Kids Short Story – A save from someone’s conspiracy
Photo credit: singhajay from morguefile.com
In those days, Swapnil was working in a software organisation. He had become friends of many, but among all, Raj was his favorite Similarly Raj also used to idolize Swapnil the most among all in the office for his nature, humor and wisdom. Their friendship gradually was tightening. And naturally that fell into notice of many. Among them few took it sportingly, but most of them started envying that.
Moreover, Swapnil, because of his wisdom also was a very successful employee. He used to manage his work well collecting appreciations from his managers. So he fell in the bad eyes of many as it happens generally. Though people are successful, they in 90% cases would envy another person’s success whether less or more than his.
Roni was one of that kind and used to belong in that group of people who always used to envy other’s good. He used to work in Swapnil’s organisation only. So day by day Roni also started envying Swapnil to an extreme limit because of his good friendship with Raj and his personally being so successful in this career. His envying reached such height that he even thought of conspiring against Swapnil. Roni started thinking of such a plan with which he could teach Swapnil a lesson and it would stop him becoming successful anymore in this career and also his friendship with Raj would come to an end.
Roni still was yet to arrive at a plan when one morning, while coming to the office, saw Raj entering an ATM. He quickly hid himself and started keeping a watch on Raj. After sometime he saw Raj coming out of the ATM with a good bunch of 1000 rupee notes and after ending his counting, also putting them in his office bag, finding it the safest place of all, to keep in.
Roni immediately got an idea about how to make his wish successful against Swapnil. As he reached office, he again continued keeping watch on Raj. As usual, Raj, after reaching his cubicle, kept his bag and went out to the restroom. This was Raj’s everyday’s routine and so, that day also he completely forgot about the money, he kept in his bag and that, for that day he should not leave his bag alone and go anywhere. Roni also saw, Swapnil who also used to come early, seeing Raj going to the restroom, went there as well. Both came out together and went for some tea. Roni knew this was the only chance he had to execute his plan.
He quickly went to Raj’s cubicle, opened his bag, got to see the money at one chance, as he has seen Raj keeping the bunch in his bag, took that out and quickly proceeded towards Swapnil’s cubicle to keep the money inside Swapnil’s bag, escaping all other’s notice who was present there that time, so that when Raj not finding his money in his bag, would check everyone’s bag and would get it from Swapnil’s bag, thus their friendship would be coming to an end and also Swapnil would be accused of stealing and sent to jail and thus leading to a mark and deterioration in his career.
But in the meantime Raj on the way remembered about the money in his bag, told to Swapnil about that and both decided not to go for the tea for that day, leaving his bag alone. They immediately returned. But as Swapnil was entering he saw Roni keeping the bunch in his bag. Raj somehow missed that. Roni again dint notice that they have come back and Swapnil has seen him keeping the money in Swapnil’s bag. Roni quickly completed his job and came back to his cubicle and sat down.
Now Swapnil understood whole of Roni’s plan, as he quite well knew that Roni used to envy him. But now if he tell Raj, that Roni has taken the money and kept in his bag to trap him, Raj though would believe that in front of all, but not from heart. As in these cases the thief always try to save himself giving the blame on others. Also Swapnil was there inside for sometime after Raj went to restroom. So that time was enough for him to take the money from his bag and keep in his own bag, which Raj would know and think very well. Nor he could take that money out from his bag and keep the same back again either in Raj’s back as then also he would come to know and think that Swapnil had had stolen, or in Roni’s bag as he also was sitting near his bag, or in anyone else’s bag as then anyone else can see him doing that and think he has only stolen and now trying to escape putting the same in someone else’s bag.
Also if he blames Roni in front of all, that wont be a good thing in this public place, as Roni also has some prestige, and Swapnil also doesnt want to directly make enmity with anyone, though Roni was meant for that after stealing as per his conspiracy. So what’s the alternative? Raj would day by day stop keeping any contacts with Swapnil, and thus Roni would be successful in implementing his plan’s one part successfully.
