Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
There was a museum in a village. On which there was written ‘it’s all a magical museum and after a thousand years a boy will come and he will disclose the magic’.
It was written on the door. Every one used to come and visit that museum. Its name was thousanda years museum. Ali was a student he went to thousanda years museum with his whole school on a trip from school there he saw fighting position status , swords in there hands , sitting on camels and elephants .and there was a magic man moving his golden stick and his stick was now also moving they all were surprise to see that . then at a side there was a glowing key in a glowing box and it was at the ground floor of the museum and no one was aloud to go there and the box was as big as an elephant and the key was as big as a lion .it was looking very heavy from the top.
Ali takes snap of the museum. when he went to home he was very tired he went to sleep at his dream he saw all the things alive in the museum.
He saw the magic man waving his stick and saying la li lo make it statue have gold in it la li loo and my wound always be waving like this la li loo 0spanisher magicar sam statue.
thenali woke up he was scared. then he discusses his dream with his friends. they said lets go and visit it again. he said visit it again, his friends said yes. ok then let’s meet tomorrow because it’s too late its 12 o’ clock. no it’s the right time to go. awwwwww now wwww im too scared, don’t be scared ali we all are with you. ok you people will help me yes of course. coughcough ali what happen im suffering from flew today i will go tomorrow. ok ali then ithink thet sara sana jhon and juli will go today. ok we agree with it. ok said ali. by ali we are going. oooh im sleepy im going to sleep bye hanna. ting tong oh whose there on the door im hanna. hanna today is saturday why you come here to pick me for school. im too worried because all the friends those who went to the museum they didn’t come back. what, yes .come lets rush to the museum. oh yes. ali see this is the statue of their four they are running and hitting the magic man. fast run from here comeon . let’s go to jojo baba and tell him the entire story.
My child i understand your thing this is the spell of bobay magic man said jojo baba. baba can you tell the story to us. yes, once upon a time there lived many sharp people in a village. sona pur people came to attack the villagers they already have enough gold but then also they were so greedy that they attack the poor villagers.
village said don’t attack like this come to mima ground for battle all agree to this in the battle from the both teams people were losing and just few were winning. magic men bobay was so kindhearted that he cant ber all that fighting he wrote on a paper that after a thousand a boy will come and he will disclose the magic and finish the magic and finish the magical poisonous key and then he put the paper on the nearest tree and started casting the spellon the ground and the box and the key also start appearing and all the people started being a statue. this is the entire story. baba how do we broke that spell. by taking the magic key and open the door where is written
but be very carefull because at night strange things happen in the museum all the things started walking and the statue if touches anyone the person also become a statue and spell comes on him or her also. baba whats the best time to go there. my child the best time is to go there after mid night. thanks baba now we are going. ok open the door of successes and free the people those who are prap there and those innocent people who have been a statue. Hanna this is the museum gate said ali this was not the gate of the museum.
no this is the back side of the museum. lets step inside the museum hanna. tun tun tun ali 12 o’ clock. im feeling scared ali. don’t be scared you silly girl. ali im thinking that if any statue will touch us and we will also become a statue then who will come to save or rescue us . no it will not happen hanna im promising you.
ok don’t waste the time here lets go in. hanna this is the only way from where im taking you to the box. see hanna you have to jump from here but be cautious that don’t fall inside the box other wise idont know what will happen 1, 2 wait ali we have to jump from such a long distance.
yes 1, 2,3jump ouch hanna. hanna fall inside the box and fell into that part from which the magical key could be destroyed. ali fell on to the ground. ali was watching all that suddenly a spark come out and museum finish and the mima ground start pppearing and the box was getting smaller hanna jumped out from the box they both were surprise to see that all. sudenly the box disappearand a small golden key come into ali hand they rush towards the door of success.
they open the door and statues start being a normal person sudenly a sound came today is the thousand years past and i am the bobay magic man. all the people those who were been a ststue they were huging each other. the villager leader and the sona pur leader came and join there hands and said from now we are one country one nation and are country name is thousanda. our country leader name is ali the king and hanna the queen yehhhh hiphip hurray. they all sing the song happiness is finding the pencil. and then the four friends [sara sana john juli] come and huge them both. then there was a second part of the story ali the king of thousanda. then they all lived happily ever after.