ROSY AND ROBIN – Short Story for Kids

Kids Short Story – ROSY AND ROBIN
Photo credit: irkengirdib from
Rosy is a cute little girl studying in St Johns Little Primary School. She is living in Velachery village along with her cute little sister called as Baby, mother and father. His father is working in a grocery shop in the village and her mother is good at singing. Rosy likes her mother singing and as and when she comes from her school, she runs to her mother and tells her to sing a nice song. Her mother sings songs for her two daughters and even though Baby is not much interested in her song, Rosy likes her songs very much.

Naughty Monkey
Photo: sullivan from
Robin is a little pup brought by her father one year back from the nearby forest. Robin was left by his parents. Rosy likes to play with Robin and Robin is very fond of Rosy. He could not speak, however, he utters small voices and communicates his feelings and Rosy can very well understand his language.
There are a lot of trees and plants nearby her house. Birds come to the trees, stay on the trees, sing various songs and fly to the other village. Monkeys which are fond of mangoes, jump onto the branches of the mango trees near her home and once the monkeys visit the mango trees, Rosy lifts her long stick and threatens the monkeys. Robin joins her and shouts in his rough voice at the monkeys and monkeys have no other go except to leave the place disappointed. They know very well that once Rosy leaves for her school, they can comfortably sit on the branches of the mango tree and eat as much mangoes as possible. However, Robin the bad boy comes out of the house and shouts at them and never allows them to taste the sweet mangoes.
On one Saturday, with the language book in her hand Rosy came to the little garden in front of her house and started reading. Robin came to her, sat near her lap and watched her reading. He could not understand what she was reading, however, he hoped that Rosy would one day become a great teacher in the village school.
While Rosy was about to complete the second chapter in her book, her mother came there to her with two pieces of sweet strawberry cone ice creams. She handed her one piece and by the time she was about to leave the place, Rosy took the other ice cream from her mother’s hand.
“Dear Rosy, you have already one – why you want one more ?” – asked her mother.
“Mummy my dear, it is not for me – it is for our Robin” – replied Rosy.
By the time her mother left the place, Rosy was about to hand over the other ice cream to Robin and suddenly the Cunning Crow which flew from the nearby tree at a great speed tried to pick up the ice cream from her left hand.
Rosy stood astonished thinking that the ice cream would be lost for ever and sensing the opportunity entrusted on him to prove his bravery to his master, Robin jumped on to his feet at the Cunning Crow. Left with the only choice to save her life, the Cunning Crow flew to the nearby tree and sat in one of the branches.
Robin looked proudly at his master – Rosy. He could eat his ice cream happily then; because he served his master courageously at the appropriate time thus deserving an appreciation and a suitable reward.
Rosy thanked Robin and handed over to Robin the ice cream.
Robin tasted a sweet ice cream for the first time in his life and it was really good.