Children Short Story – THE FUTURE PRINCESS
Photo credit: mzacha from morguefile.com
EMILY was an adopted girl she was twelve when and her (step)father died.Her (step)mother suffered from cancer and died,she left his 2 years old son in Emily’s hand.
Before this all Emily was living a perfect life with her new born brother.She loved him as her real brother.She thought of her (step) mother as a best friend.And her (step)father her loved him a lot more than his own son.She was that busy in her perfect life that she never felt that those were her step parents.They were rich and Emily was the beloved daughter of his father.She always had her nose pinned in books.She liked to study.
THESE things were before the death of her parents but afterwards….All of the sudden she had to leave the banglow because her step uncles never thought of her as a real niece.
They betrayed and got her fake signature and took all of her and her little brother named harry’s property.She thought that her god was not happy with her.
She could not see her brother starving so she became the slave of a cruel woman who had three sons and two daughters.The cruel lady took a lot of work from her and didn’t paid much to her.
But it was that much that she could feed milk,one time supper and buy the cheapest books to her brother and him.She new that she could never come out of the cruel lady and her kids. They treated her as if she was an animal.she hidded her harry whenever they were in anger. SHE always thought that she is not giving proper attention to her brother.She thought as if her luck went weeker everyday.
Than all of the sudden she heard a voice,“Emily,you creepy tan animal .Come here! Lick my foot as a punishment”,shouted he youngest daughter of cruel lady.
“Than wash my clothes,put them to get dried,assemble my shoes and clothes in the cupboared and clean my room.And yes,do not forget to do this all in twenty minutes or you know what i will do with Harry”.
Emily never argued and did everything in time .
After doing her work, the third son of the cruel lady jeered her,“You silly brat girl.Come and do my work”.
Emily sighed,“But i have to do some work in the kitchen.”
Do my work or you will be seeing Harry’s face the last time today”,replied the the third son.
“Your majesty i’ll do everything you say .Please forgive my brother”,cried Emily.
After doing all the day’s work,she slept at three O’clock at late night.She woke up in the morning like everyday routine and taught his brother at six O’clock in the morning .She made the children’s breakfast and fed her brother.She mopped the whole house and cleaned the dust out.Whenever she saw Harry she used to have large tears in her eye. This time her brother also cried and said in his childish language,“didsh,why are you clying”?He meant to say dids why are you crying.She said she was crying just because she was feeling tired.Harry said he wanted to eat ice cream .Emily went to the cruel lady and asked her,
“mam actually my brother he_he wants to _to”,she stammered and said rapidly,“mam my brother wants to eat ice_cream so can i get him one”.
The cruel lady glared at Emily and shouted,“NO,how dare you asked me for it?You insane?Have you seen the time,now leave,go and get the vegetables”.
Harry and Emily went to buy vegetables.In the way Emily started feeling thirsty,they tried to find water or any well near .They found a cave .It was glowing from inside.It was just as if another world existed in that cave.
Harry loosed his hand from Emily’s hand and ran into the cave.Emily followed him and herd a voice,she felt as if her god has intervened and the little voice came from heaven itself.The cave had money,gold and diamonds in it.It included a treasure box which had a paper on which Emily and Harry’s new house address was written and had the key of their new car.
Colour rise in her cheek and light sparkled in her eye.The voice which she herd said,“YOUR DAYS ARE NOW CHANGED AND YOU WAITED SO YOU ARE REWARDED”.
They both held their hands into each other and began a new life,in which Emily is a princess and Harry is a prince.
__ END__