Kids Short Story – Break–up with Shark
Photo credit: gbh from morguefile.com
Difficult to believe, but I had a break-up at the age of 6. The more ridiculous is the fact that it was because of a peanut. I was having a handful of peanuts and suddenly heard it coming. Since then the sad episode of the fall-outs had just begun.
On my 7th birthday, I wanted an almond flavoured cake with vanilla icing and like everyone else I too wanted to enjoy. Who knew that I will be hurt on that day too? This time, it hurt a lot. I cried for hours and hours. Everyone in the family tried to console but of no use. I just could not see it going.
My heart broke and I weaved a cocoon around me not willing to do anything. I started to feel that someone doesn’t like me being happy.
Please No, not anymore. I couldn’t take this.
I had a special liking for reptiles and this time it was my beloved Shark. I could see it wobble and felt sore.
The next day soreness increased as I witnessed the fall of my Shark. Tears fell from my cheek like a waterfall and it went on and on and on.
I added to my soreness by counting the number of fall-outs I have had so far.
EIGHT ? And I counted again; Eight was correct figure.
Worried I decided to talk to my Mum and she said it’s nothing darling. You are growing up. It might be bittersweet for you but you will be amazed at the replacements you will get.
And she took me to meet up with someone.
Guess, I was meeting a Dentist. He helped me lie down on the dental chair and gave me a chart to read with heading in bold: ERUPTION CHART FOR PRIMARY TEETH.
He showed me something that excited me, at few places a pearly white thing is seen. It was my Permanent teeth hiding and ready to erupt.
My mom had already told the doctor about the sad episode of loosing my Shark teeth.
And the doctor said, Dear Child, you will now have canines and incisors to take care off.
Brush your teeth twice a day and change your toothbrush every month and you can keep loving your teeth till you grow old.
I realised later that it was no break-up, I was just getting older.