Kids Short Story with Moral Lesson – A Best Tool for Success
Photo credit: slowfoot from morguefile.com
Jack seems tired walking down the street all his way home, well, he experienced it everyday. This was Jack’s life, because they are poor, his parents has no enough money to pay for the school bus, that’s why Jack walked everyday, all his way home. Jack is a good student, and a good son to his parents. He always prayed to god before he sleep, he doesn’t seems lonely, he always smiles to other people and great them “good morning! ” or “good evening!” and he prays unexpectedly for a mere boy.
He prays like this : “God of heaven and earth I thank you for all of the blessings you gave and to all foods that we ate even if it doesn’t enough for us. God protect us always and make us strong everyday so that we can go further even if we are tired and hungry. God Please help me to find job so that I can help my family and myself. I prayed this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
No one taught Jack how to pray like this, well , his parents were very busy finding money for the family. His father is a good fishermen and he taught Jack how to fish. Jack’s grown to be a good man and he got scholarship from the government and he was taking up law. One day Jack decided to go fishing, as past time, he went to nearby seashore. Jack sets up his baits, he got plenty of fish time to time. After he got enough. he decided to go home.
On his way home, he saw a poor boy, he seems hungry and tired, he was sleeping in the corner of the street. Jack felt pity for him, he said to himself “how can i help him, when i got nothing at all,” jack sigh and was looking to his basket, “i had got only fishes, and what will he do with it.” Jack Sigh again.
Suprisingly the poor boy ask for the fish. Well, Jack gave it with no hesitation, then he left. Jack wondered if those fishes could possibly helps the poor boy, in the next day he decided to went fishing again, and like yesterday he got plenty and enough fish, he took the same shortcut road on his way home. And just like yesterday he saw again that poor boy laying on corner of road. He wants to give his fishes again but he think “if I would gave this basket of fish again, this will help him for today but tomorrow would be another thing.”
well, Jack thought its nonsense to gave him fish again, so he decided to gave his fishing tool to that boy and he taught him how to fish, the boy seems don’t like it but day by day jack taught him patiently Jack decided to moved out for reasons and left the boy.One year later Jack was surprised because the boy gave him a basket of fish and letter with it.
It says “Dear Mr. Jack, I have decided to be a fisherman and one day I will be the biggest supplier of fish in the whole country. Thank you again and have a good day! Brother.”.
Well, 10 years later the boy who was taught by Jack became the biggest supplier of fish in the industries. Jack also finished his studies and became a good lawyer and he established his own law firm. Jack and the boy became close friends and they help each other as brothers.