually turn up as a personality in her tomorrow. Every good thing I do will take her a step closer to being a good human. Every bad word, bad action, bad expression of emotion from me will drag her to evilness. She’ll be my mirror. It is me who will define what she will grow to be. I am the one to build a strong, positive foundation of her character. I have the responsibility to craft a mold, a fragile, sensitive mold. I am up for it.
I seek strength, sensibility and maturity to help her being a strong, independent, noble – human over everything else.