Kids Short Story – Nags and Haddu Fly in the Sky!
Photo credit: Schick from morguefile.com
It was a bright and beautiful morning, our cute little Nags was super excited, his new best friend had made him an offer he just couldn’t resist. Now that Haddu and Nags had become the best of friends, they did everything together; they played together, ate together, shared secrets and had almost become inseparable. But today it was something new that they were going to try.
Haddu had casually asked Nags, “Hey Nags, would you be willing to fly with me up in the blue sky, and float with the light-white clouds?”
Nags just couldn’t believe his ears, he jumped at the offer, “Of course yes” he screamed “I always dream of flying, yes, always, please let’s do it”, he pleaded.
“Let’s do it then” cried Haddu. You see it was the first time Haddu was taking anyone with her up in the sky and obviously she too was very excited.
The two super happy friends were shivering with excitement, Haddu suggested first, “Hey Nags, you coil yourself around me tight and then we can easily take off into the clear blue sky”.
Nags happily did as told and immediately started the count down, 3…2…1… Go….!! He closed his eyes in anticipation of the new experience, he imagined himself floating in the sky and breathing in the fresh air, and then he opened his eyes, to find them still on the ground!
“What happened Haddu, why are you not flying?” he asked, there was no reply, he checked what was wrong, our Nags in his excitement had coiled himself on Haddu along with both her wings! Haddu just couldn’t flap her wings!
“Sorry”, he said uncoiling himself. “This was bad” they chorused.
Now it was Nags turn, “I think I know what we can do” said Nags with the confidence of having just solved a very complex problem, he proceeded to coil himself around Haddu’s neck, “see, now your wings are free to flap” he said. But Haddu just couldn’t take it, she was feeling breathless and suffocated, Nags sensed it, he immediately let go of himself and stood beside Haddu, crestfallen, he couldn’t fly after all.
Haddu tried to cheer up her friend, “its okay Nags” she said, “I know we both are very intelligent, let’s give this thing a thought, we will definitely figure it out and we will fly for sure”.
Haddu’s encouraging words renewed and refreshed Nags’ body and thoughts. Now both of them sat down, thinking of different ways in which they could fly together. Ideas were thought, exchanged, analysed and rejected, this process went on till nine of their ideas went down the drain! And then sparked the tenth idea, it was simply awesome, this idea had them jumping and shouting with joy, they had just figured out the correct way and were very eager to try it out.
First Haddu took her position, next our cute little Nags jumped on her and perched himself on top of her head! taking care not to coil too tight, he gently and securely held her head. It looked divine; it was like Haddu was wearing a beautiful crown! Both of them were delighted as now at last they could easily fly together!!
Ready, steady, 1…2…3 they cried in unison and our eaglet flapped her wings with all her might and soared into the blue sky. Our Nags was stunned, he couldn’t believe that he was actually flying, taking in the fresh air, with the wind caressing him gently. He was mesmerised with the view, the light and white clouds he could touch, the leaves of the giant trees he could feel, the swiftness, the thrill, the beauty, he sat there absorbing them all, the whole wonderful feeling of him flying in the clear blue sky. His heart was filled with gratitude for his dearest friend who had made this possible. Haddu was also enjoying her flight, she was happy that her dear friend was able to experience what she felt every time she flew, she was very happy.