Photo credit: jdurham from
“Hello – dear Peter and Prema; are you joining for your dinner tonight ? Now I am going to tell you an interesting story about Mr.Jones.” – Shyla started telling the story to her children who were sitting beside her in the bed.
“Velachery is a small town in the southern part of Tamilnadu. Once upon a time, there was a big house with huge halls, bed rooms, kitchens and toilets. There lived a three year old baby called as Mamata . She was a cute girl and the maid servant, Arya had to run behind her every time the baby escaped her attention.
One day when Arya went to the kitchen to bring milk for the baby, Mamata slowly stepped out of the room. She came through the backyard and ran towards a small rest house situated on the backside of the big house.
As nobody was living in the rest house, people in the house kept all old furnitures, televisions, play materials etc. in the rest house. Mamata slowly moved into the room. She was surprised.
“Oh – now I am having a lot of toys to play with”.
She went to the corner of the room and sat comfortably and started searching for the broken toys which were hidden amidst the old furniture items. She played with the speeding car, idle tortoise and sleeping kitten. She was playing and playing and slowly she thought of sleeping for sometime.
“Mamata was now playing in a small house. She was having three friends, Lorry, James and Mercy – all small rats who used to play with her throughout the day. Suddenly during one evening –
“Oh, what is this, am I not feeling well?” Mamata could feel her temperature rising. Lorry noticed her and slowly whispered into the ears of James and Mercy.
“We should help her. Unless we bring a doctor immediately, probably she may lie in the bed for many days” – told Lorry.
“I am afraid. I don’t know how to help her?” – replied James.
“Why can’t we meet and bring Dr. Jones?” – asked Mercy.
“Who is Dr. Jones?”, asked Lorry.
“The doctor living in the nearby street “– replied Mercy.
“Ok, a good idea – you take care of Mamata. We shall both meet Dr. Jones and bring him here within minutes.” – told Lorry to Mercy.
In a couple of minutes, Dr. Jones arrived. A big umbrella made out of Lotus leaf was in his right hand. A small brief case containing medical instruments and medicines was in his left hand. He walked slowly into the room where Mamata was lying in the bed. He was having a big stomach. He could not move very fast because his stomach was so big that he could not move his legs freely. With a broad smile in his lips and a lot of confidence in his face he was coming slowly and very slowly. His eyes were sparkling with joy.
Mercy saw Dr. Jones.”Definitely this man is going to cure our Mamata” – she thought and smiled and greeted Dr. Jones.
Dr Jones peeped into the room and saw Mamata lying in the bed snoring slowly.
He opened his brief case and took out the stethoscope, checked her pulse and smiled at her friends – “Nothing to worry. It is a mild fever. She will be alright within an hour. Give her these tablets.”
Dr. Jones took his brief case and came out of the house. Lorry brought the lotus umbrella to Dr Jones. And again Dr. Jones keeping the lotus umbrella in his right hand and the briefcase in his left hand started moving towards his house with a broad smile in his lips and walked slowly with his big stomach and small legs.
Lorry, James and Mercy sat nearby Mamata with a painful look in their eyes.
“We missed a lot of games today” – cried Mercy.
“Don’t worry – she will be alright within an hour” – consoled Lorry to Mercy.
Minutes went by and Lorry, James and Mercy were asleep snoring heavily.
By the time Mamata opened her eyes, she could see the maid servant, Arya looking at her astonishingly. Arya took Mamata by hand and started moving towards the big house.
“Mamata felt sad – “Why I am missing Lorry, James and Mercy – my little cute friends ? ”
Tonight her mother would definitely tell her that she was having a nice dream while she was sleeping in the rest house during the day and Lorry, James, Mercy and Dr. Jones were her dream-friends only.