Kids Short Story – A Day In the Life…
Photo credit: Alba from morguefile.com
Aimee-Mae woke up one morning, and looked around at the butterflies and flowers on her wall. “Mommy, the sun’s awake!” she yelled in excitement. To her, this meant that it was time to get up and get ready for the day. Aimee is a smart and spunky two-year-old who is amazed at everything that comes in her path.
“Come on Mommy, it’s time to get dressed,” she said, as she grabbed her mommies hand and pulled her down the hallway; “I want to dress like Snow White today.” Aimee rummaged through her toy box until she found glittery red shoes with Snow Whites’ picture on it. “These are beautiful,” she said in awe, as she slipped them onto her feet. Then she went to her closet and tugged at the red and yellow dress until it flung off the hanger. She slipped the dress on, and twirled in circles until she was dizzy. “Mommy, it’s time to make you a princess,” and away they went, on a journey to the back yard.
Aimee tugged and pulled at the sliding glass door and let out a sigh of frustration. Her mom tried to help her but she pushed her hand away, “No mommy, I can do it myself!” she yelled. Once they were in the back yard, Aimee stopped and looked around. She said “Hello” to the trees, and “Have a wonderful day” to the butterflies. She even greeted the squirrels as they ran across the lawn. Out of the corner of her eye, Aimee saw a stick lying in the middle of the yard. She ran over to it, skipping and humming along the way. She picked it up and yelled, “Mommy! Look, my magic wand!” Aimee made her way back to her mommy and was very excited when she reached her. “Now I can make you a princess mommy,” she said. “Swoooshh, swooossshhh,” she said, as she waved the wand in circles around her mother, “Bibbity, Bobbity, Boop!”
Ever since Aimee could talk, all she talked about were princesses and witches, pink and purple, Snow White and Ariel. Aimee’s’ mother asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, “I am going to be a princess”, she said, “Then I will turn into a Queen, like you.”
Aimee loves her mother dearly, but she also loves her daddy and baby brother. When speaking of him, she calls him Prince James. “Mommy, Prince James needs his bottle.” and “Mommy, Prince James stinks, and I think you need to change his diaper!” Aimee helps her mommy with Prince James all the time, from feeding him, to changing him, and also giving him a bath.
Besides being a princess during the day, Aimee loves to spend time with her daddy; especially on Sundays. For Aimee, Sundays mean football day. Sundays are the only day she gets to run around and yell at everyone and everything, without being told to quiet down. “H, I, K, EAGLES!” she yells, as she sees her dad clapping, “Touchdown!”
After a long day of princess exploring, and playing with her daddy and brother, Aimee gets tired. Her mommy gives her a bath and lays her down in her princess bed to watch Sprout. “Mommy, you know I don’t want this. I want Ariel,” she said with a yawn. Aimee kisses her mommy, rolls over, and closes her eyes. “Goodnight Queen Mommy,” she said tiredly; “I’ll see you tomorrow when the sun wakes up.”