In the meantime just after returning, though was sure that nothing would be going to happen with his money within this short span of time, still to cross check once more when Raj opened his bag, he was completely shocked and taken aback by a mile. The money was not there. Raj was unable to think anything else other than where could the money go within this so short time. He started saying in subconscious mind, “Hey yaar, what would happen to me now. It was a huge amount. It would take a long time for me to earn that amount back again. Yaar I would die”, and started crying.
Swapnil also in the meantime thought of a plan so that Raj gets his money back and their friendship also doesnt break. He held Raj by his shoulder, helped him to sit and then said, “Dont worry yaar. I am there right? Dont you have faith on me. I would find out your money and also you could go home today with that itself. Just give me 5 minutes.”
Raj nodded and said, “No yaar, that is false hope that you are giving me. I know I wont get it back again. Whom would you blame here? We havent seen anyone taking that by our eyes.”
Swapnil still told Raj to sit in his place calmly for 5 minutes and he would be thinking of a solution. Swapnil told, “Yaar you are my friend. So your sorrow is mine as well. And in this sorrowful situation I wont be able to think. Please stop crying and give me just 5 minutes and allow me to think for a solution. I am 100% sure that if I am given just 5 minutes to think calmly, I would be able to think out of a solution.” Telling this, and seeing Raj a bit calming down, Swapnil quickly went to his cubicle.
Swapnil could have well then taken the money out of his bag and kept in the dustbin. But since some has already come to know about this, seeing Raj crying, would try to look for money everywhere. And even seeing someone taking money out of money purse would catch their sight from far like eagle finding its prey and make them suspect. The money colour would attract them. So Swapnil wanted to do something else except taking the money out and leave it where it is as it is.
Swapnil then logged in his system, opened the notepad and wrote something in it. Then he immediately gave it for print and collected that from near the printer, escaping all other’s notice. Then he folded the same properly and kept inside his own bag along with the money secretly. Then he went back again to Raj’s desk and said, “Yaar as I told, I have thought of a plan now to get back your money. And I believe there’s no other way other than this. See we cant blame anyone as because we havent seen anyone stealing the money. But can we also not request everyone to show you their bag, atleast those who were present at that time, when we went outside? Everyone would understand and agree, since this is about a huge amount. It would look bad indeed that you are suspecting your colleagues but that is primary option in these type of cases. If still not found, we could think of something else then, like consult HR, ADMIN etc. Just go to each one’s place and search the bags of your own. For ladies’ bags take help of one lady and of another lady to search the first lady’s bag in turn.”
Raj agreed as he had no other options, was hopeless finding this the last way out and so started. As it was his turn to search Swapnil’s bag, he was a bit reluctant. Seeing that Swapnil only told, “Hey yaar, we work hard day and night to earn these bucks. This is our primary right. Friendship, truely speaking comes later than that. Please go ahead. Even if you dont get it from my bag, I would still remain your friend as I am now, though you searched my bag.”
Raj as expected while searching Swapnil’s bag got to find his rupees, surprisingly. Swapnil noticed how Roni was smiling in happiness thinking of the future consequence. But to everyone else’s surprise Raj also picked up a folded paper along with those rupees. Swapnil also pretended to be first taken aback finding the rupees in his bag, as usually a person does, getting a sudden surprise after not expecting and then surprised seeing the folder paper.
Raj unfolded the paper and it read,
“Sir I am one from your organisation only. I somehow came to know that you have some fair amount of money with you today. And as I was really in need for some money, thought of stealing the same from you.
Now I thought that if I keep it in my bag and then the owner not finding it searches everyone’s bag and get it from my bag, I would be blamed and punished. But again like others I also dont want my name to get disclosed in front of all for a bad reason. So just not to keep trace of my handwriting, by which anyone could come to know who I am, giving print out instead. Request you that now since you have got back the money, be happy with that and leave the thought of finding me out.
Swapnil is a good guy, and so dont want him to get trapped because of me and so am telling that he has not stolen this. Please dont blame Swapnil. I just kept in Swapnil’s bag in a hurry as I was scared that anyone might get to see me doing this and not finding any other bag than Swapnil’s in front of me that time. I had a plan to take that out again from his bag and keep in mine while returning home if the money stealing incident is not at all discovered by the owner.”