Kids Short Story – A Blossomed Friendship
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Raju was a bright, kind and helpful boy. He obeyed his parents and teachers. He had excelled in academically as well in sports. He was a role model for others.
In school there was another boy named Nitin who was very rude to all. He would make fun of others and mock at them. He was naughty and would be a menace in class too. He was too disturbing and would always play pranks on other mates. Teachers had hard time dealing with him and they would complain his parents but his unacceptable behavior. His parents too had made attempts to improve him but all tactics had not brought in the desired change in Nitin. He did not like Raju, as he would always be in the limelight. Nitin desired to be the best boy in the school but somehow Raju always bagged the title of being the most outstanding boy.
During play time all children would go down the stairs running to reach the playground. Raju was going down too. With the feeling of aminosity, Nitin on purpose pushed Raju who went rolling down and hurt his head. He was rushed to the hospital by school authorities and class mates.
Every one learnt that it was Nitin who had created this mishap. Since then all stopped talking to him and ignored him. Raju took a month to recover. He missed his school lessons.
Nitin was feeling very bad for what he had done and lonely as all in school avoided him. He was guilty of what he had done. He wanted to apologize for all the bad deeds that he had done till date.
Nitin built up the courage and visited Raju who was indeed astonished to see him. They both exchanged greetings. Nitin requested Raju to forgive him and said that this episode had completely changed him. He promised that he will never ever indulge in wrong practices. Raju was very happy to see Nitin as a positively transformed personality. Nitin also equipped Raju with all the lesson notes that he had missed. He would visit Raju everyday and spend time with him.
The day Raju resumed back to school, Nitin was the first person to receive him at the gate with a huge bouquet of flowers. Raju met school officials and his mates and told them how Nitin had helped him with notes and kept him abreast with studies. All were pleased to hear about Nitin’s promising act and appreciated him.
Thus, Nitin and Raju became very good friends.