A Kids Short Story – Chocolate Bar
Photo credit: Jusben from morguefile.com
It was Neelam’s sixteenth birthday. She had invited all her friends to a after school birthday treat, at a nearby candy store. Among her friends there were these two fellows Rishi and Raj. They stood away from each other giving a grim look as if they were sworn enemies or something. But it was not that case, infact they were the bestest of the best buddies once, their friendship was a candid to the eyes of onlookers. But nothing lasts forever.
Neelam had anticipated this day much earlier than one could imagine.All she needed to do was take care that neither Raj nor Rishi did anything to spoil her day. How Neelam wished that they did be back together. Also she doubted her move to bring them simultaneously for her treat. But how could she muster such courage when she already knew the reason for Raj and Rishi’s frown faces. It so happened that Raj forgot Rishi’s birthday and this thing annoyed Rishi. Later the same turned into a spat had a fight and both went their own ways. So Neelam to avoid any such circumstances had to invite them together.
Now at the candy store everyone was shouting “billy” “billy” “billy”. Billy was the name of a large chocolate bar which a local entrepreneur sold by the name of Billy Chocolate Bar. Neelam ordered twenty three of them one for each of her friend. Neelam herself took the first bar and had a go. Now one can imagine how much her stomach was craving for that chocolate bar. While munching her chocolate bar it was not long before she realized the were one short. On inquiring she was told they were out of billy bars. Now the one remaining was to be shared between Rishi and Raj. She some how knew it was a all lose situation, who so ever picked the bar there was going to be a row now. All she could do was to curse the attendant her fate and who so ever, that too in her mind.
But to Neelam’s aghast nothing such happened. Instead she witnessed a bizarre thing for that moment. It was Raj who picked up the chocolate bar with moist eyes he gave it to Rishi. And Rishi instead divided the bar into two and there was a strange smile in their faces. Neelam couldn’t imagine what was more bizarre their chocolate sharing or their smile with tears. All were so confused with the sudden turn of events that no one dared to ask anything. Neelam couldn’t digest anything what on earth did happen here. Had they quarrelled it could be explained but not this. Only thing she could do was wait and keep guessing.
(Flash back)
It was first day at school. Raj stared at the crying faces, away from their home for first time. They were crying as if there was no end to their sorrows. Among these crying kids this shy little kid was being brave looking for something or perhaps someone. His bravery came from a chocolate bar which her mother gave him for experiencing this new world. He saw a boy quietly seated at the furthest corner. God only knows why Raj went and approached that boy and offered his source of strength. On the contrary the boy took the bar and broke it to two pieces and each had their share. That boy was Rishi. It was the chocolate bar which started a new friendship. So it will be the chocolate bar which will come to rescue one day.
One never cares about small things in life but these small thing make our life.
A kid is ready to share his ultimate possession, are we?
Ratikant Mohanta.